'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

September 30, 2012

'FLASH': Cathor in Cool

Cathor in Cool
Oklahoma  9/30/12

Complying with Rome Catholic Community, this Cathor, sometimes they are called a 'Dourch', will work as a messenger for their hidden god of Dogan... picture of Dogan is the white and red dog doll in the Plutonium logo.

You can be sure a shuttle message was sent out if this fellow was in the area.

'FLASH ': Panda Garden and the Soup Kitchen

Panda Garden and the Soup Kitchen
Oklahoma  9/30/12

Will it happened! Yes, the Chinese restaurant is getting their food from charity distribution centers. Only moments ago the restaurant located in the Alameda area in Norman, OK was informed by state legal authorities to the fact that Panda Garden is being held responsible for their forced entry into a judge's home while coupled with Laotians in the hopes of gaining special provisions in way of food goods from private food bank resources being arranged in the newly sovereign state of Oklahoma. Perhaps a food quality check by the state is in order for the restaurant chain.

2014: Nothing has changed. Varies types of the unprepared food is still coming from the Food Banks in Oklahoma. Seems the Garden feels KAPB are just simple gossips! At $13.00 a plate is not gossip, it's what's on the plate, or is it platter.

Definitions: Martha

Oklahoma  9/30/12

Martha. Greek. Opium. AOm. 'Martha' is a Greek occult movement derived after conquests of other countries. 'Martha' is similar to the Greek's Mar system in that nepotism is the political movement both occults use. The exception with 'Martha' is that the members are created through the Terrette, mother/child semen, method of retardation. The Terrette or Martha's become the answerable authority or co-vert spy. The nepotism in 'Martha' takes place when the mother is removed from authority and the infected child becomes the ruler. 'Martha' is the very last political induction by a conquer into a campaign that has failed in the hopes to establish an underground or so called ghetto 'Palace' of trivial soldier as a reward for efforts in conquering their own country for that other nation's king's rule. Religious occults also use the 'Martha' method as "What's goes into the mouth" with that biblical scriptural reference. The highest concentration of 'Martha' member is around middle school areas.

September 26, 2012

'TorTureD': Yep

Oklahoma  9/26/2012

Word: Yep
Red Word: Pole
Location: All ten finger and toes
Relative Information: acronym for 'Your Electrical Pinkie' Both left and right sides of digits. The size of the pack embedded in the finger or toes will either enlarge the voltage to a sharp shock or decrease the assault to an annoying hum. Called out as - hand, right, 5, right, yep - will send the volt to the right hand thumb right side of the thumb. Small digit is #1 with #5 being the larger digit (thumb/big toe)...ring finger being #2, etc. This type of electrical shocks will also remove skin from the digits leaving both skin and a light weight gravel in the shock area. KAPB believes this is a temporary arrangement as small light wave platforms are visible during the assault. Photos will be added when they become available.

September 22, 2012

'Aliens On Us': 'V' Fly Bite

'Aliens On Us'
'V' Fly Bite
Oklahoma  9/21/12

Well it happened! I got the photo but I also got bit. Some days after the cedar pine needle (V for Visitor post)  post casting shadows, a KAPB member was physically assaulted by mechanical flies...four in total.

The accompanying photo is the, now healing that wound the biting fly left behind.

Looks like the planet Mars.

September 17, 2012

'FLASH': College Cupcakes

College Cupcakes
Oklahoma  2012

Original entry: "Look at the picture in this news release! Did KAPB hit it on the dime! Oh boo bad boys.... (And, KAPB responded..."Whatever!")"


College Football's Cupcakes: Savvy Or Shameful?

How Masochism and Attendance Apathy Highlight the Economics of College Football's OpeningWeek

 ps. the grass sucks!

KAPB. Eastern Studies pays my bills.

September 14, 2012

'Iconic': Quotations: Carl G. Jung

Quotations: Carl G. Jung
Oklahoma  9/14/2012

The Swiss psychologist, Carl G. Jung, once remarked that...

