April 2, 2013

Definitions: A - D

Definitions: A - D


A. Arabian. Nazarene.  'A' is perhaps the best known Al Qaeda group. Most members are business owners and/or business executives. Forming from the Business Administration(US), 'A' business tycoons seem to feel they have a Carte Blanche in the worldwide general business world. As practicing Muslims these Jews are among the worst followers in the Muslim faith, yet they are the first to wage war on person who doesn't "do what was said to be done". This type of schizophrenia is known as 'religion'. Religion was, and still is, formed mainly from the Greek influence developed from the Eastern(Turkey/Syria), including Egyptian, social cultures. 'A' persons are typically A-social. The largest US organization and flux of the Al Qaeda 'A'  is within the Nazarene Church. Reference: Daniel 'Chainsaw' Hope. Peter.

ABC. AL Qaeda. USA. Consisting of way-be-fallen FBI and CIA agents. Operating around university towns, these newly acquired criminals like to hood-wink corporations that are either very corrupt or have little understanding in the fact that cops can go bad. Buying and selling fony government contracts and grants, many US corporations have had to file for bankruptcy because of the techniques used by these two former law enforcement characters. 'ABC' is on the watch list created by Former President George Bush, Jr.

A Cee. It is believed that 'ACee' is the charity division(Newsclip: Church, Medical) who work with diseases. 'A Cee' is a fusion group formed between the 'A' Al Qaeda group and the AFL/CIO.

AFL/CIO. Worldwide. "Yeah". Also called by members...ATF/CIA, or ACee. AFL/CIO is the best known labor union in the USA. 'A-Cees' began in the time of Ancient history, so whether or not this organized labor union was the first existed in the USA is questionable. ATF and CIA are the same as AFL/CIO.  A lover of diseases, 'ACees'(AFL/CIO) members will gather spores from major adult viruses and other viral disorders, and then breed them into smaller spores, child' branches, that will do a return affix to a new adult hosts.  The AFL/CIO will send sample the new viruses into the human population (Newsclip: Church, Medical) using various means, such as child colds and a controlled adult flu. Multidisciplinary pharmacology industries use this type of virus to study possible developments of new human viruses and outbreak diseases.  And, most historians refer to this type of personality as the identity disorder of a marquis in Cimeies(tweet-diddlie). 'ACees' will directly follow behind the 'Animone'(ref below).  The adhesive mat is shaped like an A shaped floret with the center of the cluster being section used to view the vaginal area, as well as, outside the human body. AFL/CIO uses the word 'Yeah' that sends an electrical charge to a mat that is attached to the inner, right side of the clitoris.

Ala. Allah. Ala is the beginning of an allah delusion. First noticed and considered a man-god with an calling out(evocation) of a Buer(Bruce) demon. Here is where the facial expressions and the special voice commands begin to take over the person who evoked the demon. The criminal schizophrenic stage is at 'Gary'. Gary is used a lot by both an evoked person and a sorcerer because Gary has cowardly persona. Using the actual specialized  physical behaviors developed, conjurer and demon lead others to believe in the man-god Allah...though this method is used to evoke and develop all Goetia characters, Buer is a favorite among ritualistic church orders. Step to Gary are: Ala, Bruce, Charles, Damon, and Gary.  The last four are common among worldwide countries with royal kingdoms, or the kingdom's royal court. A breakdown of characters are: Ala, Alas(Pope, Governor, Minister), Bruce(Augustine, Lin, Dio...Koran,), Damien(Dia, Diane, Dennis...British), and Gary(Garritan, George, Grafted...Israel,).

Alabaster. Mainly operated by the females in the stage of Calypso (Rum). 'Alabaster' is a male Argonaut created by the liquor Rum during the DNA stage of Davy Jones. Personalities in this Al Qaeda group are normally bicep muscular Negroes who wear a tattoo directly on the bicep muscle itself. 'Alabaster' like to work as whores all the while developing a professional employment base through a whoredom. They will defend and keep this subculture work base before any other type of workforce labor. The biblical counterpart to 'Alabaster' is Gideon in the Book of Judges and 2 Samuel.

Alapalo. Al Qaeda. Greek/German. 'Alapalo' is the word used by the sub-culture of the lighter colored Greek nationals. 'Alapalo' is a demonamania word from the character of Bune, which is the favorite of the two nations. 'Alapalo' are thieves and consorts who work in the pharmaceutical industry. One such area is herbal teas where the tea is derived from the pharmaceutical drug called Geodon, a placebo used to cleanse the blood of poisonous herbs, etc. Geodon is particularly used to make the Tazo 'Rest' herbal tea. 'Alapalo' will provide the drugs to manufactures who make products of this nature. 'Alapalo' do not refer to themselves as scientist, but like the sound, and definition of physical investigator, physical moderator, etc.

Al Coon. Little is known of this Al Qaeda group other than its members are used from other groups,  such as, Ping, El Champ, and El Doog. Using herbal conversion, the leaders in 'Al Coon' work undercover with an assortment of alias. By using either the male or female herbal therapies, 'Al Coon' came change the male/female or female/male appearance very easily, and within seconds if necessary. 'Al Coon' sell these as well as illegal drugs to students at universities across America. Using the above herbal techniques 'Al Coon' can literally transform young adults into pro or con male/female composure, thus looking more male or female while losing parts of the male/female physic. 'Al Coon' leaders are trained in a behavioral school known to them as 'Cleveland'(Providence Hospital). They are well developed in social work languages and behavioral signals. 'Al Coon' are not negro. They find Negroes to be offensive. Also possible is the gathering for 'Al Coon' members from the Argo-on(ref below) because some Argo-on use the word coon instead of goon(El Doog).

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Al Dune. French Arabian. Al Dune, or the 'Ester Doung'. Literally meaning 'Alms'. 'Al Dung' is possibly formed from the Book of Esther(Holy Bible). Note: Queen Esther is attributed to the Feast of Purim with its 'feeding the poor' festival. As The Church(Roman Catholic) is dedicated to a life of poverty which is highly questionable, it stands to reason that 'Al Dune'(Ester Doung, also, TishWon(Marchosias; also Irishwomen, or The Order of Women for Israeli Jews), and their version of a Queen Esther's festival would also likewise have a special meaning. Starlight, spiders, and disgracing one wife to gain another younger wife are all a part of the Book of Esther, likewise with 'Al Dune'. Living on long term life insurance policies given to this fractional religious order is the 'Al Dune' mission. 'Al Dune' are also known to build religious temples in toilet bowls and collect and consume the human bowel and the feces.  In hopes to gain a legal portion of the beneficiary policy, Al Dune will engage sexually as, or with, the family structure's father. A child proxy is then used in any legal family insurance policy as the beneficiary. Also addicted of the house plant called 'Jade', they also use the poppy plant and flower that produces heroin, opium, and morphine. The 'Al Dune' person transformed with the use of the house plant Jade(ref) feel safest living inside a historical building with its surrounding. While the 'Al Dune' person transformed with the use of the field poppies feel heightened by living in religious structures such as churches, mosque, synagogues, etc. Though both Jades and Poppies live, work and divide equally, the poppy person will ultimately take control of the movement thus creating the 'Al Dune'.

Alfenon. The parade is the place where the name 'Alfenon' becomes known. When a Bruce, Al Qaeda member rolls down the road in a parade, they think in the terms of an Alfenon'. 'Alfenon' will work very slowly giving very little effort even to the smaller of details. Food, clothing, with health and sanitation as the three main issues that an 'Alfenon' considers to be valid for working through...and, usually only if it'is to maintain their living arrangements if those arrangements are safe with food, clothing, etc. But more importantly, the Bruce, Al Qaeda will never again do as the Al Qaeda tell them to do. Full View...

