April 30, 2013

Definitions: L - P

Definitions Entries: L - P


Lacy. Another cluster reported by the Presidential G.W. Bush, Jr. administration. This group is some what large, but the member are all about the same they just play different parts along the way. This Al Qaeda group is free-base meaning they interact when ever they want to input or engage a victim. They are also all prisoners in some way...either in jail, in transitional situations, probation/parole, and at large fugitive. Full View...

Le Lem Mont. As the Christian Christmas season is tomorrow. Questioning a few about the chant which most religious congregations have, the Christmas Christians were invited to this query. Full View...

L.O.V. This is the acronym for the three separate characters in the Goetia that are considered to be the mildest among the 72 individual personalities. These three characters are used to move forward the victims who are trapped inside demonomania (DID: disassociative personality disorder). This three DID cluster is L: Glasya-Labolas, O: Orias, and  V:...Vepar. Varies sources studying these unique DID behaviors say that Glasya-Labolas does make a Mar called a 'Glip'. It is within this Glip behavior that a mind-bend signalling is learned which triggers the brain to respond to singles that alter the brain patterns until the mind is able to better understand unique words that aid in the victim's recovery from this deadly mind confusion state. Patients who use this three characters cluster have a sense of invisibility. Patients generally give 'Labolas' the credit for the hidden appearance.

Licenius. Roman Emperors Licenius and Constantine I shared the throne of Rome during the 3rd centur . During this shared monarchy, Christians were allowed to gather and worship as a legal organized religion of the first centuries in the Mediterranean basin. Following the death of his father, Emperor Constantine I became King of French(Gaul) while serving as a roman politician. It was while under authority of France that Constantine built the Christian church following the manners of several former emperors who also contributed to the fundamental foundations of the European (western) Christendom.With the Constantine murders of Emperor Licenius along with the Licenius Eastern Christian converts, Constantine formed a new Christian worship, one of which made emperors the ruling authorities who are known today by the word 'Pope'. Edict of Milan: ..."so that we might grant to the Christians and others full authority to observe that religion which each preferred; whence any Divinity whatsoever in the seat of the heavens may be propitious and kindly disposed to us and all who are placed under our rule." .... Though the Constantine history claims him as Christian, Constantine refused baptism until the last days of his life in order to rule as a sinful life style as the conduit for his followers. Finally, Flavius Odoacer(or Odovacar) the Rome's first German king  of Italy is believed to be a direct descendant of Emperor Constantine 1. Odovacar ended the Roman empire by yielding the crown of Rome to the Eastern Roman Emperor. At which time the Eastern Authories split form the French/Roman Christian followers.  (Li-sin-n-us. Amen.)

Limon en Don Nig_er. Great Britain 'Limon en Don' is pronounced with a short ‘I’ and the ‘n’ is ‘gh’ sound. This al Qaeda group is made from the liquor gin and the herb lemon grass. The combination of the two is injected into the main artery where it is held with a shunt until the liquor is absorbed into the blood stream over a period of time. The greatest member in this group is Prince Charles of Great Britain. The yellowing color in P.Charles' hair is a sign that he is injecting the combination called ‘Potash Green’ (gin and lemon grass).  Potash Green in herbology is an ancient formula for dipsy. Limon en Don Nig-er are thieves such as in ‘Arabian nights’, and they love slavery of any sort.

Logue.  Australia. 'Logue' are world traveler’s using oil companies as home ports. Their weapons of choice are the HIV virus. 'Logue' rob continents and countries of its natural resources.'Logue' will also included artwork, natural art, and physiological art of the human body. In 2011, Kyle Hobbs (V, the Series, TV) was the forefront islander (Australia) with Weatherford Oil, Houston, Texas.

Loren. Al Qaeda. Greek.The earliest AL Qaeda group in the world. Dating to the concepts of Mount Olympus in Greece mythology, 'Loren' is a stage of Graeae, that is, the coven of witches. Witches love to duel, because of that Mt. Olympus became famous for the constant challenges of man and the gods. Today's world of competitive sports such as the Olympic World Games, Pro NBA, NFL, etc., and student training groups like SATO and OATS are all branch organizations founded and funded through the Greek 'Loren'. 

In the USA, 'Loren' had a great fame when the  Hamilton (Alexander) / Burr (Aaron) duel  that faultily wounded Vice President Hamilton. The early American national newspapers declared a 'Loren' like presence about the entire gun fight and that America should take the whole gun battle as a fatal warning for future generations as the duel had become somewhat of a landmark. In 2012 the Bank of America became the 'Loren' Al Qaeda greatest financial investment group.. Leonardo da Vinci made the best collection of images of witches throughout their different stages. Caputo, T. Finally, it should be known that Graeae witches are created by the eating human fetus and newborn infants that have been cured in an over indulgence of wild flower plants and funnel herbs.

Lubelu In Nig-er. Anso. Romania. Created from the Russian Orthodox worships, this brand of Orthodox Greek formed the Korean branches of both Christian and Buddhist worships. Using Rye whiskey, the DNA is transformed into a more notably Italian appearance. Because of the closeness between the western catholic and eastern orthodox catholic worships, the 'Lubelu In-Nig_er' are considered as Irish persons by these two religions.  Gypsy is a famous word for the Romani characteristics, and these individuals are located around the world mainly as pirates. The 'Lubelu In Niger' (Romani) are active in the Al Qaeda group El Doog where secular monks have the greatest population inside an Al Qaeda fraction.