"Society is the sum total of individual souls seeking redemption."

Purchase KAPB artwork at any 
local bookstore.

September 13, 2012

'Iconic': Witch's Lair and Mandu

Witch's Lair and Mandu
Oklahoma   9/13/12

The pictures with this post are of a common, sub-urban, farmer who grows herbs, etc. for herbal apothecaries. This apartment is known as a Witch's Lair. As the good luck pieces such as two dowel slatted wooden chairs and a wicker settee are normally somewhere close by. 

The way to know if it's truly a witch's lair is to get soil samples from around the outer yard of the lair house. There, in the soil, should be traces of the herb 'Mandu'...some may call the herb 'Mandrake', but really the two herbs are different. Mandu, a neurological stun gun to the central nervous system, is illegal herb and grown only in a nursery designed for natural medicines and their apothecaries. 

If the herb 'Mandu' is present in the soil then truly it is the home of a witch. Why? Witch's hate dogs! And, they want their lairs protected from any type of dog evidence, paw prints and dog hair, 
as well as the usual, urine and waste. Animals who play in the grass where Mandu is present will most likely be contaminated by this poison source and will die of affiliation. Mandu is a traveling herb. This dangerous herb will get into drinking water, swimming pools, and lawn sprinklers whether in use or hanging for months. 

Mandu turns to a caustic dye used to color a dark purple velvet used by royal family robes. 

This building resembles
the herb 'Mandu' while
in the growing stage of

Most King's and Queen's have died from wearing these robes while sweating profusely allowing for the dye to sink into their blood stream. Though kings and queens have always loved that witches live with them, the royalty never seems to restrict the growing of the herb nor its use. During the age of emperors, arsenic power was the cosmetic in popular use.

The traveling vines of the
Mandu herb is famous
in India and Afghan art.

KAPB. Greater is the knowledge of reading...and, reading well!

'Iconic': 7th Day Advent

7th Day Advent
Oklahoma  9/13/12

This nearly abandoned church was suddenly reopened with the use of parking lot.

What's strange here is the 'use of the parking lot'. For those who are knew to psychiatric, parking lots are normally to halt bad behavior (Molock). Once the property, any property, is cleared of criminal intentions, the standard next step is to built a parking lot on top, or with, the ritual site. Yet, KAPB found that not only did this church have the 'all-clear' record listed with the state law enforcement, but it was up for sale as property that was ready for reconstruction. Either the state lied ( they said they had not), or the psychiatric 'parking lot' is pure bullshi-.

Some history of the Adventist Church, from a layperson's perspective, would like to add some spice to the cake.
The Adventist became a union church during the first 'outing' of homosexuals in America. Many of the boys who wanted to remain in the church and still have their independence choose to form a new order within the Protestant Christian denominations. With the ideals of freedom and survival, the icon of 'Flames' was chosen as the new church's standard. As a must, any new order had to have a symbol from the founding generations of church chosen survivors.

The 'Flames' is a standard of freedom from heaven's portal. The ancient Greek god Prometheus is said to have stolen the source of fire, a flaming torch, from heaven and brought it to the earth for those who followed to share in the common wealth the the capture from the gods.
First used in battlements during the Roman Civil Wars, the icon of flames was a constant part of ritual sacrifices from then on. French Governor/Roman Emperor Constantine envisioned the Chi X in the clouds while walking through the troop formation with pans of burning sacrificial offerings. To have and advantage over the advancing army, thus showing a pagan resource to alter the moments of Constantine Apollo worship. Thereby, creating a fusion of Eastern Christianity and Western Apollo demography. It should be added: Constantine was successful with this theory but only after he slaughtered the entire Eastern Christian communities.

From the battlefields, or better said, the defeat of the battlefields, Romans soldiers began a pattern of Kodex (Codex) whereby anything Roman military was confidential! They started encrypting everything. Hidden deep inside the Codex, scholars began an attempt to decipher the codes, but with very little success.

