November 26, 2013

'Iconic': India's Blue Boy

India's Blue Boy
Oklahoma   11/26/2013

Greece, Rome and their British province has taken turns altering the population of India for thousands of years. The 66th demon of the Goetia characters is Cimajes. He the favorite demon/god who has lived in among the Indian people for several thousand centuries, or so it is said. India was a nation of Cretan individuals who lived only for infections and the lust for the making of any type of infections. It was Israel who finally was able to create a friendship and citizen swap with the Indian people as modern nations began to communicate openly with each other. Israel is reportedly the country of medical genius it is little wonder, like father like son, the two would become as a nation undivided.

So, as a lover of diseases 'Blue Boy' is perhaps the least known Indian citizen outside of India itself. But 'Blue Boy' has a secret. He likes to serve kings by supplying the realms with young, and old males to live as a harem concubine...that is, prostitute!

Known as the Infatata, 'Blue Boy' himself becomes the deliverer of the bad news when foreign nations want to expel the concubine harems. Because Indians like to study, they are a favorite to excel the ranks and obtain very good positions in foreign national governments making international connections very simple. Normally it is the lighter blue complexioned boys who are served to this type of an assignment. It should be noted here that an Infatata consists of three Indo groups: Intra (India), Indo (Islanders), and Infra (Irish). Or, the triad of Disease, Voodoo, and Fire.

This image is a very good likeness of the Ancient Roman general named 'Marcellus'. He lived in India for 30 years and served as the royal informer for the Indian government while under the rule of Spain. Marcellus was favorite in India because of a lust to eat dogs, a practice still used today in times of starvation. The consumption of dog flesh is one of the leading cause of Syphilis.

Though all forms of disease are favored by India, syphilis has proven to be the greatest for entertainment purposed. Transmitted through group orgies with harem protos, syphilis is considered to be a god given odor that included or excludes either boy or girl, in some cases, from the Indian communities themselves.

Therefore, it should be no surprise that the demon Pakuku is also considered a friend in India. Both the color blue, as with Pakuku, and the viral odors are deemed holy with both.

 Finally, in the fifth season of Ancient Aliens, Albert Eisenstein, it detailed the scientific life of this Hebrew scientist. the episode also tells a fascinating story about how neurologist used his preserved brain for world experimentation on the genius formations. Weird!

What is interesting here is that the herb named 'Rubex' was never reported as a primary substance found in the severed slices of his brain. And that the brain had a second life, one that showed malnutrition which can sometimes be seen as genius formations by researchers in varies countries around the world.

It is believed by scholars in Eastern studies that the Indian Blue Boy in the entertainment industry, or Bollywood, named Robert Clue was both a Jew from Israel who was to live in India until he recovered from a viral disease, as well as, an Indian by visual terms...he turned himself blue with the use of heroin. Clue lived in India because Israel found him to be in need of isolation as written in their religious laws. Interesting!

It was after this publication that Edith Flagg, the grandmother of Josh Flagg (Million Dollar Listing:LA, Bravo TV), told us at KAPB that the Albert Eisenstein theories with time and space were more of a covert program to isolate the blue boy Infatata then any other science project. India's blue boys love the concepts of relativity; so, with the combination of Magik (Hermetic) and its sub-study Physik, Eisenstein was able to get the Infatata to re-group and make a forced reorganization in their efforts to isolate the home-bound Hebrews, as some European Jews are called in the United States. Good Job! We live in Alaska, come visit us up there some day. - Collections in Trust.

Article - 6 arrested in crackdown on Calif. gangs - San Jose Mercury News

This excerpt is a perfect example of how an Alquadan is formed within the prison system.  

"Authorities say the Ventura County gangs sold drugs obtained from the Mexican Mafia and collected so called "taxes" on behalf of the prison gang."

November 25, 2013

'FYI': Holy Books and Holy Gods

Holy Books and Holy Gods
Oklahoma   11/13/2013

Scene from 'Jesus Christ Superstar'
Below are samples of holy books and god names that can be found among the seven different converso organizations. The names are very much olden words, with some differences because of the changes in social structures and languages diversities. KAPB thought is was interesting, so it is noted here.

The Holy Books. When all seven converso organizations are of one accord difference words are used by each section of the converso while the word itself means the same thing to each. Because this is religion we selected the Jesus movement as our point of reference, thus...