'Aliens': On Us. KAPB collection of notes and images that suggests aliens among Americans.  Link to KAPB Cluster

Al Jazeer. This Jewish Al Qaeda group is based in Israel. Calling themselves 'crooks', they rob and clean crime monies money through the christian organizations such as the Hal Lindsey Ministries. Studying social work at U.S. universities this group uses a son of Zeus that today is known better as the man-god referred to as Leonardo(Mongol, also search YouTube: Barbarians, the Mongols). 'Al Jazeer' operates most of the US Government, Health and Human Services among the separate states where the 'All-Mighty God'(holy bible) is called "The Living Soul" instead of "The Living God". The technology company CORE, such as in Microsoft Corp, is the Wall Street Market stock investment for 'Al Jazeer'. "Al Jazeer' members can also be found working in social agencies that outreaches to homeless, war-worn, and over-populated.

Amble, Dern. DOGS. (Israel). aka. Robert Blake. Hollywood actor and an establish transgender.  'Amble's' favorite secondary(background) Hollywood actor female character is Liz Borden(ref). DOGS, themselves, live mostly in senior center and homes after the DOGS have formed a genital cancer research concentration area in one or more of this type of assisted senior living arrangement. 'Amble' will assist Al Qaeda's Israel medical core with US outreach social organizations to transport whatever medical information to assigned Al Qaeda medical groups in both the US. and the Middle East.

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Amdusias. Worldwide Farm Belts. This Goetia is most notable here at KAPB as the next to follow after the demon Raum. Understandable in today's world, 'Amdusias' has three unique features. First, the final physical features in this long term abuse in demonomania to 'Amdusias' is the noticeable unicorn in their aura persona; or sometimes, in their caste shadows. Second, the tones of their voice bring the idea of roaring thunder such as can be heard during thunderstorms. And, third, they like the sounds in clamorous music or simply in a noise itself...this is called 'cacophony'. The image to the left is an 'Amdusias', and the way most would like for the better part of their Goetic development. 'Amdusias' like to work as farmers and migrant farm workers for the most part.

American Legion.  Amalek. Al Qaeda.(USA). In America,
Google Images. 
Thanksgiving Day (3rd week Nov) is the celebrated holiday of the Amalekites people. This group of Legionnaires, perhaps Goetia Gusion, are valid haters of Jesus Christ as God. In the Ligature essay, Book of Acts the American Legion has a long history in the Christian world. Other groups with similar Amalek behavior are too numerous to mention. Zoroastrianism, Zionists zealots, Neo-nazi, and even in today's modern Palestine. The greatest influence this Amalek Al Qaeda division is the American Thanksgiving Day festival. 'American Legionaries' hunt for family member and associates in the Jesus of Nazareth(Syrian ministry) calling them a 'turkey'. They use a 'gobble-gobble' sound to search for and then kill and eat sections the captive person's body. The early Amalekites cooked them inside a golden bull...many times oil was used inside the hallow golden bull. Today, historians, American University in Cairo for one, fear the deep, slow oil cooker may lead to a permissible notion, conjured up in their cannibal sickness, as some modern cookers have a golden rims, buttons, or legs.

Amil. Al Qaeda. Fraction that is not usually visible until there is a breakdown in a crime organization's structure. 'Amil' are the Goetia Marax. During this period, Marax are quiet talking and standing back.. They generally target the homes and businesses of law enforcement where 'Amil' will wait until all things seem normal again. Full view...

Amp. Another AL Qaeda fraction that President Bush reported to the American press as a threat. Later, during the Obama administration, 'Amp' was reported to the American press as having been destroyed. The American news media, in-turn, reported to the American viewers that the truth was that, yes, 'Amp' had been removed. But, here in Oklahoma..  Full view...

Amy. Goetia. 'Amy' is a member(cell) of the Al Qaeda group of Krull.
This cell uses the insignia odor of dead fish...hence the name, 'Krull'.
Listed as a 58th demon in the Lesser Key of Solomon, Amy is known for the belief of a return to favors with heaven after 1000 years of sinful living. "Amy is a great president, and appeareth in a flame of fire, but having taken mans shape, he maketh one marvelous in astrologie, and in all the liberall sciences, he procureth excellent familiars, he bewraieth treasures preserved by spirits, he hath the governement of thirtie six legions, he is partlie of the order of angels, partlie of potestats, he hopeth after a thousand two hundreth yeares to returne to the seventh throne: which is not credible" - Goetia (Amy). Currently, 'Amy' doesn't like dogs. As a junior scout(earlier Amy stages), 'Amy' demon's physical coloring is pale with blonde hair, where later in the deeper developments, Amy are dark complexion, heavily featured, South American Indian such as the Aztec. In North America, the Modoc tribes in Northern Oklahoma are good examples of an advanced American 'Amy'. Likening the dance of the 'Amy' demon, Amy will dance the steps in either joy or sadness. The image above is a very good example of 'Amy' in the middle stages of transfiguration...he is very dangerous during this stage of transforming. Dark Ages inquisitor Heinrich Kramer himself (video, On YouTube...The Witch Hunter's Bible) is an example of an 'Amy' and their magnitude of danger. Finally, is the largest concentration of 'Amy' in Europe are in Kabbalah(Cabala) evolving into Hasidim Jews.

Animone. Worldwide. This Al Qaeda fraction is best to describe as the 'beginning'. They are used when a new beginning is needed to open pathways for encumbered or harsh Al Qaeda fractions. The 'Anemone' (also, Anemone will sprout from the dead bodies of homosexuals) herbal plants and ocean sea creatures are examples of how the Animone reach out in multi directions. In densely populated tundras anemone grasp into whatever a weak spot has to offer; or, for this group, a neighborhood). 'Animone', the preferred spelling, watch for in any newly developing crime area for activities such as: windflower.” Adonis( An extremely handsome young man-Google ref); beautiful flowers and whorls of dissected leaves in the hair, clothes, or personality; oral rings of tentacles...differ from corals in forming no hard skeleton; and, disc florets, often raised and overshadowing the ray florets. Common personal temperament with the Al Qaeda Animone are: Refusal and abandonment, forsaken, expectation, fragile and fading hope. Here in Norman, OK, city of the University of Oklahoma main campus, the wildflower/ human pedal arrangements for this 'Amimone' Al Qaeda group are: Anemone, Fagot, Phlox, University. (reference at Al Dune above)

Aoude, Nadar. Quintusel. (Arab). Aoude of All-American Muslim(TLC, TV, 2011) serves as an assistant pastor at the Nazarene Church in Anchorage, AK(2009). His position is among the Hispanic congregation in the multi-cultural christian worship. Other cast members such as Mike(Samoan), Ali, Shadia(Samoan), and Nawal(Samoan), are also members of the Nazarene church mentioned above. Along with Pastor Mike Rochin, KAPB was asked to leave after one year of service or face opium addiction. Nazarene fellowships believe that each church should be allowed for the use of opium power in the ash pans in main sanctuaries when any Old Testament festival are preformed. (Luke 1:9-11)

Apoletic. Taliban. Jews. World War Two. 'Apoletic' Jews is the name of one in several groups named by the International Court as a religious group who was not exempt from prosecution if they were found to be in any form of genocide, slavery, or human rights violations. 'Apoletic' literally means 'Apostle': therefore, any Jewisy religious order who used the term Apostle would be considered to be in this inscribed Jewish, or religious group. One such group is the Hasidim in the state of New York, USA.