The address numbers at this church is 1818. From the Codex, two number depict a legionnaire capture--'9' and '5'.  Encrypted, the 'ones' are the symbol for what to do., thus 1 and 8 with the bottom circle half removed would be a number '9'. The second 1 and 8 would have the bottom and reverse top half removed making the number '5'.  This type of hidden series is still practiced by Roman Legionnaire such as with the American Legion, Legionnaire America, and Catholic Legions of Freedom. To further signify a captured soul in Western Christian philosophy a signet ring  made of 'gravel' or any secondary mineral stone. The ring is generally made by the wearer.

Lastly, the final image posted here is of a girl who looks like a 'Cam'. In the photo, an image can be seen on the girl's face of a female impersonator...one who is a favorite among the Adventist. The rosy cheeks suggests a virgin who would serve as a sacrifice, and generally is used for that purpose. 'Cams' are also one stage in the parasitic development with blood consumption, as well as, odd-body (cannibal) blood transfusions: thus, the 'virgin' doesn't has a sexual intention.

KAPB. American English Language Primers!

September 12, 2012

'Aliens On Us': Russian Plate #2

'Aliens On Us'
Russian Plate #2
Oklahoma  9/12/ 2012

Pulled from the back of the leg, this plug is called a 'Russian Plate'. These transmitters are used in Afghanistan and made their way to the USA via travelers, immigrants, and soldiers. The best way for these devices to be planted onto the skin is by sitting down on toilets. When the person stands back up these devices normally will cause the skin to stick to the surface of the toilet ring and may even cause the ring to pull up along with the legs.

These plugs slowly rise to the skin surface, taking about one full year for all the Spyrex, plates, and tubes to surface. Each digit in a 'Russian plate' must be pulled away from the skin by digging them object out of the skin. Each level that rises has its own size with no exact measurement to them.

The white edges is what remains to dry while in the skin as the darker parts have dried into the shape of a plate. In the previous photos the sheave of the plate is more visible.

'Aliens On Us': Russian Plate photo

'Aliens On Us'
Russian Plate photo
Oklahoma 2012

Again, another photo that was defused over the past two years. But, all the same, this is another image of the plate removed form the leg of a member KAPB.

'Aliens On Us': Russian Plate and Fiber

'Aliens On Us'
Russian Plate 2
Oklahoma  9/12/12

Bleeding is extreme! Huge hardened circles form around
the area where the plastic plate is removed. 
The photos with this post are called 'Russian Poulub'.

Extreme bleeding can be expected when this plate is removed. Like most of the orbs, these fibers must also be removed by digging the finger nails down and under the plastic plate flap that the fiber is attached to.

Extreme breeding has to be expected. Two things that cause the bleeding to increase is the wall or overhead lighting and movement, such as standing up and walking.

The hair fiber is visible as well as the under plate of the fiber is affixed to is in the last photo.

Though the images are getting old,
the fiber can be seen in the top image. The
bottom photo also has the fiber stick-
ing out.
Scarring is deep purple with blotches around the area. Most scars are the size of a American quarter. Clorox bleach with a compress has been the only way to burn the wound shut.

Physically sitting in a bleach bath hurries the hardening process along making it possible to remove each plate within 2 days.  Again, the process may take up to a full year for all plates to surface, harden, and be remove from the body.

When questioning persons about the 'Russian Poulub', the only information that was available was that soldiers returning from Afghanistan was carrying the Poubub back into the country, no doubts for street gang activity and business espionage in inner city environments. The Afghanistan information lead to the county of Dubai as the manufacturer of the devices. From there KAPB was asked about the details acquired through contacts, and KAPB told the US Congress about the University of Oklahoma Social Work students (they affixed the devices on toilets), the returned solider who was witnessed at Burger King (they carried the devices into the country), and the length of time it took to remove the fibers and who use transmitting from them (Converso Movements).

