April 30, 2013

Definitions: U - Z

Definitions Entries: U -  Z

Un. Richard Perry ref.

UnDe Salurile. (Spain. [Open...ing the way to evil] )

UnNoon. Second in chief of staff of the AL Qaeda order 'ArRon'. UnNoon means church. primary church denomination is protestant.

Vepar.  Goetia. Did-Di.

Wilson, Greg.  (opus di, Nazarene laity, Oklahoma, USA. [1j])
1j. Little is known about Greg Wilson. He first used the name Greg Willinford(?) while working in the Nazarene laity, Norman OK. Second, under the name 'Greg Moest' used a device software application called 'Will list' and voted 90 more times then was allowed on 1960's Wilson-Fillmore Plan...wilson caused the plan to fail in congress. The plan was a revised senatorial plan from a lost original.


X Dous. X Dous. This elite group of voyagers are best famed by the recent TV commercial for the Almond flavored liquor "Disaronno'. Full View...

Xu Qcue. (Northern China)

Yo-Yo888.  Yo-Yo. (Israel). Yo-Yo has been seen throughout the internet in varies different forms of the name. Yo-Yo888 claims a judgeship with the name David Lan. Episcopal denomination is the Yo-Yo Christian use. Yo-Yo will also work as a paid assassin. Yo-Yo888 worships a man-god named 'Dee'. 'Dee' is the favorite name for Garqqon(Israeli king). Yo-Yo888 would be Yo-Yo666 hence, the upper right side  of the number 8 has been removed, thus, making the appearance of the number 6.(sounds fabricated).


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