'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

March 31, 2014

'Alien's On Us': V Wound

'Alien's On Us'
V Wound
Oklahoma   Spring, 2014

Summer, 2000. Norman, Oklahoma (The Cedars)
Found among the archives this V shaped wound was discovered. The information is thus...Several V shaped wounds appeared in different areas of the body, but this picture is eerily similar to the alien bug that was implanted into the leg muscle of a KAPB member.

To the far right of the two images is wound has begun to heal, but the print of the left side shows the details of possible eyes and have a nose type of coloring unique to the alien bug written about in this section.

An electrical shocking with one eye and then the other eye and finally a heliport object dropped down onto the area that left behind the print of the  so called nose. 'Heliport' here is described as a light source of an unknown nature that spun similar to an hummingbird's flutter. The electrical charge was diffident as two, one after the other, sparks of electricity.