Close-up of plate and fiber.
Close-up of the wound.

September 7, 2012

'FLASH': FBI in Question

FBI in Question
Oklahoma  9/7/12

This picture is what the FBI are now using as a house for prostitution. He man in this picture would be the landlord of a stable called 'Horus'. 

Horus comes from the Egyptian studies of ancient god worships. Horus killed Set to obtain the throne of Egypt. Many stores follow along this Set/Horus battle for the throne including the story of Tut and his death from in chariot battle. 

The FBI, fetished with herbal plants and wildflower, use the internal organ of infants to saturate the herbal mixtures before compressing it into a form of ghetto hashish. The FBI referred to this type of hashish as 'weed'. 

It is forbidden to water the lawn in the neighborhood where a Horus resides. For some reason this man will unleash a horde of Horus and steal the house and property from the legal owner. 

September 5, 2012

'FLASH'; Zentar Magic Form

Zentar Magic Form
Oklahoma  9/5/12

Zentar. The latest computer design to cheat online gaming sites. 

This very much illegal computer application is circulating around the newest casino city, Norman, OK. 'Zentar apps change the face of cards so only the Zentar user will win. Sound like the oldest game on earth. 

So. The first criminal recorded in the bible was a female and the understood crime was theft. 

Zentar, is that like Avatar, the blue girl, or is that blue boy.

Good luck Annie Oakley. Hum.

September 4, 2012

'TTD': Spiret

Oklahoma   9/4/12

Word: Spiret
Red Word:
Location: Teeth
Relative Information: Causing an aching throb, the pain can become almost unbearable. The word 'Spiret' can be spoken or applied to the tooth, etc. by using a keyboard shift key when capitalizing a word. If using the shift key method the keyboard must have a transmitter to deliver a message to a receiver, which then transmits the word 'Spiret' for yet another receiver to activate the electrical current that hits the teeth.


'Iconic': V is Visitor: A Long Needle Pine

V is Visitor: A Long Needle Pine 
Oklahoma   9/4/12

An early morning sunrise creates a shadow that reflects from a loosened pine tree needle. Because of its shape, the needle is a favorite for persons in the stage called 'Alien'.  Its these HIV persons who are perhaps the first extraterrestrial known in the scientific world.  

Once seen, this stage of Alien will never leave the area. The fixation with the letter 'V' is so huge that they themselves can't find a way around or away from the lure of the 'V' shape. Because of the needles shape, and the fact that the pine trees sit on a hill facing eastward, the allurance is even more pronoun. HIV Aliens will go there to worship, they will ask their queen for forgiveness and pose question to the true purpose for the Alien's existence on the planet Earth. There is nothing that will remove the allurance other them to cut down the pine trees...something of which doesn't seem to bother them at all.

'Iconic': Cathor in the Rocks

Cathor in the Rocks
Oklahoma   9/4/12

The pictures are of the Cathors (Cimejes) who use swimming pools in religious ritualism. These types of fellowships are from the old eligious abbeys founded among the many early European Christian movements.

As pools of water developed into swimming pools some 5000 years ago. With that innovation, the use of closed-in pools of water became the crucible for everything and every where water was needed. Moving into the future present, ritual cleansing of victims doomed to be sacrifice to a pagan god is still among the uses of a water swimming pool.

If ever any one of these rock carvings faces are seen in an area then it for sure a cathor has lived there at sometime.

List of Varies Cathor Stages as seen tn the embedded images
1. Scliff  2. Scliff in poo  3. Spirgue  4. Spirgue with Duke  5. Doge
6. Eff and Ephont(back of rock)  7. Clisp  8. Santhar(most famous)  9. Droop

As a suggestion, the Hunchback of Notre Dame is about a Cathor who lives n a French cathedral. For a wider range of illustrations depicting cathors, the movie, also on YouTube, ' Name of the Rose' /Sean Connery has the greatest selection of cathor images.