Magi Gifts. Though not an Al Qaeda group, the Magi gifts are the key element in the Al Qaeda movement. The biblical records say that three Magi gifts represent gold, frankincense, and myrrh. 
Eastern Studies say the three gifts (to understand) are: gold ( mineral, the greatest fetish), frankincense (addiction, as most drugs are processed using this herb), and myrrh ( the fetish for the dead, corpse, and necrophilia). Though most persons believe the Three Magi were somewhere in the Middle Eastern region, the Eastern Studies ( Freemasons, Tyndale) say the Magi are mineral geysers such as Old Faithful in the Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. The crust that surrounds the geyser floor usually indicates the mineral and herb that the particular subterranean water volcano sprue. When the main content of the geyser floor is refined and placed just inside the upper geyser wall, an image of a Magi will appear in the mist and sprue of the jetting hot water. Just where all three geysers are located is not known by KAPB, but it is known that the Old Faithful Geyser is the gift of gold. Eastern Studies (Freemason) record that the USA is most likely the true promised land because of the landmarks and many other historical markers recorded in the Holy Bible--the three Magi are such an occurrence that answers why the USA Bill of Rights protects the original version of the Holy Bivle.

Martha. Greek. Opium. AOm. 'Martha' is a Greek occult movement derived after conquests of other countries. 'Martha' is similar to the Greek's Mar system in that nepotism is the political movement both occults use. The exception with 'Martha' is that the members are created through the Terrette, mother/child semen, method of retardation. Full view...

Mautter, Greg. Opus Dul 2. Univ. of Oklahoma, USA. Economics. Another person with little importance other then he thinks he assassinated Senator Blake of Oklahoma.

Multa Nig_er.  Al Qaeda. Italy. Most of this nig-er cell is living in the USA. Even though legally registered as immigrants, as of April, 8, 2012 this cluster of Aver are being deported back to Italy because of the refusal to stop their practice of slavery and other human rights violations.

McD. The KAPB collection of images and information related to Mc Donald's Restaurant personal who loot and sack neighborhoods in this fast food burger restaurant business.

Meric.  Al Qaeda. Taliban. Nazi. The Nazi gestapo split a community surveillance directly into two parts, six at night to six in the morning would be the 'Mork' watch. The 'Meric' watch is during the day light hours of six in the morning to six at night. In the summer of 2014, the FBI personal who had been uncovered in 2102 as organized crime figures was found servicing communities as gestapo 'Meric'.  Pigs  Frairs

Mermaid. The metamorphosis of the Goetic demon Haagenti. 'Mermaids' are made with an oceanic plants(herbs)tincture.   The main sea herb to create the posture swaying as if in ocean sea currents is Copenence, the layperson tern for its Latin counterpart. Haagenti, while evolving into a 'Mermaid' will pose, sway, and flutter their arms as a woman would do if displaying designer fashions, dancing in ballet, or simply walking in a street modeling fashion. 'Mermaids' in small or large clusters will hum, sing, and when talking  form melodic tones when speaking to each other. A person, who is outside the 'Mermaid' clan, whose hair growth at about one inch down from the shoulders and in the midst of the Haagenti will hear them change their vocal tones to this melodic rhythms.  'Mermaids' develop a small barb in both hands...when provoked, the barb is used as a weapon. Haagenti 'Mermaid' will eventually need to live somewhere is the salt water seas or ocean as Copenence is addictive and considered dangerous if consumed. The torpedo shark is the deep metamorphosis of a Haagenti. Hygeia(videos 1-4) for more further information.

Mike. Illuminati. Prison System. World Wide. Moon2. Though the picture has been damaged, this person resembles a man who is a favorite Persian. He likes to use prison influences to create different characters for multiple purposes, returning always back to his original source, that is, the prison he serves time with. Mike 's best outside the prison position at at Duke University, NC. Impersonating a professor there, 'Mike' likes to teach Applied Science. In 2011, in this now poor photo, a 'Mike' is working as a transgender (male to female) with several kids and a wife. The wife is also transgender (male to female). One purpose for his status in Norman, OK is a prison transfer which was used to strengthen other weaker prison institutions and criminal populations. 'Mike' must, solely, create a position for himself with each move he, or the prison, may make of him to maintain a status that of a professional. Searching University of Oklahoma for a possible position as an early childhood behavior specialist, Mike tried to gather associates who were unawares of his duel personality and prison allocations. Questions of sexual misconduct, as well as, OU-Norman faculty implications have risen that created a dangerous liaison for this Al Qaeda cell.  It is reported that a 'Mike' Al Qaeda may perhaps even had a cell a far north as Anchorage, AK where Rogue Music (Dark Arts) at UA-Anchorage and UA-Fairbanks, but this report has never been proven. At Denver Univ., CO. it's reported that there is a 'Mike' who is teaching a Bio-Science. Whatever the location it seems the Al Qaeda 'Mike' may perhaps be a branch of North American Naberius Goetia because of the varied professions he is applied to.