Apple. Al Qaeda. USA. This group consists mainly of Marax goetia. They should be considered to be pedophiles as they like to take a child (6-14 yrs.) semen by way of an adult female's vagina who had got caused a sexual release of semen from a minor. The female is normally in the stage of  'Sarah'. Marax are generally vandals; therefore a religious connection is somewhere around their criminal operation. In Oklahoma, one of the voyeurism is called 'Stain'; whereby a home is illegally surveillance in the toilet area. The home's residents are filmed during a bowel cleansing. 'Stain' is the term used for the odor that may be on the hand, etc. from an enema flushing.

Arabu. Al Dune. Listed as a professor on varies social work projects  'Arabu' is the American name used by Jay Wills. 'Arabu' states he was able to get the position after an assassination of a few board directors of a School of Social Work (SSW). With the filtering of organized crime monies through different SSW the money is then applies throughout a state senate. 'Ababu' claims an association the deceased gangster Ben Laden, and he also has somewhat of a connection with the bombings of 9/11/2002. Arabu's contacts both a Al Qaeda fraction, or a member is in a university's school of horticulture.

Argo-on. Roman Catholic, Tact Won. One of the names for a Jesus that the Roman Catholic Church prefers. Pronounced Ar-Go-On, an 'other' Jesus is also known as 'Nepo' or Purson. Ancient Neopolis, the Pigeon Island, that controlled trade may also have been a former prison island and the place used to name 'Nepo' as many Jesus' lived in prison environments.  'Nepo' may also be an allegory for the white and black rams(ancient Jewish temple worship), via, white and black pigeons(ancient Caesar), via, white and black smoke known today for the service to a new Western Pope of Rome. Emperor Nepos was also from the Eastern Empire. A part of the word 'Argoon' is the word Goon. That word alone is used by the Argo-on themselves for any person within their own clan who they feel is a sociopath(El Doog, ref). 
Arman. Opus Dul, Opus Dul 2, Opus Pou. (France, France, China). Badminton professional using university's health and fitness programs as a source to promote Islam. Believed to be an African, 'Arman' also promotes euthanasia of women with the removal of the clitoris. With crime circles today using electrical shock that target genitals, that crime cell may very well be the 'Arman' that invaded the KAPB offices primary targeting lone women. If 'Arman' is an acronym, the letters are not known. Possible combination of two Goetia clusters: Men and Ars, but because an 'Arman' cluster is not registered by any law or religious studies agencies it is doubtful if an 'Arman' cluster would be anything more then a sprout that would eventually fall apart.

ArRon. Al Qaeda. Church related group founded during the 'Dark Ages' in the Spanish christian church history(HC video). Started during the Spanish inquisition's, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella Ferdinand with Isabella's order for the expulsion of all Moors(Muslims) and Jews converts who secretly worshiped beyond the christian lords. King Ferdinand himself, a Cathor, is seen as a founder of the early Protestant movements though little is said about his involvement...very questionable behavior when understanding the Ferdinand/Isabella Spanish era. K. Chenoweth(ref) is currently(2012)  the leading USA CEO of this movement.

Arvid. Gemini. 'Arvid' is best remembered for his acting role in the horror flick 'Hell Born'. 'Arvid's' real first name is Gene. His father is the  deceased.actor John Ritter. Jay Burton, son of Richard Burton, was also a cast member in 'Hell Born'.

Aso. Ostrich. Aso. Not a true Al Qaeda group, but known very well around the Al Qaeda Taliban organizations. 'Aso' if the term used for the female mate of Baghdad pirates. These Cimejes character are among the few who destroy their sole mate. Peter the name of the most famous pirate among them. It is reported that Peter never fully awakens to the fact that their wife was transformed into an ostrich because of his sexual fetish...the pirate says their Ostrich wife's new virginal area feels like feathers on his phallus during sexual intercourse. It is during a 'clearing-off' stage that the pirate usually will commit suicide. It should be noted here: Every animal in the Old Testament law that is considered to be forbidden to eat is also among the transformed sole partners of the varies religious sects in the world today. Why? Take a guess!


Bank of America.  Loren. (Greece). In 2012, Bank of America failed after multi-arrests for bank fraud and corruption. The bank is sponsored by Loren (ref), the Al Qaeda group serving witch coverts around the world. Bank of America's primary investments are among the famous sport universities with pro athletics being the main contributor to the flow of herbal induced DNA witches. In the USA, University of Oklahoma, Duke, Baylor, UCLA( Los Angeles), U. of Connecticut are the top five schools who are financed by Loren through Bank of America.

Basset Hound. Basson. (France). Oddly, this dog is used to start the Al Qaeda group called 'Bucephalus'(ref). The 'basset hound' is the word used in canine terms for the murder of another dog by a dog. The usual 'basset hound' for this type of murder is normally 3/4 basset - 1/4 beagle hound. Strongest population of Basset hound dogs are in the Arabian states and Middle East Asia. Basson(ref below) is the French Al Qaeda for 'Basset Hound'.

Basson. 'Basson' is the French Al Qaeda group for the Basset Hound conclave.  Oddly, this dog was and still is used to start a 'Bucephalus'(ref below) Al Qaeda group. The odd way both 'Basson' and Bucephalus(ref) begins is by the murder of a dog by another dog. The murdered dog is burnt to death on coals of fire, such as in on a campfire or in a home fireplace...the dead dog was also alive at the time it is thrown onto the burning coals to die...somewhat of an animal sacrifice by canine understanding. The Basset Hound dog is the perpetrator to the burning. Normally a group of Beagle hounds form the gang of dogs to keep the murder in control. The way to break the 'caste spell', by the legions in Gomorrah(dog) is the burn the perpetrator, e.i., the lead Basset and the gang hounds. The usual Basset hound in this matter is normally 3/4 basset- 1/4 beagle. Strongest population in the Arabian States, Middle East Asia.

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Bavom.  'Bavom' is pronounced 'ba' (very short 'a') 'vom' (very short'o', 'm' is slightly dropped). School cheerleaders make up the highest number of members in this Al Qaeda group.  'Bavom' cheerleaders are heroin addicts. 'Bavom' is the first favorite word addicted cheerleaders use to express a membership in an Al Qaeda order. In the DNA stage of cheerleader itself heroin is the drug they love to use and 'Bavom' is the word cheerleaders use to get it, or yell out for it. Because the physical body's DNA is altered, plus the many disassociated behaviors, such as the yelling certain words to communicate an addiction need, 'bavom' cheerleaders are designer addicts. Ba-voom, va-voom are among the closely related words derived in 'Bavom' and are used closely by cheerleaders for different intentions by these addicts. Though a very small social group, they're very large at universities with an athletic sport program designed to train students for professional sports e.i. NFL, NBA, etc. First noticed in this addict is the sharp nose and cheek bones added with a new, slightly pixie, vice tone much like a blue avatar addict famous among the Jews , as well as, Malchom or Decarabia being the 'Pay Master' demon cheerleaders prefer. 'Bavom' work as a prostitute during and after their degree program, yet they never reach further then their entry level college interests with their sex patrons. Finally, 'Bavom' seniors, at the start of a sport season, will repeatedly yell out into the sport arenas the word "Boom"(ref) to begin a special collections of winners and losers.

