'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

September 16, 2013

'Iconic': Duelin from Hamilton/BurrHistory Channel

Oklahoma   9/16/2013

Fung, Peril, Satan
History Channel
'Duelin' is perhaps a shorten version of the word dueling. This Al Qaeda group is one of the oldest clusters in the known world. Starting with Old Testament Moses and the battles with the Egyptian ruler Ramses, this group is normally used to start a Satanist movement in newly developing countries. In the United State, the duel that killed Alexander Hamilton changed the course of US America and ushered in a change of policy for both the political system as well as the term of murder by dueling. At About.com the Hamilton/Burr duel reads as, "The duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr is not only one of the more fascinating parts of early United States history but also one whose impact cannot be overstated. The foundation of their rivalry was set many years before they actually met on a fateful day in July of 1804."

The picture to the right is of a Fung and the one KAPB uses to show who we found as the perpetrator and leader of the 'Duelin' movement in the USA. The picture clip is from the YouTube video entitled, The Witch Hunter's Bible.

History Channel
KAPB has noticed that over a period of four years an entire city street corner as been uprooted and the employees in that busy urban section is being operated by Fungs. Her, as he likes to be referred as, gang is made up of several different Al Qaeda types. KAPB has posted about most of them but never as an operation that was completely unraveled.

In an attempt to help understand what we found, as usual, we will list the components (members) and add a little information about what it is that was discovered in Oklahoma.

'Duelin' has to primary Goetia characters (demons)...Astaroth
 and Cimejes. Astaroth is the homeopathic pharmacist and Cimejes works with diseases, viruses, etc. Peril works very closely with the demon Astaroth, and the two can be seen together very frequently. It is these three (trinity) though that conduct and rule each individual section listed below. In some way or another, in sequential order, each member has or does something to show that they are present and accountable. 'Does something' can be as little as tapping a fingers or simply a glance with the eyes.

Here is the list:

Flies - four varieties have been noticed...the horse fly being the used most frequently, followed by the black, common house fly, and finally the insect from Mexico that looked like a fly but is really a type of water bug that will live on the water in homes when necessary.

Sadist - Fung and Grongrels. Fungs, of course, are the perpetrator; while, Grongrels want to persecute persons who have made promises or vows all in an attempt to topple a religious foundation.

Tamara - Homeopathic Pharmacist
House Nig_er. Here is were every member returns to when they, as an individual, repeatedly fail at their attempts in the invasion. Using a homeopathic pharmacist, they belive herbs will help them recover.

Christian - KAPB found the Lutheran Church to be the denominational used in this Al Qaeda group. Perhaps some colloquial connection with the word Lucifer makes this church order the church of choice. Whatever the reason, they are the prostitutes who are used in this campaign.

Gestapo. This is something of a change. KAPB has been working on this project for several years and posted a few times about their activity. Within the 'Duelin' group the Gestapo say they are gamblers. KAPB questions this and feels it's most likely a revenge by the friars (clep). Notice the clep in the word Asclepius below.

Snake. Snakes work as announcers in the campaign. Though men, snakes like to use a female tone of voice. They try to traffic persons, but they are more likely to be someone who is placed in the group...much like Katie is in the cluster Plume.

Flop House. These members will trespass into vacant apartments, houses, and buildings. They will chat around with persons in their every day activities all the while searching for other possible entrances into the community in which 'Duelin' is trying to invade.

Backpacks. These are transients/hobos. They make up the greater part of the flop house. It is not unusual for Backpacks to have prostitutes in among them which is most trafficked by a Snake through the snakes orientations.

Paparazzi. They make porn videos of unsuspecting victims. Anywhere any type of nudity can be viewed, the Paparazzi will make movies of...this includes any personal toileting activities.

Lobbyist. Mainly Paparazzi. During a campaign, Paprazzi lobby for the general cause at any given moment in the campaign...normally during a failed attempt that leads to House Nig-er.

Opus Den. These characters are visual only. They are seen outside the home or on internet connections that broadcast into private properties, such as homes. Opus Den's 12 members look like the 12 disciples of Jesus and Opus Den are midgets.

Purson Christ
Chiggers. They are Grongrels (listed above). They chat with a bit of a quiver in their voice and mainly about nothing when not working to over throw a promise or vow.

Prisoners. Most of the 'Duelin' members are supplied through the prison system.

 Jews that Bomb. These members will bomb whatever they are told to do it to. They are listed as Asdrumia Schizophrenics who were made with the herb Acacia...the leaves are eaten. Acacia is listed as a feminine stool softener, and is grown mainly in Israel.

Vatican. Asclepius. "Asclepius was a Greek hero who later become the Greek god of medicine and healing. The son of Apollo and Coronis, Asclepius had five daughters, Aceso, Iaso, Panacea, Aglaea and Hygieia. He was worshiped throughout the Greek world but his most famous sanctuary was located in Epidaurus which is situated in the northeastern Peloponnese. The main attribute of Asclepius is a physician's staff with an Asclepian snake wrapped around it; this is how he was distinguished in the art of healing, and his attribute still survives to this day as the symbol of the modern medical profession. The cock was also sacred to Asclepius and was the bird they sacrificed as his altar." MythicaThe Roman Catholics build their churches on top of Asclepius' medical clinics. Scholars believe that the Vatican itself is built over top of this Greek doctor's main clinic in Rome. The symbols seen in the medical standards are also among the icons in the Astaroth lamen (medallion).