Minyit. European. Puppet. Co. A medical term for the stage of idol worship where in the schizophrenic likes to model in statuesque for their personal attention in the religious worlds, most noted are among kings who adorn palaces and temples with beauty type sculptures. Nero is one such emperor who lavishly adorned the Roman castles with hundreds of this type of statutes. 'Minyit' are created by first using wood powders and later changing the powder to one of several minerals, stone, and foliage plants. 'Minyit' are created mainly because of a leadership failure among the ruling class. During the statute's final hardening stage ‘Generals’, as they are called, normally one who served as an adult child prostitute (a child who looks very much as an adult) , will vision a triumphant  parade for themselves. 'Minyit' favorite word is ‘Co’ as in conifer (evergreen trees).

mmDagem. While in the past this dark angel would wander among the trees and foliage, today they will also inhabit the home and business of artisticans, carpenters, and construction workers. Listed in the books of 2 Samuel, old testament,  'mmDagem' earliest known appearance was in ancient Israel were the demon raged around the townships threatening residents who did not cut down large trees and bushes. Where 'mmDagem' is allowed to flourish the land will be barren of all plant life, grass included. 'mmDagem' likes to associate with mmJerald em Asha (referenced below), and the two of them usually are found hanging out together whenever they have both finished a land clearing job to remove all plant life.Though not really friends in the formal sense, they will work together robbing, looting, and plundering a territory's habitat if the need arises for more then one gangster.  They will work areas where very little attention is paid to torture, sexual assaults, and the removal of live embryo in a 2nd/3rd trimester of pregnancy. This type of abortion are normally referred to as home abortion. It is believed that the child of King David and Beersheba who died during David's reign because of a 'mmDagem' dark angel deluge inside of David's personal the Al Qaeda  i.e., King David palace because the record tells that the king was redesigning Jerusalem as well as his interior palace.

mmJerald. .mmJerald em Asha. India. A dark angel occult. The demon entertains themselves by stalking artist of any nature as long as the artist has very little money.  but is still developing some interest in the art world. 'mmJerald em Asha", the referred word by this demon, also likes to collect souls from struggling demons as the other demon fail to work a desired dark task. Using a befriendment approach, the 'mmJerald em Asha' works in the opposite direction to the other dark soul’s activities while appearing to be collection items within the same task. 'mmJerad em Asha' will continue to do this until the other demon’s specific task falls; thereby, also capturing that dark soul while further enhancing the territory surrounding the targeted artist. 'mmJerald em Asha' is registered in the old testament, Book of 2 Samuel.  This dark angel is one of the first to inhabit the kingdom of Israel, though not a favorite, 'mmJerad em Asha' is still understood as a primary character in Israel, but residents have very little regard for them.  'mmJerald em Asha' resembles the appearance of Elvis Presley with a very sharp blue color to the eyes, favoring the Asmodeus character who is favored the greatest.  

Moa-n-D’Ling.  Al Qaeda. Taliban. Murders who work from inside of prisons. 'Moa-n-D'Ling' can be fround around the world, but prefer to live only where prostitution is openly practiced; therefore, prostitutes, pedophiles and religious zealots are equally divided among the remaining members if the prison system is more of a whorehouse then the confinement of criminals. Refer to Baylor (BYU) for more information. From this entry, it is believed Moa-n-D’Ling is a criminal cancer cell in the Quintusel, a Al Qaeda leading sect founded by the French Resistance of World War 1. 'Moa-n-D’Ling members live and breed hopeful future new 'Moa-n-D'Ling' generations in the state of Texas, USA.  Their primary senatorial educational home base is Baylor University with Duke University in North Carolina as the second favorite congregation of cowgirls and cowpokes...Duke refers to these offspring as 'mountain boys and girls'.

Mon El. Arabian christian styles the free thing with only the old Mosaic law of slavery. structurally governmental, 'Mon El' members are gamblers who frequent casinos. Most 'Mon El' are flimflam men who boggle other gamblers, such as, casino debts that are not real thus working their way into organized crime families using personally owned christian churches are the solution to crime monies. 'Mon El' are Muslin, and when finished with their current working operation, they sell the christian church, businesses  and parishioners to an Islamic order in the hopes of constructing a second generation of the French Arabian offshoot Christian orders. 

Monte Q.  France. Al Qaeda, Taliban. This cluster is made up of three spy characters, International Q (British), CIA (American Continents), and FBI (American Continents). First derived in Greece with the aid of thee possible attendants (2, in stages of Viking) of the Delphi Oracles, 'Monte Q' was developed in small mountain top villages in the Pyrenees Mountains of France and Spain. The code name of 'Monte Q' itself is from one such village called Monteque where the Dominican monks were replaced with Benedictine monks to heighten the Italian Inquisition. The US government believes that the legal historian Charles Montesquieu is perhaps the resource that this modern day fraction used to develop the Taliban code for ;Monte Q'. 

Moon2.  Moon's (and Moon2) are long-tern HIV...that is, a multi-generational HIV carrier. The term GAD (generated aid disorder) is suggested by scholars as one a the Israelite tribes who traveled among the 12 tribes. 'Moon' could be classified as Gadite, Hittite, or Hivite according to the Holy Bible Abraham and Sarah both favored the Hittites and both were buried inside the territories of the Hittite. Full View...

Mondo Quan NIg_er. France. Argonaut. A good definition for argonaut is at the entry Ja Une. 'Mondo Q'uan are light complexioned goetia negroes with a curl at the center of their head. They also have the same type of a curl at the base of their buttocks where the two folds meet making the curl look 'Mondo Quan' as term used for lower level aperture within the skin.