Baylor Sports. Moa-n-D'Ling. (Scotland). This university is home to the world's greatest population of 'cowgirls' and 'cowpokes'. The sound of a moan is the sound used to alert a person Moas are about to strike out at. Stealing school credits, essays, and diplomas, this sport school, located in Waco, TX., has become an illegal, unaccredited, education institution in the last decade. Noted: BU athletes also infiltrate rival schools in order to throw out gaming scores to BU...such as in 2011 an the OU volleyball players, Boulavsky, Dunn, Gowen, Higgins, Roethlisberger, at el. Later in 2013, many of the individual schools at University of Oklahoma became unaccredited because of this type of infiltration techniques. 'Baylor sports' coaches prefer the stages of 'Bill' and of the 'Green-mile Marine'.

Bedade. Al Qaeda group responsible for the bombing of the World Trade Center, New York State. 'Bedade' is pronounced in three syllables. The first 'e' being short with the last 'e' pronounced as a long 'e'. This also is the stage in mental health patients just before a settling into a state of decline called 'Glown'.

Beleth. Goetia. HaLau.

Bigze. Al Qaeda group that was formed by King Ferdinand of Aragon(1452-1515). A Benedictine order of monks claimed Catholicism, but are a Protestant converso from the Jews of Spain. 'Bigze' work as hired sex offenders who stalk any person that is prominent within a developed culture.'Bigze ' always seek to gain financial control of whatever the market is. Made up mostly of medical doctors, they like to alter their human physic using opium..they are also know to use native herbs to create a more personal look closer to the country's folk and folklore. These monks use a junior 'Moses' or Cimejes (persons using the appearance of head horns (digital or genetic) to scout out territories to conquer). 'Bigz'e worship the pagan god Moleck (Moloch, Amalek).  Also, as the word 'kid' has become universal for young, human children(former: lamb or puppy) they too have become victims of sacrifice along with animal sacrifices. Their battlefield standard is an 'orb'. The 'Bigze' also use a small clip at the clitoris linked with a micro-fiber to a large circle around the vaginal opening...sometime referring to the device as "The Bigze".  These monks have been nick-named 'kotex' because of that fiber-optic's placements and the use of electrical shocks to draw picture on the area. The term monk termed 'kotex' came form the Kotex(fem pads) advertisement(2010) that details the electrical activity that is used by the monks today(2013).  Attached and accompanied with this vaginal torture are the micro-fibers attached to  the human breast areola. (Here it should be added that although the monks have been court ordered, they refused to remove the device even with the closure of their Benedictine order and Catholic Church in the USA...with fingers crossed "to even around the world"). How the Benedictine monks became so heavily developed in the USA is through a fortune teller named 'the Angel of Portugal' (1916, children claiming a joint supernatural power). Forming from the Portugal's foretold Russian government overthrow to an assassination attempt 1981 of Pope John Paul II, Bigze has gained a power stand that now encompass the acts of slavery of children and adults around the world. The president of Portugal, Cavaco Silva(2013) is currently the USA leader. This Al Qaeda faction is an overthrown Spanish style slavery from in the Dark Ages.

Blank-mm. Al Qaeda. Grip. Priston`. France. ...It is through this type of sub-culture, there being two groups, that the termed developed criminal, prostitutes, are created in this criminal field. The other prison child group was created through the means of child abandonment...children left inside of state child protective agencies; and thereby, raised by the state authorities only. full article...

Blash-mm. Iran. Taliban. Scrape. Cold-hearten killers who have very little concern for anyone who is around when an assassination is preformed. Though considered to be an Astaroth demon, 'Blash-mm' are really in the character of the Cimejes demons.

Blilp. Al Qaeda. The 'avoidance' made by patients with mental health disorders. This is the stage in mental health patients just before a settling into a state of decline called 'Glown'.

Blingz. Christian. Worldwide. Disease that develops from the frequent moving around from one Goetia characteristic to another. The both mental and physical disorder damages are classified as Christianity. Full view...

Boanerges. Al Qaeda sect. Believed to be Mordor(ref), but they are the female connection in the Mordor religious converts. Mordor is based in the US, Non-Denominational Christian Church groups, and formed within the Dark Age, King Clovis 1(UTube video), court. Clovis 1 was the first Catholic king from Southern France. It is believed Clovis (clitoris, clotilde) was a female. Though Jesus of Nazareth called James and John 'Boanerges' Brothers (Mark3:17) it is questionable to the exact meaning to what 'thunder' meant...because, females have a stage in menstruation called 'thunder' that information leaves open the possibility of a female counter part. Therefore, female secret societies, or a 'Boanerges', can also be considered realistically as a cult, and they also wishing a pious lifestyle would have to commit a like crime as the Mordor (Mordor.) males...which came about by spousal murder and sometimes all offspring. 'Boan' goddess...'Erges' desert sands. Essay on 'Boanerges' at this link Faith/Stewardship. 

Bon. A delusional character that is mainly see among members in the non-denominational church communities...'Forward Soldiers' is for the most part its creed. 'Bon'  is seen in very early stages of opium withdraw with the use of incense additives associated with the burning of opium such as 'ginger', 'sage', and 'prairie grasses'. 'Bon' is the key word used by both the non-denominational creed and its members. The ice cream product 'Bon-Bons' is one of the first mass-produced products that was used to finance this Christian section of the Converso movement.

Bune. Another Al Qaeda cell that is solidly in the Goetia is 'Bune'.  'Bune' members prefers to be called 'Dune'. Listed as the 26th character Bune is a social behavior that means is in catering the needs of the dead. The largest concentration of 'Bune' would be in special societies the have social meetings that prompts dating, as they enjoy debutante festivities. It should be noted also that 'Bune' plays the major role in the Al Qaeda group entitled 'Garbage'(Garbage. ).

Burton, Jay.  Ja Une. Jay is also a cast member with 'Hell Born'...Jay is reputedly the son of actor Richard Burton. It is believed that the Al Qaeda fraction of Ja Une is a speech stammer for the word 'June'. June is detailed more at this link.

Bon. Delusional god seen in very early stages of opium withdraw, bu  still, the use of the i incense additives associated with the burning of opium. Bon is formed in the brain during this process.

Boom. Boom's are the retirement age cheerleaders(Bavom.). 'Boom' have either survived their heroin addictions or simply adjusted to that lifestyle. It should be understood that the drug addiction causes 'Boom' to work personally as a thief more then prostitutes at this retirement life. Perhaps because 'Boon' would work as thieves for other converso groups(religious orders, seven in all), as well as, Spain being the lead country who cater to the 'Boom'. Spain considers them as heroines at dead by applying gold leaves to their portrait if the picture is placed on the tombstone at the grave site. 'Voosh' is the name of the 'Boon' god. The word 'Voosh' can also be heard at Coliseum sporting events to commemorate the older cheerleaders on festive events such as at university Bedlam games.

Borden, Liz. DOGS. (Israel). Hollywood actor. Transgender of Amble, Dern(ref above).

