'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

Ligature - Old Testament Books

The Pentateuch

The Book of Genesis

This event is from the Book of Genesis, as well as, copied from the blog CTCFaith.blogspot.com. The reason of the both the old and new testaments is in the very beginning of the holy bible. Selecting to illustrated Jesus in the creation of the planet, the paper attempted to prove the 12 disciple were apart of the formation of the created world, and Jesus was God as man on earth, hence, Jesus and the 12 Apostles. Genesis 1: 1-28 is the event selected for this paper. 

Google Image: Eden
Another interest to this proof is from The Names Codes. A name by name video detailing the persons of The Holy Bible; more importantly, that it was written for and about Jesus Christ from the beginning of creation. Jesus was not the exception, He was the chosen by spirit of faith, and shared as a creation founder. Jesus is one in the trinity. He is the Son with the Father and The Spirit. An Alpha member in the beginning, and the Omega at the world's end.

The Book of Genesis

Mathematics is a intricate part of the Holy Bible. With biblical calculations scientists are able to plot this planet's histories, as well as, human existence. By using mathematics  the ancient populations were able to redesign the entire earth to fit its special needs. More importantly, mathematicians managed how followers moved along with our Living God. Recorded in both biblical testaments, mathematics is an intricate part of the written scripture. 

The number 12, throughout the books, represents the whole of God's creation. The number 12 is represented and the 12 disciples, is first presented in the book of Genesis, and ends with the book of Revelation. A few others, 12 tribes of descendants, 12 Commandments of personal order i.e. the Mosaic 10 Commandments...two of commands were not listed but left blank as Moses couldn't recall just what they were, (Judas and Peter). 12 prophets both major and minor; and, as before, the 12 disciples of Christ.

In this paper and event, Genesis' 12 elements of creation is selected to illustrate the first set of the number 12 with the purpose earthy plan by God, The Almighty.

Below is how the number 12 is illustrated in Genesis 1, verse 1 through to verse 28...

Father, Son and Spirit - verses 1-2

Day, Night - verses 3-5
Dome(sky) - verse 6-8, 14-19
Water, Dry Land(vegetation) - verses 9-13
Animals - verses 20-25
Man, Woman and Child - verses 26-28

Totaling, in creation the numbers go as...3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3 = 12.

Interesting is the sequence to this numeral phenomenon. Among the many mathematical advancements  in today's world, is this sequence, 3,2,1,2,1,3. Formally understood and widely used it's called the 'hyper-language' i.e. 'html'. Our modern computer technology uses this language in computer technology and computer web and database designs. (NASA)

Genesis 1: 1-28
In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, 2. the earth was a formless wasteland,and darkness covered the abyss  while a mighty wind swept over the waters. 3.Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. 4. God saw how good the light was. God them separated the light from the darkness. 5. God call the light "day", and the darkness the called "night." This evening came, and morning followed--the first day. 6.Them God said, "Let there be a dome in the middle of the water below it. 7. God made the dome, and it separated the water above the dome from the water below it. 8. God called the dome "the sky." Evening came, and morning followed--the second day. 9. Then God said, "Let the water under the sly be gathered into a single basin, so that the day land may appear " And so it happened: the water under the sky was gathered into its basin, and the dry land appeared. 10. god called the dry land "the earth", and the basin of the water he called "the sea." God saw how good it ws. 11. Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth vegetation: every kind of plant that bears seed and every find of fruit tree on earth that bears fruit with its seed in it." And so it happened: 12. the earth brought forth every kind of plant that bears seed and every kind of fruit tree on earth that bears fruit with its seed in it. God saw how good it was. 13. Evening came, and morning followed--the third day. 14. Then God said: "Let there be lights in the some of the sky, to separate day from night. Let them mark the fixed times, the days and the years. 15. and serve as illuminates in the dome of the sky, to shed light upon the earth." and so it happened: 16. God made the two great lights. the greater on to govern the day, and the lesser one to govern the night, and he made the stars. 17. God set them in the dome of the sky, to shed light upon the earth, 18. to govern the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. God saw how good it was. 19. Evening came, and morning followed--the fourth day. 20. Then god said, "Let the water teem with an abundance of living creatures, and on the earth let birds fly beneath the dome of the sky." and so it happened: 21. God created the great sea monsters ans all kinds of swimming creatures with which the water teems, and all kinds of winged birds. God saw how good it was, 22. and God blessed them, saying, "Be fertile, multiply, and fill the water of the seas; and let the birds multiply on the earth." 23. Evening came, and morning followed--the fifth day. 24. Then god said. "Let the earth bring forth all kinds of living creatures: cattle, creeping things,and wild animals of all kinds." And so it happened: 25. God made all kinds of wild animals, all kinds of cattle, and all kinds of creeping things of the earth. God saw how good it was. 26. The God said: "let is make man in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the cattle, and over all the wild animals and the creatures that craw on the ground." 27. God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them. 28. God blessed them, saying: "Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the living things that move on the earth."