Mordor. Al Qaeda. Main Root. Tobit. Delusional land seen by men who have killed their wife and children. Soon after the crime, the murdering husband claims the dead woman (and, possible children) to be the one and only true love of his life. The dead female is reserved as deserving to be the only woman to
wear the 'One Ring' of his love and devotion. Famed by the movie Lord of the Rings, Smeagol, a central character, portrays a murdering husband as this trilogy plays out the visions and transformation into a Mordor madness. Pictured: Mecca Royal Clock Tower and Mordor(Lord of the Rings). the biblical book Tobit offers insight into many of the different stages of Mordor and 'transfiguration to monster'.

Mordor 2. Al Qaeda. Middle East. About the same as Mordor but most probably a second generation of these harem sluts.

Morette. Al Qaeda. Middle East. The earliest biblical reference is the Samaritan woman. Her beliefs are with the separated in Zoroastrianism (Judaism). Multi-husband colonies thrive in the world today in the final stages of this deepening schizophrenia in the murdering male's delusional madness. The largest colonies in the USA are within the Church of the Nazarene. That church's clergy and staff detail the many different exampled stages of Robert K. Merton, Stain Theory.

Morg. Oden Porule. Spain. Daniel Shone. 'Morg' is a stage of retardation that is caused by the use of opium...it is also caused by over-exercising that creates a biological form of opium in the brain referred to as Colagalum by most neurologist. 'These slightly retarded Christians also like to dabble in the weapons market. This peculiar 'Morg', that KAPB collected information from, works at the USA's Senate...House, Way, and Means Committee. Through the method of selling data, or, supplying information to the sitting senators who, in turn, sells the stolen material to different sources including legal law enforcement agencies that collect data on crime cells. With this blog, they were collecting article data from computers through email accounts using a secured connection then selling the info to other universities, professors, and students who could afford the materials. 

Morgan, Josh.  Al Qaeda. bar Jesus. USA (State of Kansas).

Moroick Moe.  Al Qaeda. Church. (pronounced with oi as long 'e'.)The word favored by the third string players of any high school, college, university, or professional athletic team if they school, pro-ball company, or sports club is failing. Full View...

Moron. Moron is the Jewish order of Al Qaeda that is based in Utah through the Church of Latter Day Saints. The 'Moron' like to live on islands, but they will many times regard small communities as islands within itself. Comfortable that they are among themselves, they will continue on with a favorite lifestyle of nudity. Utah petitioned the USA for financial help with the relocation of islanders such as Philippines, Guam,  Australia as well as the  UK  and Bahamas. 'Moron' don’t believe in the new testament is relevant for a spiritual salvation, but better understood that a personal sacrifice will best serve that spiritual need. Most famous biblical is Bathsheba, wife of King David of Old Testament Israel. A current proponent to this type of religious movement is Michael Voris, Real Catholic TV - YouTube. For more information view 'Murice' cited below). Today's largest population is in the African country of Uganda.

Morphingrawl. 'Morphinegrawl' is the term used for those who use the alcohol Orose as the stimulate to encourage as DNA change. 'Morphinegrawl' like boys to girls, such as in dance ballet, women gymnastics, and professional fashion modeling. Orose, like Rye whiskey (morphindike) is injected into the base of the upper spine as illustrated in the image above. full view...

Morphindike. Morphindike is a homosexual spectacular who likes to the feeling of a sexual association with a macho male portrayal that is in reality a female who has altered her DNA to resemble a male he-man, such as a pro wrestler, football, hockey, or gymnastic team player. This type of homosexual is a homophobic who will assault a person who makes any mention of his or her sexual desires. As most pro sport players do engage in prostitution at some point in their early career,' Morphindikes' have become a regular attraction at pro sport events in university cities, referring to themselves as ' Stabilizers '. Morphengrawl is above. full view...

Munta Quan Nig-er. France. Argonaut. Favorite French extraction among the athletic fans in Morphindike listed above. Commonly, either a male or female who's genitals are altered (or deformed) after the continual use of herbal medicines not certified by the USA FDA (Food and Drug Administration). For females: a female's vagina is swollen, the clitoris is enlarged and strongly resembling the appearance of a male penis mass that also includes a testicle area. Barely noticeable is the virginal which is all but closed into pin-hole at the entrance typical virginal passage...pregnancy can be induced by means of semen insemination. For the male: the typical male's penis and testicles have retreated into the folds of the stere...a bone area that is located at about the same place as the female vagina. This recession gives the appearance of folding tissue surrounding the penis area; thus resembling as if a vagina is present...there is no passageway opening. Argonauts are most commonly known as morphemic because of the athletic fans who use attracted to this type of male/female physiological switch. Collectively, most student athletics who switch are used as sexual stimulant for the Morphendife's (Morphengrawl) hidden homosexual/ lesbian persona. Understand, Argonauts are not transgender, transsexual, or trans-inter sexual, though they may choose to take that path in life. This deformation can be inherent or herbal, wine, drug induced. View the 2000's (year) version of 'Jason and the Argonaut" for further details to this sub-culture.

Munta Quan Nig_er #2.  France. Argonaut. see ‘Ja Une’ for a complete definition of Argonaut  'Munta Quan Nig_er are darker complexioned then Mondo Quan referenced below. Where Mondo enjoys card games, ie., poker, 'Munta' likes harder sports such as soccer or american football Famous in French folk music, 'Munta Quan' has made a fortune at this career field in France. Both Monda and 'Munta Quan' invest their monies into the typical interest of their country's athletic career investments. 'Munta Quan' has a slight speech impediment that slurs like a cat hissing. 

