'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

October 22, 2012

'Iconic': Human Tree Truck

Human Tree Truck
Oklahoma 11/1/2012

During the upgrade of a few highways in Oklahoma, this tree was cut down because of a termite infestation. But, the tree behind it is what this post is about.

Planted during the settlements of the Oklahoma territory in the early 1900's Land Acquisitions, wind breaks were aligned along the southwest wind flow. For those new to this, Oklahoma has the most powerful wind storms in the USA.

During the planting of this wind break, a girl or possibly a boy was buried beneath the standing tree in the rear tree. The image in the tree trunk is the reason KAPB says this. Either of the two died, or was murdered, and a baby tree was planted directly on top of their corpse. With the human enzymes slowly invading the small plant, the two became one...with the exception to the human's form taking shape in the tree trunk. As humans live off of the soil, it is a matter of physical science that is relativity simple.

This kind of horticulture makes identifying the dead person very easy as an exact image of the person will be seen in the trunk and bark. What's also is clever here is the image of two dogs on the other side of the trunk. They must have been buried at the same time. If you are ever in Norman, OK you can visit all of them at the old tree wind break between Alameda and Main, in other words, Walmart and BK(burger king).

October 19, 2012

Definitions: Moon 2

Moon 2
Oklahoma  10/19/2012

Moon's (and Moon2) are long-tern HIV...that is, a multi-generational HIV carrier. The term GAD (generated aid disorder) is suggested by scholars as one a the Israelite tribes who traveled among the 12 tribes. 'Moon' could be classified as Gadite, Hittite, or Hivite according to the Holy Bible Abraham and Sarah both favored the Hittites and both were buried inside the territories of the Hittite.

'Moon 2'. HIV. The reason they are called this is that they can resemble both a male and a female. 'Moon 2' favor a double-decked apartment house so they can live in both the upper and lower apartment.

Like the other HIV 'Moon', 'Moon2' will wear a wig of human hair, except this fashion designed wig still has part of the human scalp attached to it. Leaving the dried scalp intact enables the wig wearer to nourish themselves with both hair oil extracts and flesh enzymes from the attached scalp.  These type of wig designs are used during blood withdraw that causes violent migraines attacks.

'Moon2' prefer organized crime as a vocation, including child abduction, abortion, and murder of, primarily, females.

'Moon' are and HIV, long-term...that is, a multi-generational HIV carrier. The term GAD (Generated Aid Disorder sometimes referred to as Junked Elongated Warfaren [JEW]) is suggested by scholars as one a the Israelite tribes who traveled among the 12 tribes. 'Moon' could be classified as Gadite, Hittite, or Hivite as according to the Holy Bible.

October 16, 2012

'Vehicles': PT Cruiser

PT Cruiser and the Patrol Officer
Oklahoma   10/16/2012

The Ford PT Cruiser has been pick-up by the mob. Working in prostitution, mob Cruisers are driving around hoping to pick someone up and go for a ride through a red, traffic, light district.

This big time sex offender gets a kick out of offending female police officers; hence, the color of dark blue that the offender has to drive.

It's also been noticed that the Ford innovation is attracting all kinds of sex offenders as more and more of the cruisers are found to be the home of one form or another of those in sexual gravity.

This sex offender is detailed in the Holy Bible with a reference to 'Cymbals' and 'Gong' (1 Corinthian 13:1). Somewhat of a 'Tang' catha, the sound of echoes can be heard in everything that hums, crackles, or snaps.

But the Ford PT Cruiser? What does PT mean in Goetia cosmos.

October 14, 2012

'FLASH': Moon Light Killer

Moon Light Killer:  Transgender Anahitta
Oklahoma 10/14/2012

304 Chalmette Dr.

The home of a 'Moon'. Moons hate light complected people. They will literally kill a person simply for the wrong color of their skin.  The Moon associated with this post says she killed 'Oliver'.  It's not sure just who Oliver is, but for sure she said she disposed of him.