Historical Introduction

The Book of Ruth

 It can not be emphasized enough the matter of the 'Mar'. The Book of Ruth is a primary book in the bible which talks about the notion of 're-transfiguration'. With Naomi's story, Mara, she was transformed by a personal death of her husband and two sons. It can not be emphasized enough the matter of the 'Mar'. The book of Ruth is a primary book in the bible which talks about the notion of 're-transfiguration'.

With Naomi's story, Mara, Naomi was transformed by a personal death of her husband and two sons. Much like the metaphysical endemic species(Wikipedia) on Darwin's Galapagos Islands and Alfred Russel Wallace, Mara's too are metaphysical. 'Mara' is the third stage of the Mar new life cycle. Aristotle's proposal is among the first to evaluate the notion of re-transfiguration which evolved into evolution such as with the Darwin's Theory. From this author's understanding evolution in this form of carnage birth is really called methophiris.
The proposal that one type of animal could descend from an animal of another type goes back to some of the first pre-Socratic Greek philosophers, such as Anaximander and Empedocles. In contrast to these materialistic views, Aristotle understood all natural things, not only living things, as being imperfect actualizations of different fixed natural possibilities, known as "forms", "ideas", or (in Latin translations) "species". This was part of his teleological understanding of nature in which all things have an intended role to play in a divine cosmic order. Variations of this idea became the standard understanding of the Middle Ages, and were integrated into Christian learning, but Aristotle did not demand that real types of animals corresponded one-for-one with exact metaphysical forms, and specifically gave examples of how new types of living things could come to be.(Wikipedia, Evolution)
From the paper Pastor: Advanced Studies, The Book of Amos, 'Mar', when the mention of this metaphysical phenomenon, was apart of the Negro societies. The reason with the Mar is the blacken body the form has when they first step forward from the corpse. Always evolution, their names would have some form of the word Mar within them. Though they may choose other names to call themselves, the DNA typo-word has mar somewhere within it. Best known biblical examples are Samaria, Watchtower-Watch Mountain and Mary meaning Love and Creation(OCE).
Recent scientific studies(Discovering 'Mar' in the Darwin Evolution Process, Journal of Science, 2010) on 'Mar' has shown during certain stage developments in Opium addiction a 'Mar' develops inside human flesh...perhaps what scriptural Naomi was referring to. The journal claims while using ultra-sounds the depiction of the movements and voice patterns were heard. The words 'Mar', 'Elis', 'Tower' and 'Sun' (or son) were heard during several examinations of these opium addicts.(KAPpastor:AS, Emos)

Throughout ancient history select persons are examples of the Mar threads. An important first example is a king of Egypt named 'Hatshepsut'. A female who ascended the throne turned the entire Egyptian region to the worship of the Amman-Ra:
Ammon was worshipped under several names with different attributes. As Ammon-Ra, he was the sun-god, with his chief temple at Thebes; as Khem or Min, he was the god of reproduction; as Khnum, he was the creator of all things, "the maker of gods and men". In the latter character he was represented with the head of a ram, the animal sacred to him, or simply with ram's horns; under this form Ammon was best known to classical writers, who always attribute horns to him. The chief temple of Khnum was in the oasis of Ammon (now Siwah), where Alexander the Great worshipped him. (OCE, F. Bechtel)
From statutes, images, and etchings, Hatshepsut was a Mar in the stage of 'Qua' with the wide, protruding eyes common to the metaphysical creation of Mar. She is also known as Queen of Sheba. With questionable circumstantial proof, Sheba could be associated as Marib in Yemen(PainterofWord.com). Hatshepsut was the regent who formed the nation today called the Jewish people by turning Egypt into a red wine drinking nation and away from the opium addition. Sadly, her reign lasted only 20 years, but from it came Moses, the Hebrews, Mosaic Law with the 10 Commandments, and the word 'Amen'(ISBN, James Millar). While Jesus Christ said of her in Matthew 12:42, “The queen of the South will rise up in judgment with this generation and condemn if, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon.”