Murice. Al Dune. Opus De. Anso/Asian. French Original. Jade. Child bride. 'Murice' is a male transgender to the girl Jade. He is also a member of Al Dune or The Ester Dung ... Alms, Dung from the Book of Ester, NLT. Queen Ester is attributive to the Feast of Purim...or day of giving, starlight, spiders, and disgracing one wife for a younger, more endowed girl are also a part of the Book of Ester. 
'Murice' is originally from France. They like the looks of wear spider tattoos. And when wearing one 'Murice' will name them after any holiday of alms giving. 'Murice' likes to live on a life insurance policy, and , with criminal intent, mentally evolve within a same family structure...as their long term missions; hence an Ester Dung. The Al Qaeda family  of Easter Dung  may very well be from the studies of  Ayurveda an ancient medical practice found in India. Dung is the beginning of the God-like personality who is worshiped in this type of herbal healing. 'Murice', when describing a Al Qaeda group, are known to digest human bowel, addicts of the house plant 'Jade', heroin and opium, and will pose as the child within a family structure. It is this type of child that will engaged in a sexual activity with a father figure for financial favor from the father's life insurance policy. Jade, 'Murice', loves historical sites. 'Murice' prefer the name Jean in any language. If able to use a combination of the two names...such as, Jean Natale, Natale is a Turkish name for a male, an sometimes female, who does the representational washing of a pig for a sacrificial offering, such as at Christmas. If the two names are used they will consider any mission blessed, thus, downing a digital halo. 

MuSu. Taliban. Greek. Modern day 'MuSu' is the equivalent to the ancient Greek SuSa. SuSa is the term used for a harem of favorite athletics, fighters, or lower royalty. As with SuSa, MuSa today is the same thing, Greek prostitutes who are favored by the monarchy. The members in this type of harem are generally all girls in the stage of Argonaut male. The child (kid) counter-part is called a 'Bethlehem'.

M'Yo. E'Fod En, ODaFend, En Des Nig_er, O Fer See. China, Scotland, American Buddhist. 'M'Yo' considers himself in the American CIA. His real occupation is defending the Orthodox Church of China (CC). Like the Illuminati, E'Fod En is similar in construction. M'Yo served 10 years prison time, and worked to defend the OCC. Currently(2012) enrolled in the University of Oklahoma, he still stalks both students who worship, unwittingly, in the Christian churches, as well as those who study religious principles, such as with the Eastern Rites assemblies. His intention is to gather 'pearls' (teeth) for the ephod, a Jewish religious vestments worn by religious high priests. Within the State of Oklahoma 'M'Yo' created his personal identity position by calling into the Oklahoma City Federal Courthouse during the fatal bombing of 1998. Without the other gang members awareness to his actions, 'M'Yo' said, via the iPhone, after calling into the federal court and while during the bomb blast said into the system,"Yo, good bye sailor".


Neverfelted. SOAR. Morg. House of David. Arab. Kene. 'Neverfelted 'is a simple mane used by an Al Qaeda member who works for the crime family House of David. 'Neverfelted' is associated with the casino gaming current and online gaming sites where he is a liaison for the western church.

Nucleus. Al Qaeda. Taliban. A 'nucleus' within a Goetia movement is the 'scene of the crime'. It has to contain at least 200 dead bodies and up to 1000 total dead bodies before the group, or cluster, will move to a new location.  The 'Nucleus' will then be occupied by mainly Goetia's of the darker complexion who work with illegal card rooms, prostitutes, and child marriage. Full view...


Obrestad, Annette.  This is the second professional poker person who has been noticed at KAPB. 'Obrestad' came in with the weapons of a load of mechanical flies and gnats. In attempts to find out what was her interest with KAPB, she sat down on her laurels and began to create trouble while we are online at games rooms. Full view...

Odafend en Dis Nig-er. (Scotland). This AL Qaeda is more famous by name then by public appearance. Staying more in the background, 'Odafend' like to play persons one against the other. 'Odafend' members resemble who characters from ancient history can be seen among the orthodox churches that have a high priesthood. 'Odafend' also serve Islamic organization that have a Jesus Christ philosophy, such as with the Church of the Nazarene and the Adventist Church. 'Odafend'...also work as high priest in Zoroastrianism and the Jewish religious organizations. Famous personalities who look like historical characters are Titus Pullo' in the HBO series 'Rome'. Emperor Claudius is the like-a-like for an 'Odafend en Dis Nig_er' as he would appear today. Image is from althistory.wikia.com.

O DaFisht. India. House of Saul. Gosh. As this blog developed, it shouldn't be surprising that the 'O Da Fisht' was the first A Qaeda organization to be found wondering around the homes and businesses of KAPB. 'O Da Fisht' has be around sense the time of Alexander the Great and his attempt to over take the ruling authorities of that eastern nation. Some scholars believe that the Greek's failed conquest of the region lead the East Indians to make a religious claim over Greek's future religious claims. Whatever the truth is, India with the Disciple Thomas has to this day been the ruling authority of the Christian religion.  It is also said that Alexander (king David of ancient Israel) started the 'O Da Fisht' just before his campaign to India in the hopes to conquer that region of the world, thus laying claim to any possible future religious domination by what Greek's consider to be a low-order society. 'O Da Fisht' is first noticed with the sacrifice offering of a fish type during the transformation to the house of David. House of David being the second with Saul being the first, Joseph, Jacob third and fourth, and Father as written followed in as last. The famous biblical Jerusalem temple that Alexander(David) started and Solomon (the king's son) finished was named the 'AlQuedan' meaning big house. AlQaedan literal meaning is 'house of alcohol' or 'people of alcohol' thus the 'O Da Fisht' in jesting the sacrifice of fish; hence the 'drunk as the Fisht (Fish) idiom.