Moon's favorite word is 'Cathor' and she works for the 'Catha'.

2014: Sense the original posting of the Moon Light Killer, she has moved away, but it's doubtful if she has left the area as this type of killer isn't likely to redevelop a killing ground. Moon will wait until they are arrested and released before they try again.

Moons are classified as transgenders.

View Larger Map    304 Chalmette Dr.

'FLASH': Family Dollar Stores

Family Dollar Stores
Oklahoma 10/2012

Family Dollar located on Alameda in Norman, OK is the neighborhood merchant who recently remodeled their store as the former building was in sad disrepair.

With rumors of gangsters, prostitutes, and murder, the store kept everyone looking through the windows. Well, the neighborhood will be looking through the windows again as  prostitution has once again sprung up its head.

Using the bait and switch method of robbery, two cashiers working at this Family Dollar location are sending male hookers out the door with either 'no rings', 'under rings', or 'over rings'.

Hopefully upper management will get the leader, who the cashiers call 'Bruce'.

October 7, 2012

'Vehicles' Black: Lesbian Feeder

Black: Lesbian Feeder
Oklahoma 10/7/2012

The black car in this photo is a member of the 'Dormice'...black rat, or black mouse. It's suggested that the Dormice fraction has its roots in the early Cathor movements of Southern France and Northern Italy. Where ever this group started, they are connected within the AlQuadan.

This fancy black auto is the owner/driver/rider is one of the only girls in the clam who is 'not' a prostitute. She is called a feeder.

Feeders supply the temple with semen, and in this case, the semen is from the girl mentioned above. It is through this person the church priests, in all branches of the Roman Catholic Church, are encouraged to drink a potion mixed in with this person's active lesbian semen. Thereby, the church maintains a congregational supply of men who will behave to the words associated with the Mole` virus.
They are always in the disorder called 'molee'.

Though the priest have male, same-sex affairs they remain a local lesbian as 'molee' will subdue 'solee' (homosexuality).

The second most important girl who supplies semen is also not a prostitute, likewise the car is black but the back end has a higher bubble rear trunk much like an older model Mercedes.

'FLASH': Simcha: as a Religious Lawyer

Simcha: as a Religious Lawyer
Oklahoma  10/7/12

Simcha is one of the persons who is a central character in the Inquisition era dating at about the 17th century inclusion for the Christian church. Simcha is the Jewish girl who, with her two children, fled the Western Europe area by hiding inside of Christian churches. Her husband, a Jewish convert, was put to death for his conversion, but Simcha was given sanction by the same priests. These priests aided Simcha's flight to another country. What happened there is believed to be that Simcha was favored...perhaps the priests seen her as a Catholic Cardinal to understand the situation more fully. Again, though Jewish, she was allowed to practiced Christianity, use the Christian churches as a refuge, and have protections from the Christian Inquisition though flipping back and forth between the two denominations.

Today Belgium is also believed to be the home port country for Simchas.

In Norman, Oklahoma, Simcha is currently standing as a lawyer. She uses the name 'Lynn'  The picture with this post, the girl is Lynn (Simcha). The scuttlebutt is that she is there listening and reasoning for the Catholic Church as a lawyer on their behalf.  The chances she is a lawyer is slim, generaly they are not, but work in the area of child prostitution.

'FLASH': Burger King Bob

Burger King Bob
Oklahoma  7/2012

A favorite in the fast food business, this Cathor(catho) is the man that is seen in many a restaurant. 

Food is a big plus with Cathors, so the fast food industry has a high priority with them.

Normally a light offender of children, they can generally get employed at restaurants with play rooms or grounds. Burger King is owned by the Catholic Cartel, therefore it seems likely that a Cathor would be at the top of the hiring list. 

Appearing to have a congenial family arrangement chumps can appear to have a warm, managed family arrangement. Chumps will also move around from country to country using one church ministry or another.