Brown, Eric. Al Coon, Ping. (Arab, Koran). aka: Joe Ern(possible Erd Scotland. Splinter group., ref). 'Brown' is known in and about the Oklahoma pharmaceutical empires such as Homeland Grocery Store, Walgreen's, and CVS Pharmacy. Kyle Hobbes(ref) an actor from Australia is a known associate. Though Hobbes areas in the Al Qaeda movement is different, 'Brown/Ern' does promote pharmaceutics with Hobbes' film producers thus making a continuing connection with both Hobbes and Australia. 'Brown' claims he assassinated a Senator named Joe Morgan in Wisconsin and replacing the dead senator with a sit-in, look-a-like character used by 'Brown' that he was able to pass the 'Wisten' state bill that made 'Laetrile'(Newsclip: Drugs) into a legal, marketable pharmaceutical. 'Brown/Ern' later sold that portion of the pharmaceutical empire for 40 million dollars. Upon which, in Norman, OK and a new pharmaceutical investment, nettled 'Brown' a million dollar yearly. And, again, following up with this new investment in Norman, OK with the investment profits re-investment that money into University of Oklahoma, School of Social Work. 'Brown' now using the alias of a female secretary works at that school (2012). As of 2009 'Brown' claim is his wife of age 13 (Katie, a starter, or beginning, Fung) states she knows nothing of his past or current position. 'Brown' also claims a 'code name' for Lauren, or Loren.

Burp. Al Qaeda. Use of a burp is also considered to be used by persons with mental health disorder who are signalling an 'avoidance' to an outside or invasive situation. This type of surrender is named 'Burp'. It happens just before a settling into a state of decline called 'Glown'(ref, Bigze). 'Burps', when out of mental health care and control, will refuse to leave an area or situation where they believe it has been given to them...it this point, 'Burps' will signal intruders with a burp when that, so called,  territory is being invaded. Though persistent,  'Burps' will give-in to the demands of police officers with and understanding that a law enforcement is present.

Bucephalus. Basson or Bucephalas. (Greece). The horse owned by Alexander the Great, aka, King David of Old Testament Jerusalem. The origin of this horse is the mare. Created by ancient Greek medicine as a tribute of victory for the murder of King Tutankhamen (Tut), The Macedonians/Greeks captured a female Arabian from the conquered desert countries to give as a gift in the hopes of a marriage arrangement with the Egyptian monarchy.  Today, to continue this Greek tradition, human athletics, some unbeknownst, are administrated semen from thoroughbreds horses to alter the athletics DNA. At the stage of a female or male 'bull' (Centaur), human men are encouraged to have sexual intercourse with that newly design humanoid. 'Bucephalus' is the apex in this DNA alteration of human to horse where 'nag' is at the bottom of the chain. Basson is the Al Qaeda group that the 'Bucephalus' is a member of. (ref above: basset hound, basson). 'Bucephalus' Al Qaeda is the technique used to gain control of North and Central America by the Early European.

Bruce. (Vatican. Fung) Once believed to be a Buer Goetia, KAPB, after a long, intensive investigation, feels that 'Bruce'  in reality is a starter, or beginning, Fung. Fung is considered to be the non-Goetia character in the Christian DID (Disassociate Identity Disorder). A Stater Fung can be noticed by their considerations in reference to the word Satan and a Fung's attachment to it.It is also believed that 'Bruce' is not a person but the name of an AL Qaeda organization that is home based in Dubai, Middle East. Dubai is considered to be the greatest in population of lesbians who had transformed into the male physic. Whether through the DID (Goetia demon) or the physical alterations through the use of semen, alcohol, or drugs is not entirely known.

B-yebum. Al Qaeda Goetia(Lesser KeyBune. This Al Qaeda group is a favorite among the members of Forge(ref). Though 'B-yebum' consists mainly of persons with high IQ's, the 'B-yebum' members themselves are not the intelligent part...almost always the high IQ's are the children who are kept in a living arrangement with a 'B-yebum' member; and, again, Forge is the most likely Al Qaeda group to be chosen for this task as ' Byebum' members are pleasant to look at, but has a defensive behavior, and will directly lie if they are threatened. Other then that 'B-yebum' will generally tell the truth. It is felt by KAPB that the word B-yebum itself is fictitious as whose in Bune will make up words for any activity they do when a Bune fells that it's culturally upbeat.


Ca Dal in Reoonk Nig-er. Portugal (ref, Bigze. ). Pronounced 'oo'as in pool, 'nk' short 'n', very soft 'k'. Though, in the USA, very little is known about this group they have been in the US states for some years. Some scholars believe that 'Ca Dal ...' is the primary founder of the former northern and southern slave states in colonial America (1865, ended the Civil War). A 'Ca Dal in Reoonk Nig_er' group that exists today are still in the old Georgia(Reoon Right) plantation home environments, fields included. The Reoon Right is name of of the plantation, and 'Ca Dal in Reoonk'  is the level in which the plantation's congress (the entire plantation population) was able to develop to. American author F.Scoot Fitzgerald also wrote about this Al Qaeda group in his novel The Great Gatsby. Today, in the USA,the largest congregation of 'Ca Dal in Reoonk' is in the state of Texas.

Calegio. Worldwide. 'Calegio' is best known for an international prostitution syndicate used and maintained by prominent sport training universities, normally the home-base.  The name 'Calegio' is believed to be from the era of the Roman Emperor Caligula (56 AD). Caligula survived the famed Tiberian 'minnow'(ref) prostitution murders performed Emperor Tiberius who reigned just after Augustus Caesar. Caligula is also believed to have been an  Argonaut(ref above) female to male. Because Al Qaeda 'Calegio' are mostly known as the bordello of brotheled women , as well as, transgender male to women who's primary syndicate home-base is located mainly at public and private swimming pool, it's very possible that 'Calegio' is the same type of surviving prostitutes that Tiberius had created in Ancient Rome. The History Channel series on Ancient Rome, Roman Vice tells about this unusual form of child prostitution.

Candy Cane. 'Candy Cane' is the name of the middle set of three in the Granmoire` arranged to invade KAPB. This group consists of all low ranking Goetia characters...two counts and one duke.  Set 2(refer to Granmoire`) - 'Candy Cane': FurfurVual, and Andromalius. The main importance with this middle set of three is that each of them like the dinosaur form; therefore, the mind-set is predatory and carnage. Though low rank seems to indict a sense of security for a person, predators believing dinosaur and carnage to a safety zone will likely be sneaky and immature.

Caputo, Theresa. Loren. (Greece). New York Psychic Medium. After ushering in the financial bully as her dueling support, this medium caused the financial failure of the Bank of America(2012, ref above). With it went most of the universities in the USA who were also sponsored by the BOA. The incident was the result of a duel 'Caputo' waged against a newly rising ligature philosophy(2011) among Byzantine Eastern Catholics in the USA. 

Cashish. Al Qaeda. Pronounced Ca (very short 'a', nearly dropped  - Sh - ish('i', very short, blended into 'sh'). The word sounds like liquid passing through a tube when spoken. Repeating several times, 'Cashish members chant this word for a means of salvation. 'Cashish' Al Qaeda indulge in professional sports with a high profile name...football, basketball, and baseball are among the major interests; while, golf, tennis, and hockey are minor interests. 'Cashish' prefer having an enlarged body(ref); or, simply enlarging the ears, nose, hands, and feet. 'Cashish' will make themselves into giants, some standing as much as 15 feet high and weighting 700 pounds. Their favorite hobbies are exotic. Among their exotic interests are administering token (Alabaster.) tattoos and body piercing while under the influence of opium...much like in the novel, The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury.