Oden Porule.  Venezuela.  This South American AL Qaeda cell employees 'clones' for their needs in war and religious bouts...Goetia characters who give birth to a like-kind, as will as, other Goetia characters as considered and called Clones. 'Oden Porule' do the collections of varies semen from brothel visitors. The favorite are child prostitutes captured from pedophile homes. 'Oden Porule' consider themselves to be scientific, therefore, a multi variety of both human an animal caucus are used in their mass-production of Clones in Venezuela. At this time,2014, the format of 1976 thriller, ' The Boys of Brazil' is the primary resource  of which 'Oden Porule' masters for their complete espionage thrill. Jantezen Franklin  the Christian TV evangelist is the most active 'Oden Porule' member in the USA at this time. 'Oden Porule' is also considered to be one of many Al Qaeda groups named in respect form the god worship of Odin...Odin is the leading religious authority among devout worshipers in all major cult worships, such as, Christianity, Judaism, and Buddhism.

O De Sing.  USA American. This group keeps itself financially by stealing music and lyrics from publishing artist.. 'O De Sing'.members are not as active in current trends of popular music field, but they like to keep a low profile stealing sheet music from religious gospel, pop-culture children's, and colloquial folk music who share stage with musicians who have more fame.In 2012, Chis Sligh  is the famed singer in 'O De Sing'. In 2014, 'O De Sing' is the leading management at the Florida State amusement site of Holy Land Experience, Orlando, FL.

O Fer See.  American buddhist. though little known, this AL Qaeda group is found among Jewish groups during the christian season of epiphany. The hymn entitled 'Oh For a Thousand...'is one such song shared by both Christians and Buddhist because of the constant movement between the seven churches in the Converso movement. The old testament parallel is 1-2 Samuel (Saul, David, and Solomon) being the comparative three wise men while the observers, with some denominations, refers to as the 'animals' who are situated to only be watchers on this earth. Today, these occult observers, how ever they arrive in communities, by Buddhist reasoning, are members of  'O Fer See'. Hence, persons who just after taking on animal semen, in any form, are considered to be in the Al Qaeda fraction of 'O Fer See'.

Olman.  Al Dune. Odafend. En Dis Nig_er. Oden Porule. French Arab, Scotland, Scotland, Venezuela. Oregon Senator who support the Morg, or enjoy living in that stage of the goetia demon of Orias. 'Olman' is also used by covert Army Intelligence and CIA  while uses and develops software for game rooms...poker, Wii, etc. 'Olman' will usually leave service for positions in the US Senate. This senator joined Portland, Oregon Jewish center to obtain the a ranking of high priest. This 'Olman' is known to have an association with King Garqqon of Israel, a Private Party leader, and advisor with the East Orthodox(Greece) religion. Uses State Dist Attorney. Jonah(?, flim flam) as confidence for legal advice. Associate, player Mark Rubins(Club WPT).

Opioium. American/Arab. Nazarene. Harem Guard. This is perhaps the oldest sect the studies of the messianic Christ. According to the NIV bible version, Governor Felix, who will put on the messianic death trial, (Acts 24:10-16. NLT). Among much of today's religious reasoning, any salvation merits heavenly rewards. It was that such theories that created the stance of 'Opioium' to be the leading factor for converts. In ancient religious history, it was the Roman General/Governor Antonius Felix who became the first leader of the sub-cult or the demon community of 'Opioium', but earlier hieroglyphs dates the Italian sea-side city of Pompeii that was the capital of Kama Sutra. medical therapies. Kama Sutra is also a medical study in VatsyayanaZoroastrianism  or, that is, the Judaism temple is also a proponent of Karma Sutra. It is through 'Opioium' that any attempt to overthrow this religious...order... will be diverted to the old testament writings associated with the Nazarene Church and with their worship of the personal Nazareth. 

Opus Clip. Opus clip is the group who hunt to subdue, mane, or kill any person who feels a sovereign connection towards the God of the Holy Bible named as 'I Am'. Most Clip members are affiliated within major religious organizations.

Opus Di. USA. Christian. Named famed to the Al Qaeda order of Illuminati. 'Opus Di' use a 'pin wheel' tattoo which has the appearance of it spinning in the air. Most questions asked if inquiring about 'Opus Di' activities should have some inference to the 'pin wheel'. Important: attempts to uncover information from an Illuminati should not be considered by a novice as most Goetia are very violent.

Opus De. USA. Jewish. Very similar to Opus Di with the exception that 'Opus De' use a smaller sound to the letter 'O' when pronouncing the word Opus. 'Opus De' is also believed to be an order that was aided by the British royal family during the reign of Queen Elizabeth the First by was of her physician/sorcerer John Dee.

Opus Den. (USA, Christian[1h]
1h. Opus Den is much the same as opus de, high anarchistic position in Al Qaeda. The main difference in 'den' is that they are pygmy...their physic is the same as the members of opus de, but dens are dwarfed...biblical word used is 'emp'. Note: h is level, and n is even. This term is used among the clergy in the first Jewish settlements in the world's age of religion development. In the early biblical histories different families mention a difference between a set of  high and low of letters. Used even today, the current belief in the distinguishing between persons in a like religious orders which look familiar in features but have a unique old world belief of hierarchy.