It is believe that the Jubilee Year in Mosaic Law is the real purpose for the exodus, but this doesn't say the Pharaoh was angry about the Jews leaving Egypt. Finally, her burial place is the lead temple in the Valley of the King.

The selected event from the Book of Ruth suggests that the Ruthian record is actually stages of development during the opium created human called collectively 'Mar', its stages in red wine use, and the falling away with the return to opium with all the delusions for each stage, recovery, and re-entrance in opium addiction.

 Ruth 1 :1-6
Once in the time of the judges there was a famine in the land; so a man from Bethlehem of Judah departed with his wife and two sons to reside on the plateau of Moab. 2. The man was named Elimelech, his wife Naomi, and his sons Mahlon and Chilion; they were Ephrathites from Bethlehem of Judah. Some time after their arrival on the Moabite plateau, 3. Elimelech, the husband of Naomi, died, and she was left with her two sons, 4. who married Moabite women, one named Orpah, the other Ruth. When they had lived there about ten years, 5. both Mahlon and Chilion died also, and the woman was left with neither her two sons nor her husband. 6. She then made ready to go back from the plateau of Moab because word reached her there that the LORD had visited his people and given them food.
For information, 'Mary', the mother of Jesus Christ, symbolizes 'creation'. With an understanding of 'Mar', the transformation from the death to the living in her conception of Jesus through the intervention of the 'holy ghost to holy spirit' as recorded in the gospel books Matthew and Luke. Note: Marthew(Matthew) and Maruke(Luke) are metaphoric stages. Also, Moab means 'from father' with the location described as the deep chasms lead down from the tableland to the Dead Sea shore, the principal one being the gorge of the river Arnon(ISBN).

Wisdom Books

The Book of Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes seems to have been compiled for teaching different types of rhetoric, i.e., narratives, proverbs, parables, and allegories(USCCB, NABRE, Ecclesiastes). Hoping to influence students in the concerns of captivity, the Egypt permitted the Ecclesiastic collections as are source to guide and construct the concrete thinking of their human subjects. The collection is placed in the three century, Hellenistic colonies in the Judea region. The word Qoheleth, 'teacher', is used to either the intention of the masterpiece or an actual person. For English readers, Ecclesiastes is used as the translation for that personal title.

For this paper's event, the division of the book into 4 parts creates the word 'SAVE' as  illustrated below.

Ecclesiastes 1:8 
 All things are wearisome; man is not able to tell it. The eye is not satisfied with seeing, Nor is the ear filled with hearing

Ecclesiastes 4:1
Again I saw all the oppressions that take place under the sun: the tears of the victims with none to comfort them! From the hand of their oppressors comes violence, and there is none to comfort them! 

Ecclesiastes 7:1
A good name is better than good ointment, and the day of death than the day of birth.

Ecclesiastes 10:1
Dead flies corrupt and spoil the perfumer’s oil; more weighty than wisdom or wealth is a little folly!

Prophetic Books 

The Book of Amos 

An event in the Book of Amos is it the third chapter starting at verse 1.  Amos worked as a gardener among the sycamore plantations in the northern kingdom of Israel, or the clans of Ephraim. Not properly schooled in any of the theologian thought, Amos still became the Ephraimites primary prophet during the Jeroboam reign (Wikipedia, Amos). Nevertheless, Amos' religious proclaims gave rise to the thought surrounding the Ammonite nation living within the Ephraim territory. Thereby, calling the convent children out from among the tribe of Ephraim for a personal  return to follow the Living God "I Am". Amos forecasted of the Ammonite violations in verse 13, chapter 1,"Thus says the Lord: For three crimes of the Ammonites, and now four- I will not take it back- Because they ripped open pregnant women in order to extend their territory..."

Chapter 3Proclaim this in the strongholds of Assyria, in the strongholds of the land of Egypt: "Gather on the mount of Samaria, and see the great disorders within it, the oppressions within its midst." 10. They did not know how to do what is right- oracle of the Lord- Storing up in their strongholds violence and destruction. 11. Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: An enemy shall surround the land, tear down your fortresses, and pillage your strongholds. 12. Thus says the LORD: As the shepherd rescued from the mouth of the lion a pair as sheep's legs or the tip of an ear, So shall the Israelites escape, those who dwell in Samaria, in the corner of a couch or a peace of a cot.