Catholic Answers. Ding. (Italy). This chat room poses as a Catholic chat though the management members will say they are Protestant, mainly Cators. Cators can be seen in the movie, "The Name of the Rose". Ding(ref below) is the Al Qaeda Catholic Answers is associated with. Their literature is Mormon while most site links lead into the states, homes, and towards the persons who use the site itself. Plagiarism is use openly, with forced removal from the website and forums if confronting the plagiarism practiced by their clergy. Catholic Answers also uses older children living in university towns to promote the Protestant (ArRon) reforms and interests much like the tortures during and within The Inquisition, Spain (Sounds., Inqus. ). 

Cee. The group that sits in the Al Qaeda second position of its authority. 'Cee' (Newsclip, Entertainment) members in internationally known countries will have themselves placed somewhere within the federal level of a charity organization, such as the 'faith-based' federal funding in the USA. Even though 'Cee' members may have roots in law enforcement, they will also keep businesses of all aged prostitutes. They prefer the brothel to be organization church related and with mega-protestant and mega-catholic denominations. 'Cee' members will also work in clinical areas such as behavioral science and clinical mental health groups. Also, possible for the term 'Cee' is within the AFL/CIO(ref above).

Chenoweth, Kristin. Possible Loren. (Italy). aka, Justin Earnst. Currently(2012) ABC drama "GCB". Miss 'Chenoweth', in 2013, was discovered as an officiating justice while involved with international corruption. 'Kristin Chenoweth', an alias as stated above, was removed from that justice position. She has been served(2013) to appear before the World International Court, The Hague. She was to be charged with espionage within US borders. It is believed that the country of Israel was also served with legal request to appear before the same international court along with Miss Chenoweth..

Chris Sligh. O De Sing. (Italy). Gospel singer with some fame in 2012. 'Sligh' is a member of O De Sing ('Sarah Palin') of the Eastern Orthodox Church( not the 'Eastern Rite' organization) as a member of the Al Qaeda. 'Sligh' claims he does steal songs and will continue to whatever the reason. 'Sligh' is of a lighter complexion with slightly reddish hair though redheaded persons are usually frown upon. 'Sligh' description fits the physical stature allowed in the Eastern Orthodox religious colony. 'Sligh' will also pose as a transgender with the same features and color when it is deemed necessary by him for him to.

Christian University. Roman Catholic. The example of this type of university is seen in Edmond, Oklahoma. Enjoying the comforts of online broadcasting, CU used private home television and DVD videos to include themselves during viewing the broadcast. Sadly, it was during one such broadcast that several separate schools at CU (Christian University) that comments were made by the broadcasting professors that they were Satanic, as well as the university itself. The Roman Catholic Church has the very worst reputation in the USA. Perhaps the reason has been made clear by these trespassing professors.

Christianza. Al Qaeda. World Wide. Female comprised of multiple staged DID who live in the mystical Amazon Women epics. Full view

Church Snakes.  American. Rumors of the use of the Asmodeus snake in the Journey Church TV Christian outreach organization were told to be true by police enforcement in Norman, Oklahoma. Full view...

YouTube Video Clip
Clep. Stef. 'Clep' (only one character, thus, working alone) is the remaining characters who are not listed in among the Goetia Clusters, Granmoire` and Sector Split.  It should be understood that not all demons of the Goetia will present themselves, many ignore any request to communicate...just as well, most are dangerous. And, they still should be recognized as a possible threat to a person safety and well-being. Hermetic Science studies the medical terms of demonomania, and it is that and mental health sciences that proves the maximum information about the 'Dissociative Identity Disorder'. 'Clep' is also believed to be the near same in his looks as Octavian (Augustus Caesar). The image here is one of a 'Clep'...it is from the YouTube : Rome: Rise and Fall of an Empire, Episode 6. Note also that Stephanus (Clep) may very well be a girl (female).

Cloe. This Al Qaeda is such more in an organized 'order' then an organized crime group. Even though,  'Cloe' is considered an Al Qaeda group by most crime committees world wide. The concentration that make up a 'Cloe' are generally among professional dancers in motion picture films, musical TV and current music videos. After the age of 18, females are omitted and replaced by men who have studies professional dance. 'Cloe' (sometimes 'Clovian' as in the TV series 'Defiance' SyFy Channel, 2013).

Clovis I. Boanerges, Mordor. (France). (ad. 466-511). Dark Age king who is believed to be the first of the Al Qaeda group today that is mainly consisting of females in Mordor(ref). 'Clovis' wife Clotilde, also named as female genital, is considered to made some kind of a reference to a secret society of females. Clovis I was the first Catholic King in Gaul(southern France). Because of this it is believed that the Christian king, in terms imperial authority, must have been, and perhaps still today, a female in Argonaut(female/male).  The reason for the Al Qaeda group to be named Boanerges is not quiet known, but the Boanerges Boys (Boanerges. )  is mentioned in the Holy Bible by Jesus of Nazareth as Sons of Thunder.  Boanerges Mordor wish for a pious lifestyle and will remove any person who offends their concepts of the way they wish to understand their God.

Commander Sulu. Gemini 2. 'Commandor Sulu' was famous voyageur in the TV version of the 60's hit show 'Star Trek." Jake-sen was the stand-in, or stunt man, for that central character as Jake-sen was considered to be identical look-alike. Both were known to have knowledge of the opium markets of CA.,USA. Star Trek is the TV adventure series that details the behavior of the Goetia character of Focalor.

ConMexican. USA. This questionable Al Qaeda moves drugs for DeMonda operations. A light complexion Hispanic who like to work in the area of south central USA. To remain an active drug dealer and any new possible drug connections, 'ConMexican' stay active within online sites tailored  towards the female ovaries, menstruation, and menopause....full view

ConMexican's Virgin Mary. Connected to DeMonda (Pierre of Montesquieu), this girl is considered as the image seen of the Virgin Mother Mary.  A highly sought for questioning by USA Special Force operations, 'Mary' is normally a spy that is influenced by organized crime figures. For the most part, Spanish mobsters....full view

Complete. Al Qaeda. American. "Complete' is a university gang that follows soon after a failure in a 'Drone' criminal activity. 'Completes' are still working in patterned neighborhoods, but Completes are working to re-establish themselves as legal entities in the communities. full view ...

Copeland, Kenneth. Opus Dul. American TV evangelist. 'Kenneth Copeland' claims he is a french general who pushed the french foreign legion into Texas, USA by using termed "warfare weapons" on American soldiers stationed in that state. 'Copeland' also claims he shipped many of their internal organs taken from tge dead soldiers and shipped the organs to France.  He also tells different events in the slaughtering of the American horse herds those carcasses also to France.  One important thing 'Copeland' did say is "I turned men into horses using herbal solutions that helped the process along". He also claims that a university Texas A&M's  (agriculture & machinery)  medical center developed the serum formula which they still use today. Currently, 'Copeland's' son - an Al Qaeda Bruce - has been found guilty of bombing the federal courthouse building in Oklahoma City, OK, and is waiting execution by the state(he died in July, 2011). An Al Qaeda Bruce was found guilty for his part in the engineering the plot for the removal of courthouse computer operations that enabled the bombing crews to over-take the state of Oklahoma's defense systems.

Crane, Ichabod. The Headless Horseman and  'They rode over bushes, hills, and swamps. When they reached the bridge, the horseman suddenly turned into a skeleton.'...German folktale, set in the Dutch culture of Pre-Revolutionary War in New York State. The original folktale was recorded by Karl Musäus.

Crone, David. Good An En. 'Crone' is also a term used for an opium addict. When the nose is sliding, opium addicts call call a 'Crone' David. The one listed here is a prostitute who extorts money from the State Hwy Division by using a former State Commissioner's computer who set the confidence up for David Crone to work through and retrieve state money for criminal organizations.