Opus Den 2. Much the same as opus de, hierarchical position in al Qaeda. the main difference in 'den' is that they are midgets...their physic is the same as the members of opus de, but dens are dwarfs...biblical world is 'emp'. note: 'h' is level, and 'n' is considered as even. this term is used among the clergy in first Jewish settlements in the age of religion. the early famines written in biblical histories mentions the high and low of letters. this current belief, ha nd n, hold true today to the  old belief of hierarchy. other divisions and member are jantezen franklin (oden porule), Franklin graham(open den), Gideon(opus den, ( and Rick Perry (oden porule).

Opus Dul. France. A derivative from the Opus Di (Illuminati), but situated in France.

Opus Dul 2.  France. A derivative from the Opus Di (Illuminati) , but situated in France.

Opus Pou. China. A derivative from the Opus Di (Illuminati), but situated in China.


P.A.U.L. This acronym is the scholastic abbreviation for: P - plane (universe),  A - ares(Goetica, U - uterus(Hatshepsut), and L - lim or lym(cannibal). Used in recording for all social activities of world wide cannibalism. Found strongly among the early pagan studies and predating the Holy Bible, Pauline records, Homed in Cairo  Egypt, detail the Al Qaeda movements on into today. Two forms of studies are running today: 1. Hermetic Science, and 2. Egyptian Studies, Cairo.

Paula White. American TV evangelist. 'White' is known only as a TV evangelist and spiritual leader of sorts. Questions continually arise to behaviors such as having affairs with married evangelist continue to plague her. She also has been placed into some kind of data collection leadership for information  inside  the United States of American activities involved in Christian worships. Though asked by Benny Hinn, little is known if 'White' accepted that position within his organization. 'White' is in membership with the K. Copeland and Ron Parsley groups.

Panda Garden. Ping, Daoist Jew. (China). Buffet Restaurant. The Ping (ref below) leadership members( Al Qaeda) are directly from China. Forcing off locally established restaurant workers, this Asian mafia can set-up themselves within months of a an existing or new buffet opening. Pings are lesbian transgenders who work as prostitutes. Using male semen as a weapon, Ping will put the semen into the buffet food service. With in 6 months of a restaurant's invasion most establishments are turned into a neighborhood home base for the Al Qaeda Ping. Opium will be used throughout the restaurant if they are discovered; while most persons who are aware will be infused with the narcotic in some way. Though calling themselves buddhist  Pings are formally Daoist Jew.

Probe.  Gaap. The Goetia character called Gaap is the primary person in 'Probe'. Gaap is normally the one to look for if you are searching for the leader within organized church organizations. Gaap is known also as the Goetia who became King Saul in the Old Testament, Bible. Full view...

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Protrusion. This world must be used in reference to the groin area, penis, of a female-to-male Argonaut. Though it should be excepted that violence will follow, the reason is because these elite sub-culturist has made a comfortable living living in the secrecy of the fact that the word 'protrusion' must be used when speaking about the phallus of this Argonaut. The need for a violent reaction for the vast number of years that this cover-up has persisted is because most Argonauts are cannibals from the use human female ovaries as an energy fuel intoxication. Mixed with a combination of alcohol and the herb Plaine, Argonauts are able to confuse AIA (alcohol identity analysis) for both the alcohol and the human ovary consumption. The image here is an example of a protrusion used in a movie that discusses the behavior of this type of Argonaut. The discolorations of the protrusion is what can be expected. The favorite name, though seldom used, is 'Pretrudance'. And, a very good reading source about a girl who no longer wishes to 'play the game' and simply goes home is in the classic novel entitled. Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Auston.

Perwing. Al Qaeda. Russia. London Syndicate. This group is classified as possible 'leaders' in organized crime meccas.  As much as Italian, Amish (Greek), Russian, and Asian mafias have their own unique police agencies so should the Russian 'Perwing'. 'Perwing' is the

largest Al Qaeda affiliate nested in among the U's, FBI and CIA. 'Perwing' is very similar to the Amish mafia where 'Perwing' is derived from the prison system that lets the prisoners share time with women from the outside of the penal system. In Oklahoma, because of a heavy Yugoslav emigration, 'Perwing' dominates the crime cell populations. These heavily tattooed prison monsters prefer to attack senior citizen women. Creating a facade of helplessness, 'Perwing' will be embroiled in mass killings centered in populated areas leaving the senior woman live as the last death. Enabled through the federal level agencies, these Russian murders conceal their intentions among the federal system as an elaborate mecca formed to conceal the true conduit to the records of senior citizen population and the senior's vital records, 'Perwing' will act out publicly as a 'villain' to gain control of a threatening situation; there as, the normal post prison stance is incognito. As three Vatican Popes have been known as 'Perwing', this perhaps os the only true Asian continent Al Qaeda criminal police agency in association within the Vatican, Rome, Italy.

