'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

July 30, 2015

Trash FLASH: OU's Summer Session Fly Bytes

OU's Summer Session Fly Bytes
Summer 2015

Summer session has begun at University of Oklahoma. The dumpsters are loaded pizza boxes hovered over with mechanical flies...seems OU has a new computer chip design program this year.

Italians students hang out on patios, pools, and railway yards hoping to get a byte out of their crime wallet. One after another Roman student being hauled off to jail violently screaming Sol Invictus (the Santa Claus God) at the US citizens.

Holding a temperment of disgust and villainy, the illiterates under Roman authority won't obey American laws and they chant damnation of the American people, country, and it's slave free position in the world, all the while, queering the home wreched population as to why all them slave gots away.

As citizenship rejects, these ineligible for American degrees because of both their political and religious beliefs squit on all four hoping they know bear and cougar words while waiting to hear from happy posters like KAPB.

In esoteric studies the words are, "as above, so below"...as for those who wait, watch, and scratch the byte shit off, "Oh, my Fu...ing God, we hope not"