Finally, for further information, Catholicism is from the inhaling, injecting, or eating human infants/embryos. Associated with church conclaves, this type of Jew use the terms of Bethesda, Gad, and Grown. The newest discovery is in Carthage, Africa which is just across the sea from Rome.

KAPB has many posts associated with Rocks used at the Cedar Apartments.

Readers can read more about ritual rocking in the KAPB Clusters section on the right side of the blog template.

KAPB. American English Primers

September 3, 2012

'FLASH': Reality Information

Reality Information
Oklahoma  9/3/12

Who's funding the Reality Shows in Norman, OK? The Republican Tea Party.

Only hours ago, the Oklahoma State Courthouse commented on the funding of television Reality Shows being produced in this state. The courthouse believes that the collection of US Governor's via the Republican Tea Party is the resource for the monies collected and used inside the State of Oklahoma.

During an on-air interview with Sarah Palin, Fox News cast members reported hearing personalities from the reality show 'Deadliest Catch'. 'Deadliest Catch' promotes the Alaskan fishing industry. Those Alaskan cast member were in that state at the time of the Palin interview...the cast wasn't a part of the Fox News interview just simply being broadcasted via the internet. 

The first person the state police in Oklahoma involved and who 'broke silence' was the Former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin. This 'break in silence' followed just after a news release of a complaint to the illegal filming/airing of the many reality shows being produced in Norman, OK. These TV shows are being made at the expense of that city and its private residences. 

Finally, the producers of 'Deadliest Catch'  requested that the transmitting devices removed from their boats.

News Report: The Tea Party at this 2012 Republican National Convention.
Tea party values are reflected in the party platform, and tea party favorites are included among the major speakers – including New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, slated to give the keynote address Tuesday night; Ted Cruz, favored to win the US Senate race in Texas; and Sen. Rand Paul, a founding member of the Tea Party Caucus in Congress. Others include US Sen. Marco Rubio, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley.(CSMonitor)

September 2, 2012

'TorTureD': Tin Can, Tin, Tinny

Word Power: 'Tin Can', 'Tin', 'Tinny'
Oklahoma  9/2/12

KAPB and the State of Oklahoma believes it really works in helping to control some of the attacks.

Word: 'Tin Can', 'Tin', 'Tinny'
Relative Information: Finally someone has found  words to defend against the multi-level assault machine that has been placed inside of the USA's stratosphere. These military space stations are nothing but nonsense, simple minded killers who hate women and children. Using both as either a ritual sacrifice or human body parts in deviant perversions. 

KAPB and the State of Oklahoma believes it really works in helping to control some of the attacks.

Good luck! and God Bless.


'TorTureD': Dungel

Oklahoma  9/1/12

Word: Dungel
Red Word: Smish
Location: Stomach
Relative Information: Small orbs of herbal acids are used in tiny packs that will transmit electricity around the orb. These orbs are used to view inside the stomach area. Once use in medical surgeries, this type of procedure is considered to be both unhealthy for the patient as well as unsafe...the orbs will not leave the area after the surgeries are completed, and still as of date, there is no procedure to remove the orb packs.
These packs when erupted will cause cancer growth along the stomach walls, thus considered unsafe. These orbs are also the cause of reflex syndromes.

September 1, 2012

'FLASH': FBI Ousted

FBI Ousted
Oklahoma  9/1/12

The latest information on the restructuring of the FBI is...their closed! 

FBI scuttlebutt has it as...'under new management' or in this case, 'under a new authority'. 

Hum, stranger things couldn't happen to a prettier country.

'TorTureD': Dungkirk

Oklahoma  9/1/12

Word: Dungkirk
Red Word: Crump
Location: Upper heart
Relative Information: There is also something affixed on the lower section of the heart but the best information so far is hidden among FBI agents and their legal interests. It's not known when the word will present itself but be assured that when it does KAPB will publish it as so as possible.