Crouch, Jan. Sing. (Israel). The Crouch family run Trinity Broadcasting Network(TBN). In recent years, they've been witnessed in cable TV indulging in hemp, opium, and slavery. More concern is Trinity's drana theater The Church of All Nations which closely resembles the 5th Century Roman Emperor or Nero, and his Greek fashioned theater in Italy. History has recorded that Christians were then used as human torches(64 AD) because of a law permitting that type of execution for crimes against the Rome state
(Secrets of the Dead III (2002): 4. The Great Fire of Rome)...as the Christians had set the city on fire, not once, but twice, thus costing the Roman citizens at that time in history a totally bankrupt nation. The Apostle Peter died during those years because of his teachings about man gods. While teaching colonies of man-god believers, Peter raised concern with the government with his own form of demagoguery, (1 Peter) along with the Greco/Roman god worships of Artemis (hunt, wilderness, wild animals, and childbirth and plague), Dionysus(wine, parties and festivals, madness, drunkenness and pleasure at forever young) and Hephaestus (fire, metal working, stonemason sculpture and volcanism). Because of the volcano and the Greek theater that was built at the 'Crouch's' Florida theme park, there may very well be a dangerous situation in that region of the United States.


Damian. Thought to be the leader among demons, 'Damian' actually is just the keys(demons) in the Goetia ...also King Solomonwho used copper as a defuser, might have started the craze for capture of demons; thus creating an early pop culture of Damian hunters. The confusion surrounding this Al Qaeda person has made it possible for 'Damian' to theoretically hide much more among the Major Keys (or light side of the brain...angels). 'Damian', or the American french pronunciation as da-mon, will pose as one demon or another in the medical interest of demonomania (schizophrenia). Mostly said, da-mon is the word for all the character in the Goetia, and 'Damian' should be seen as a pop-culture character at best.

Dave. The common shortened form of the name David. The acronym means:
D-David, A-Assential, V-Vigil, E-Ever. This term is heard around Israel kibbutz (farming communities).

Deacon. Worldwide. Al Qaeda.  'Deacon' is an Al Qaeda person who traveled back through the so called 'gatekeepers'L.O.V.) in demonomania. Demonomania, is the word preferred by mental health officials for the mental disorder on multi-personalities, or Dissociative Identity Disorder, and it is a mental health professional who is needed to bring a person back out of that state of mind. Full view...

De..amm..Lure. The amm is the word De(amm)Lure is a stammer on the back of the tongue. When spoken correctly 'DeLure' members will be silent or contemplated towards that person. 'DeLure' are basically neurologist. As brain specialist, they slowly come to enjoy stopping of the brain...that is, the sending and storing of brain messages into short term memory, thus, voids any long term storage or memories. Though the brain will recover when new messages are delivered, the misshaped neurologist tends to want to continue delivering short electrical volts to surge areas of the human brain. The leaders in this Al Qaeda group are mainly in Israel. Publishing for medical article websites,' DeLure' prints articles such as Can walking through a doorway make you forget? (Medpage.com) The purpose for this medical practice is not known, but KAPB believes the efforts to study this type of neurology is more war based then anything else. Franklin Graham (ref) is associated with 'DeLure' that is in the Netherlands.

De Blanken Nig_er. Ireland. 'Blank' is pronounced much as the Mexican word 'white', blanc(o). The use of rye whiskey mixed with olive oil is injected directly into the brain at the temporal lobe in the back of the head. The use of a very small, plastic coated needle holds the mixture until there is a slow absorption into the brain's soft tissue...a neddleurgy. The procedure developed during the Mediterranean Roman occupation (43-410 AD). This Al Qaeda fraction are pedophiles preferring both incest and prostitution at very early ages. Many of these occult children were raised as god-childs. As the Druids slowly regained control in the backwoods ritual worships, the god-child sacrifices slowly became more controlled and ordered towards a more formal service with North Ireland's god beliefs. Uganda is the 'De Blanken' favorite country from which children are stolen to create the god-child in North Ireland's Druid worships.

Da Laosge.  Roman. Al Qaeda. Saturn.  Because of the many bits of information KAPB has published that resulted in the traumatic results with upper court decisions by both the US Supreme and World International Courts concerning the attempts of slavery in the State of Oklahoma, KAPB believes that now the Christians are in a formal, organized state of  "Io Saturnalia"! Full view...

DeMonda. This Al Qaeda member loves to cook. They prefer cupcakes and cookies. Usually overtaking a small bakery, they will have a haberdashery much like a flee market, or a low-end key bazaar in operation as a part of the bakery business itself once it has been ceased. The over-all bakery business generally is used as a theme store while the under-laying workers share in a vary of organized crimes adventures. Generally run by a 'wonk on girl', 'DeMonda' will control computers, iPhones, and other electoral devices used for communication if at any time a customer appears suspicious to any of the persons who operate the bakery business. This type of bakery will use additive substances that can cause obesity, high-blood pressures, and palpitations. In a stage of Cocaine Willie (Willie Wonka) , when challenged will work as gigolos and keep clusters of workers much like as persons who are either midgets or dwarf.

Den. France. Benedictine Monks. 'Den' monks work towards political senates only. Set-ups are mostly underground by OM. Om is unknown by KAPB...a possible Goetia Al Qaeda organization.

Den Paoone. When understood, this cell is fashioned after the biblical 'bar Jesus', Acts 13:6 (NABRE). As with bar Jesus, 'Den Paoone' leaders are witchcraft occult sorcerers ('Familiars') who prefer living in prisons, such as in the referenced above and Cyprus, Greece (Argo-on.). As written in New Testament scriptures the 'Den Paoone' leader would have to be posing as a false prophet. Possible modern false prophet bar Jesus: Josh Morgan(Kansas). Deep illustration of bar Jesus is in the Goetia Purson using Gamma/Gunna.

Der Poinge. Al Qaeda. American. Prison System.  The third in line for convict considerations among the four major Al Qaeda prison system inmate groups. 'DerPoinge' are the transients inmates. Moving from state to state while working crop farms the Al Qaeda considers 'Der Poinge' to be a type of  De Triviaire soldier.  full view...

De Sultra Nig_er. Israel. With the latest in technology, the lower verbal tones in speech have become possible to hear. With the new developments, words formed when chanting or during Om (exhaling while chanting long, spiral verses) can be heard. Because of this, the word' DeSultra Nig-er' is clearly heard during temple services among Israeli Jews. The Jews are also classified as Tact Won Jews with counterparts in Italy and Greece. Roman Christian (Vatican) are Tist Won Jews and Greek Orthodox Christians are classified as Dwin Won Jews.

Did'Dm. Al Qaeda. Iran. 'Did'Dm is just a word that the Asmodeus use to include themselves into gatherings of pirates or organized crime gangsters. Asmodeus is perhaps the greatest known prostitute in history as he/she has obtained heights that would astound most protos. One thing noticeable is that common language is always structured towards the solicitation of prostitution. Due to the extreme heights of the Asmodeus, King Solomom being one, this behavior is not noticeable until the facade has fallen down, and the word 'Did'Dm' is not a part of the usual diologue.

