'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

November 12, 2015

Iconic: Bull or Seahorse?

Bull or Seahorse?

In the bayous in the state of Florida, the seahorse live and breed.

Along the shoreline of these water inlets it's very easy to see numbers of seahorse mating during their courting seasons. The round hole ports on the head of the bull in this image resembles those seen on seahorse at mating seasons. Therefore, it may be a statute from an ancient seaside temple. Homer, the Greek author, wrote a lifetime of dramas about the sea and what effects it has on the people who live and work with oceans and rivers, including the waterways of the two.

November 9, 2015

Iconic: The Roman Romulas Statute

The Roman Romulas Statute

KAPB has posted dozens of pages about the Romulas influence on the ancient Roman people. Several posts had pictures of that Goetia character, but not as clear as the images with this post.

A little history for new viewers. In order to create some understanding of the dog god worship of Rome it should be noted that Concords is the name of the upper room in the Vatican...major decision are made there. Concordia is a dog god worshiped up until the late 1800's by the Church. Soon after that period, they returned to the Sol Invictius worship of swapping places to avoid failure. From Egypt, the Romans carried back Seth, some say dog, others say beetle. It was in the mixing of the two, Seth and Romulas, that Sol Invictius became known. Whether Greek, Egyptian, or Roman  the first happenings of a dog god worship in Rome is always debated...for sure Romulas is a Goetia character. Therefore, Romulas (brain) was first, Egyptian medical was second, and Greek mythology is the study of mankind behavior according to the human brain and it behavior over the person.

November 5, 2015

Iconic: Mary Statute

Mary Statute
Nov 2015

Everytime a picture of a statute, let alone Mary, KAPB simply falls to tears. The eyes of the girl in this photo barely filled with stone before the stone mass hardened. Sure was brutal in ancient history. Surpriseingly , these types of statutes can still be found here and there.