From these two verse selections, it appears that the use of abortion is used to subdue the nation of Ephraim. But what is noted able in Chapter three. Very close to the modern events that happened in 2012 with the abortion and natural medicine scandal first started in the USA and followed in the country of China. It appears that the women are workings as prostitutes, verse 12.  Though, as readers it is possible to understand the word territory to mean land or the nation itself, but it is also possible to render the meaning of territory to expanding the business, here the one of medicine...a crude example of the art of natural medicine.  Samaria known for multi-spouse, that is multi-husband, suggest that men are leading this 'human' industry and its insanity. Also,  verse 12 suggests that the crime is  possibly being conducted by priests as sheep's legs and ears are a metaphor for the abomination to the altar sacrifice on the Israelite alter.  During the time of Amos, the Israelites were to have their escape from this crime by means of harvest from the "corner of a couch or a peace of a cot." Again, both a allegory to the Old Testament laws of the harvest and the poor.

Natural medicine

The Book of Hosea

Hosea is perhaps the best scenario of human incest behaviors among the wayward worshipers of early Jehovah; and, today, in among many Christian Church communities this failure is evident today. The selected verse is Hosea 3: 1-4. Here 'raisin cakes' seems to begin a cycle of unfortunate religious failures to a true worship of the God called "I Am", that is, the God who created the earth, man, etc. Throughout Hosea iconic events of Jesus Christ are a direct foretelling of a sexual, incestuous relationships to the worship of Ashera, the female fertility goddess and counterpart of Baal(that is, transgender  was an attempt to parallel the two worships with God and the future Jesus His son of 'God as man'. By using both words and icons directly related to Jesus Christ, Ashera has gathered a rich wealth that is eventually hand over to the authorities of a Baal worship that got started. Her constant swinging back and forth between the two ended after a final failure to build upon the prophecies and enter into lifestyle of a living Christ or "the vine". These 14 chapters are an epilogue of a preacher's delusional with her many resources available to her while living within the proposed early, a such called, Christian safe house of the vine. Meaning, though the 'vine' (wine) was known and used, this ancient female preacher wasn't able to remain only in its use but in a repeating cycle she returned back and forth between wine and opium. Finally failing, she and her community fell into the worship of Baal.
Hosea 3:1-4 
Again the LORD said to me: Give your love to a woman beloved of a paramour, an adultress; Even as the LORD loves the people of Israel, though they turn to other gods and are fond of raisin cakes. 2. So I bought her for fifteen pieces of silver and a homer and a lethech of barley. 3. Then I said to her: "Many days you shall wait for me; you shall not play the harlot Or belong to any man; I in turn will wait for you." 4. For the people of Israel shall remain many days without king or prince, Without sacrifice or sacred pillar, without ephod or household idols.

Prophetic Books

The Book of Jonah

The region of Tarshish. Or, better said, the opium addicts. But, even better is the theory that the Book of Jonah is an allegory of the separate events that took place while Jesus was in the Roman prison being guarded by the Jews. In this book the fear of the 'black tar' people ultimately enveloped Jonah(Jesus), and Jonah became as an unbeliever. Jonah's returning to the All Mighty God is when the fear created by the opium delusions finally subsided. This allegory is illustrated in other old and new testament books such as Isaiah, Job, Jeremiah, and Revelations. The reason scholars believer the book of Jonah is about Jesus in prison is the fact that Jesus himself refers to Jonah as a person to seek to better understand Jesus and his mission as the coming Lord.

And, upon his return from both hades and heaven Jesus would serve those who knew what attrition meant through the visions of drug addictions.

Beginning to plead, Jonah tells God about the "breakers and billows", "the mist of the sea", "weeds wrapped around his head" , and completely engulfed in its flood are all delusions common to the early through advanced stages of opium addiction. With the last verse of this chapter the term "dry land" is used. Dry land is seen at the end of the structural change of opium addiction as the new addict sees a strip of dry land on which that person firmly plants themselves digging their feet into the dirt hoping to tightly catch hold.