Ding. Morg, Dung Gun Nig_er. (China). As a Dung Gun Nig_er, 'Ding' is a Daoist Jew. Daoist live mainly in Southern Chinese areas where both Russia and the USA are the main contributors to that region's Chinese finance capital. This program has been in affect for several hundred years starting with the Egyptian government's efforts to control opium addiction in runaway cases. This effort, by countries who use opium control programs, and programs were implemented to help employ the men, women, and children who have been poisoned with opium and must leave their families for new lives in hopes to contain the perils (Satan) because of the drug's effect on the human brain...mainly murder of close relatives, something new opium addicts are likely to commit. Dung ('Al Dung' ) Gun Nig_ers ('Ding') are robbers. 'Ding' (Catholic Answers) is currently working as the rap singer 'Dog Gon'. Former acting parts were as the actor Robert Blake (Amble, Dern, above), Joseph Prince (Singapore TV evangelist), and Nazareth_Sam (online poker rooms). The man called 'Ding' claims the Nazarene Church(ref: A.) is his Christian domination, as well as, Lily Tomlin as his most famous wife.

Disaronno.  X Dous. Jews. This elite group of voyagers are best famed by the recent TV commercial for the Almond flavored liquor Disaronno"'. (perhaps a liquor dedicated to the movement of Diaspora). Full View...

'Disciple Mania'.  The KAPB collections of the modern day biblical disciples and what they are doing in today's world. link

Disease. Al Qaeda. This cluster consists of the five (5) primary orders in the Catholic Church hierarchy. At the link provided a KAPB post detailed this dangerous cluster.

Dul. The Al Qaeda group primarily stems from the Bathin (the demon). This group would is considered in psychiatry as demonomania (Goetia.) or demonopathy.  Sulav Shrestha wrote in his article on demonic possession, "Of these, most commonly people misunderstand “Dissociative Identity Disorder” as demonic possession. In cases of dissociative identity disorder (commonly called split personality), about 29% are reported to identify themselves as demons. However in medical science this is regarded as the mental disease called demonomania or demonopathy, a monomania in which the patient believes that he or she is possessed by one or more demons."  Whether or not all 'Dul' groups are all in the demonic stage of Bathin is still in question as most persons with demonomania are considered to be dangerous so public information resources for that type of information has been controlled. Thankfully, within the last ten years the cycle of information has reached greater heights (TV, movies, etc.) thereby allowing for a better uniform flow of relevant resources to the general public.

Dune. Goetia, Bune. 'Dune' is the favorite word to use when describing who they are among the Lesser Key Demons. The Marten pirates (ref) employ the use persons who during stages favor and considered the word 'Dune' to be the primary word of who they are. Marten pirates live and work mainly in the country and waterway of the country of Morocco.

Gin Alcohol, Haagenti, In-gin...Have you read the message? Get into The Word with 1Word.
Click here ............ Click here

Doedul Qua Nig_er. 'Doedul Qua' is believed to be the female side(transgender) to Opus Dul. This group is from Spain and should be considered as royal (Disaronno) family members. Using university medical centers, herbs is the major weapon of 'Doedul Qua'. Most actions by this group are supported by one senate bill funding or another. Varies investments in prostitution, drugs sales, organized street gangs, federal funding, herbal warfare, and varies DNA transfiguration are reported daily by police agencies. Possible male lead counterparts: Rod Parsley, Kenneth Copeland, Greg Mauther.

Dogon. This Al Qaeda leader is known to thrive on the artistic products of lay and professional artist. Travelling around in different art cultures, 'Dogon' will inhabit homes and business of artists providing 'Dogon' can do it without discovery. Once discovered, 'Dogon' will hide among larger crimes syndicates formed by other occult dark (Goetia) enclaves...best known are mmJeraldemAsha (ref) and mmDagem (ref). Though not a spike, 'Dogon' is more likely to take orders from a greater authority as this Al Qaeda leader fails at most favored tasks within the 'Dogon' enclave itself. Enclave tasks are generally crime designer where 'Dogon' members themselves conjure up ideas (designers)  in an effort to maintain some kind of an existence in any type of artistic culture. 'Dogon' is also the name of the dog-like god worshiped by modern day Christians who are a part of the French Roman Catholic movements.

DOGS. Israel. The Al Qaeda group 'DOGS' is made up mainly of humans being who physically live as a dog. 'DOGS' prefer to work in Hollywood environments, such as, homes of film actors, writers, and studio artist, all the while, living with the appearance of a dog and enjoying the benefits of being a natural dog. 'DOGS' are normally transgenders in one way or another. 'DOGS' are used to create crime cell areas where  the largest population of residents are female. Developing breast and genital cancer has the highest priority. When possible 'DOGS' prefer to stalk senior adults ('Perwing'). While living as an impersonation dog, this group will use karate as the weapon of choice. Excerpt from Amble, Dern (ref), "DOGS, themselves, live mostly in senior center and homes after the DOGS have formed a genital cancer research concentration area in one or more of this type of assisted senior living arrangement. 'Amble' will assist Al Qaeda's Israel medical core with US outreach social organizations to transport whatever medical information to assigned Al Qaeda medical groups in both the US. and the Middle East." 

Dor. Speed. (USA). 'Dor' is the famous name used by Ar.  This little known Ar is currently living in Low, Illinois, the home port for the  Al Qaeda group Speed. Though suggested by the White House, Washington, D.C., still very little is reported in the American press about this group even though the covert group 'Speed' is owned by NORMA, an organization sponsoring home improvements after natural disaster, or simple urban recovery program. It is believed that the Name "Ar" is a shortened form of the name "Argon"(Ar-go-on), the favorite Jesus character (Purson) in the Lesser Key. It must be added that no known exact reference of the group Ar as to having a connection to the Goetia. Biblical, Argon in one reference is a stage of an "other Jesus ". The Roman Catholic Church prefers the portraits of the Argon Jesus, that is, Purson, and follow many of that Goetic concepts.

Dora. Ping. Former governor, Ill. 'Dora'. This supposed governor of Illinois is said to have connections with the CIA. All inquires has lead to this being not true. Working with Weatherford oil consultants in Houston, Texas Miss Dora has arranged for female organs to be sold to her transgender country by using the employer Bruce Poteet in several dinner arrangements at selected restaurants in Chicago, IL Aerial tours in and out of the country of Canada were also a part of the arrangements  What's important here is that the island of Australia is also a major role player and specifically Kyle Hobbes, the actor with the famed cast of ABC: V The Series. Though little is said of 'Dora' she does travel around with a negro boy and likes to live in Chinese neighborhoods. Collecting female organs from natural female using genital assault and normally followed with an attempted assassination during lavatory use (toilet and/or shower), 'Dora' stalks neighboring apartments and homes. In late 2013 KAPB believes 'Dora' is a code word for the Goetia characteristic of a Forge. It is the closeness of Negroes, Lavatories, and Negro children that prompts the idea as Forge like to kill Negro children using the illegal practice of a particle birth abortion techniques.

Drone. Al Qaeda. American. A human beelike gang that operates around university cities. 'Drones' are sent out to re-coop possible losses due to publish attention. Former drones are referred to as 'Complete' as they were one among the many gangs that work in communities that are centered around a sport university. full view ...

Dru. A convent of witches based in Texas resembling the classic literature of Canterbury Tales. The updated version of Canterbury Tales run by Jentezen Franklin. First known as a coven was soon after the first publication were dated as 1920 in NYC by a man named Arthur Ward. Dr. Taylor Marshall is the newest storyteller. As a member of 'Dru', it is expected for witches to kill humans primarily for profit and gain as opposed to ritual sacrifices.

All images in this post were collected through a Google image search. - Thanks, KAPB