December 22, 2013

'Disciple Mania'

'Disciple Mania'

This study was made by professionals who were trained to gather information. Though none of the techniques are detailed, they did use special skills enabling each officer of the court the leverage towards the pursuit as to why these gangsters were willfully trespassing into homes, offices, and into general public businesses. This study should not be assumed to be a study into the personalities of any one of the bible characters, though New Testament personalities will in some ways resemble this study's Disciple Mania. Any similarity between the two should be accountable to the each Disciple Mania listed below. - Blessings KAPB

Thomas News: Culture Shock: Reviving Ancient Cholera. Jan 23, 2014. MedPage.  ...Cholera swept out of India in the early 1800s and has been responsible for several pandemics since, including the one that caused the Philly outbreak in 1849....

* At the conclusion of Disciple Mania, it was found that the disciple Thomas, who is considered to be the head of the Christian Church, has eight (8) space stations (SS) of the thirteen (13) in the Oklahoma skies. Many of the SS hover inside of air traffic lanes and are considered to be pesty to formal air traffic, such as airlines, private planes, and military transports. It was in Bartholomew that Thomas used four (4) SS's: high/low 5:00 and high/low 7:00

Mark 3: 14-19
Then he selected twelve of them to be his regular companions, calling them apostles. He sent them out to preach, 15 and he gave them authority to cast out demons. 16 These are the names of the twelve he chose: Simon (he renamed him Peter), 17 James and John (the sons of Zebedee, but Jesus nicknamed them "Sons of Thunder" ), 18 AndrewPhilipBartholomewMatthewThomasJames (son of Alphaeus), ThaddaeusSimon (the Zealot ), 19 Judas Iscariot (who later betrayed him). (NLT)

Important to Remember: Whether a person chooses to believes in demonomania or not to believe in this psychological condition is really up to the individual, but remember mental patients who have demonomania many times act on what is detailed in the Goetia.

Space Stations* (SS): Face West:
1:00 'Playful' ... varies, 2:00 'Caesar' ... Benedictine Friar, 3:00 'Hun Hurt', 4:00 'Sparta' ... Greek, Royalty, 5:00 (London Russian Syndicate), 6:00 (Fung), 7:00 (Silk Road/Trade gamblers), 8:00 'Kcblown' ... pedophile in clown, 9:00 'Jealous' or Jealously'... Asian females, 10:00 'Forty Five' ... child prostitutes, 11:00 'Duel' ... female football players, 

12:00 'Kherali' ... Roman Catholic Church. 

Straight over the head is called 'North' or 'Jesu' (Jesuit priest/monk) who are Goetia Paimon. This is the third in the line of the demon messiah...Purson and Marbas being first and second. 
'North' is also the thirteenth (13) space station noticed in the Oklahoma skies.
"The Ninth Spirit in this Order is Paimon, a Great King, and very obedient unto LUCIFER".  - S. L. MacGregor Mathers (1904)

* Space Stations in Religion...  - Plutonium

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