Where the "roots of the mountains" also an allegory for Baal worship at the Mt. Sinai coupled with "the land whose bars closed behind me forever" suggests witchcraft or multi-god worship. Remembering the Jewish sorcerer bar-Jesus(Book of Acts) in the New Testament, it is possible to understand what is meant at the selected verse for this book's event.

To illustrate this, the event in Chapter 2 has bases of opium additions or 'Tarshish', the black tar of opium used much as the nicotine of opium.

Chapter 2
But the LORD sent a great fish to swallow Jonah, and he remained in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. 2. Jonah prayed to the LORD, his God, from the belly of the fish: 3. Out of my distress I called to the LORD, and he answered me; From the womb of Sheol I cried for help, and you heard my voice.4. You cast me into the deep, into the heart of the sea, and the flood enveloped me; All your breakers and your billows passed over me. 5. Then I said, "I am banished from your sight!" How will I again look upon your holy temple?" 6. The waters surged around me up to my neck; the deep enveloped me; seaweed wrapped around my head. 7. I went down to the roots of the mountains; to the land whose bars closed behind me forever, But you brought my life up from the pit, O LORD, my God.

Prophetic Books 

The Book of Nahum

Assyrian relief from Nineveh, now in the Perga...Image via Wikipedia
The Book of Nahum the Elkoshite (Shi`ite) is the prophecy to people of Nineveh. Several statements in the text describe the behavior of the inhabitants. Beginning at Chapter 2 is when the chariots racing is first mentioned. The vehicle called the chariot adds a mark of distinction to the owner as it is considered a vehicle of pleasure or entertainment. Parading and racing through the streets it is used in its most dangerous form. Turned into a fast street racer, the victory had to include crisscrossing at intersections for a victory. The losers to the intersection crash into each other thereby forfeiting their lives. 

This Old Testament record in the Book of Nahum details this type of sport that kills thousands most of whom had been taken from the vine, that is, grape wine; or, better said, Christ believers).

 The misuse of the herb Pharma Kava leads to, in the earliest stages, genetic disruptions to the human physical logy in the appearance of the horror fabled 'Dracula'. The herb also causes delusions of torches, lightening, a jumping, whipping sounds, rattling wheels, and glittering sparkles...all signs described in the verse selection below.  In long term use, Kava is addictive. It creates the delusional character 'Medusa'(snake goddess) in the near final stages, and scientist has discovered that the spores are carried on this planet by falling space meters hitting into the soil.

The Nahum historical record describes the chariots as a flaming torch with the appearance of a sword of lightening, jumping with whipping sounds, rattling wheels, and glittering sparkles. The book also remarks that the vibrations of the vehicles passing by caused the trees to tremble; and, finally, on the racing concourse itself were drunkards booking money bets on the races. In the witch craft at Nineveh, both the chariots drivers and the evil worshiping crowds enjoy, to the horror of the Lord God, repeatedly running over top the dead at the reported intersection travesties. The Lord see a very evil person, a great, well-favored harlot who carried them away from the One God with witchcraft described as, "empty, void, waste and has turned them into the grazing stock". The book also states this mayhem's horrific leaders are all 'women'. In Chapter 3:13 a brief mention of ‘bars’ maybe be cross-referenced to Acts 13:6 "bar-Jesus". As described as "dead of the vine", this practice may very well be a witch's compromise to the Mosaic law of burning to death the practices of that devil craft.
Chapter 2 
The LORD will restore the vine of Jacob, the honor of Israel, Because ravagers have ravaged them and ruined their branches. 4. The shields of his warriors are crimsoned, the soldiers clad in scarlet; Like fire are the trappings of the chariots on the day he prepares for war; the cavalry is agitated! 5. The chariots dash madly through the streets and wheel in the squares, Looking like torches, bolting like lightning.
Chapter 3 
Ah! The bloody city, all lies, Full of plunder, whose looting never stops! 2. The crack of the whip, the rumbling of wheels; Horses galloping, chariots bounding, 3. Cavalry charging, the flash of the sword, the gleam of the spear; A multitude of slain, a mass of corpses, Endless bodies to stumble upon! 4. For the many debaucheries of the prostitute, a charming mistress of witchcraft, Who enslaved nations with her prostitution, and peoples by her witchcraft: ... 13. Yet even she became an exile, and went into captivity; Even her little ones were dashed to pieces at the corner of every street; For her nobles they cast lots, and all her great ones were put into chains. 14. You, too, will drink of this; you will be overcome; You, too, will seek a refuge from the foe.