Perry, Rick. Oden Porule. Opus Den. DOGS. Venezuela, USA, Israel. Political candidate within the Republication Party, Texas who was propelled into the American voters interest by using the 1st Amendment National Prayer Day legislation organized in the 2011 presidential elections. 'Perry is termed a 'Quiet' HIV' as he will only say the word twice a year. His greatest financial resources in the 2011 elections was through the university student's per-cash payouts and degree cash rewards. The stage of HIV in which 'Perry' is developed in usually will be a 'Hire to Kill' through the Al Qaeda Hor/Horus, or Un. Generally, they are cave dwellers from Israel. Perry uses Oden Porule members for workers or political, to say, followers. 'Perry' followers claim Lu Louis (?) is the most famous follower. An the Al Qaeda DOGS is in some way connected with this political runner. In DOGS, a human must be able to live physically as a dog, such as with the Goetia character Valafor. 2014 News release.

Gin Alcohol, Haagenti, In-gin...Have you read the message? Get into The Word with 1Word.
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Phantom. Xu Qcue. Opiad. Asian/Anso. Aner. Actor. Jeff Willaville. Named as 'Phantom' because this opined has trouble with given names; thus the term 'Phantom' is used as the surrogate. When asked, Jeff Willaville will state the name of Albert Guin, a character actor. Portraying a Doctor of Medieval Medical Practices this'Phantom' infused himself into Mayo Medical Clinic, Washington, D.C. He, from there, created a variety of characters who will not rejoin into a single character to form a Jeff Willaville mental cohesion His character also will not participate for a recovery therapy. 'Phantom' claims he works at a variety of university economics schools. As a member of Xu Qcue, 'Phantom' personally declares having destroyed all the children at an elementary school in Wisconsin, USA in order to obtain a ranking position among the Goetia character published as demons in The Lesser Key of Solomon.

Phony P. The word used by one or another of an Al Qaeda cell/fraction, etc. that is working to undermine the KAPB blog 'Plutonium'. 'Phony P' is simply a street name to divert any possible attention to the high level in which the blog itself has gained in the media. In so much, the word 'Phony P' is used to keep the Al Qaeda workers separate from the Al Qaeda cell leaders, etc. 

Ping.  Korea. Card Players. Type of Texas Hold'Em but only the Ace and Kings are allowed to win a hand. People, mainly Asian, should be allowed to view a player's hand before any money is put up for betting...not letting this happen means the viewing player is permitted to shot and kill the player holding the concealed cards. It obvious that this game is only played at Oriental Casinos. The Lucky Seven icon usually denotes an Asian owned casino.

Planned Parenthood. General Al Qaeda. (USA). Best known for the news reports in 2012. Planned Parenthood was under fire with both the government and general public for several years. Association with US Governors caused investigations to unveil crimes of child porn, illegal abortions, and the murdering of women. Believed to be a human organ collection site, Planned Parenthood has been in association with several established hospital organizations who preform organ transplants such as breast, uterus, and other female genitalia. For more information view... .En DeMorz.

Plink-O Nig-er. Origin Unknown. Believed to be ancient India term for a Roman prostitute who has just fallen into a vat of feces. This procedure is in the East Indian medical practice of Ayurveda for prostitution for foreigners. Full view to related post...

Plume. Granmoire`. Granmoire` are grouped in three sets of three members. A Granmoire` is just before the Goetia Clusters. In 'Plume', the first to invade the KAPB offices, are the members:   Alloces, Andrealphus, and Berith. All three have plumes in some way or another, and each will have either a sword, plumes, or wearing an armor.

Plutonium Introduction 2009. The beginning of Plutonium was the result of the 'Ligature Essays'. Ligature is a means to discuss topics in relationship with another subject...KAPB uses 'Modern Society', or to say, 'Today's World'. Our Ligature Essays try to find where the historical biblical books and biblical characters are in relationship to current events or in a range of five years.

Plweenkie. Alcoholics. Plweenkie. 2014 word that drunks disliked and would leave the immediate area of the person or recording where the word 'Plweenkie' was used. Most scholars say the reaction is stress related and will eventually stop effecting either then the alcohol need is supplied, the stress is elevated, or the alcoholics grow use to the word itself. So far any ending added to the word seems to also work.

Ponzlite. Al Qaeda. Worldwide. 'Ponzlite' is someone who was awarded a maritime decision associated with the crime of slavery, but, unfortunately, they turn to criminal activity by aiding and abating criminal types who can be connected with varies types of human rights violation. The image with this post is about what a 'Ponzlite' would look like. Full View...

Pus. 'Pus' cluster is comprised of Goetic names resembling the sound of two different colors...purple: Furcas and Vapula; and Orobas: orange. The fourth member and possible leader is Haagenti....also known as The Mermaid. American children animated cartoon collections has a huge number of features that depict this the Haagenti Demon. Studios like Disney Productions elaborate many others characters with an array of Haagenti favorite colors combinations. It should not surprise the reader if this 'Pus' was of some derivative of Cimijes demon as mucus (puss) is considered to be of something holy for them.

Psst. Hindu. founded in the ancient days, this AL Qaeda was developed in ancient Rome among the captives brought into Rome by legionnaire soldiers. mixed in among the plebs, low order citizens, they slowly formed the Hindu culture known today. psst strongest professional  are firemen and the citizen alert fire departments, evangelist such as Benny Hinn, and organized religious business groups like catholic confidence located in central and south america. psst abduct children who they believe would have the rights to a monarchy in Catholicism. one such example is the Vatican files on pope Pius 9th, called king, and his pronounced son Edgardo Motaro who became fr. pio maria. this story can be seen on YouTube's secret files of the Inquisition pt 4. Benny Him most favors pope Pius 9th and may well be a co-chairmen in this pope/king that ended in the late 1800's.