Atheist - Kant du
Buddhist - Shu du
Christian - See du
Hindu - Who du
Jew - Aslon du
MulitGod - Crlon du
Muslim - Voo du

When ever there is a gathering, for whatever reason, and all the member are in agreement with the understanding of the, or a, purpose for the Jesus (messiah, sacrifice, sacraments, etc.) the majority converso will have the lead in the chants, prayers, etc. Therefore, if the gathering is largely Muslim then the pow-wow will sound more like voodoo then a Christlike sermon.

Demon Gods. The three genocidal murders gods are Klue (Pakuku) ... Klong (More) ... Kleef (Sleff).

It's not understood why they all start with the letter 'K', but it may simply be a colloquial change out of the word 'Christ' as there has been numerous examples of the word 'Christ' in ancient and pre-ancient manuscripts.

Child Gods. The three primary ancient Roman parent/child were Pomp (Pompey) ... Jewels (Julius ... Angasis (Augustus).

During Pomp the skin color normally has a golden, silver, or bronze hue to it. Where during Jewels both the teeth and hair has a shimmer that appears like diamonds or crystal glass, And, during the developed cultural stage of  Angasis the bowel is enlarged making the skin look spotted and poor. It is from these three rulers that the Roman world was developed into the society we know today as the Christians. It has been found that the vast majority of Christians are in one of these three skin tones, or the professed Christian themselves is simply not a active church participant. Where, though very low in number, the numbers of church attending Christians are colored in one of these three hues. 

Here the word Christian is used to define the purpose of the converso movement, which is to establish the Christian belief system as the sole ruler of the religious world; whether, in one of the other six converso fractions the conduit is the Christian metaphor of belief in Messiaen and a Jesus as that such.

'FYI': Alquadan - Opium Den

Alquadan - Opium Den
Oklahoma   11/25/2013

Google Image
After a brief visit with a Chinese official, KAPB was able to learn something about the word 'Alquadan'. The word is a derivative from the Chinese word Opium Den.

Below is a list of about how it occurred...

Opium Den...opin den...olpeen din...olpin din...olpa din...alpa dee...alka dee...alka dei...alka dan...Alqua dan.

With varies cultural changes without the centuries and cultures of ancient Middle East and Dark Age Europe, Alquadan with transformed from a pit of opium addicts to the lush palace of kings and queens, such like putting a parking lot on top of a cauldron to stop the bloodshed.

In the Spanish romance languages the letter 'Q' is generally pronounced as the letter K'. The word itself is also very similar to the slang term of an alcoholic ...Alkee, such as with Al kee holic or the holisitc practice of opium and alcohol mixture that was used for 'colic', thus an Alcoholic.

November 20, 2013

'Iconic': Pakuku and the Ancient Roman Shield

Pakuku and the Ancient Roman Shield
Oklahoma   11/20/2013

A lot of gods are mentioned when the ancient Roman army is taught about. The icon painted on the shield itself is questionable. These few illustrations and an excerpt from the online Louvre galleries perhaps some new information may be helpful.

The Scutum. A variation of the world scrotum, this Ancient Roman shield is the best known war accessory used by the armies of ancient Italy. The wings on the palette predate the god worships recorded by ancient history historians. As Rome is a child of Greece, it could easily be considered as the wings of Zeus, Cronin, or Hades; but, there is no evidence to support that theory. Therefore, The Greek Triad is an alternative answer to what or who do these wings belong to. Could the demon 'Pakuku' be the adapted image aspirated off-shoots of the Ancient Greek empire?

'Pakuku'. This statute is a bronze figurine owned by the Louvre Galleries in France. The wing spans are noticeable in a likeness to the wings on the roman scutum (shield). In the post 'Pompey, Julius, Augustus', the author writes that Julius Caesar is considered as, "'The Father', or 'Pontifex Maximus'", and Pompey is brother/sister with Augustus as the respecter of woman and the friend to man-kind. In today's world, Pakuku is also considered to be the transformation of the human DNA when brutal violence, sexual torture with the retaliation of a the murder of a parent, namely the father. If the 'Pakuku' wings are the wings on the ancient Roman shield, then it would stand to reason that the wings of their painted god would serve as to kill the father in devotion, honor, and protection during battles that the Roman forces bartered into.

In the History Channel series 'The Barbarians: Saxons', the 'Pakuku' demon can be seen among the warriors of King Alfred who defended a Briton homeland. Alfred is called "The Great" because he transcribed five books the bible into a readable language and converted the entire British nation to Christianity and lead the nation under Roman rule.

When all is collected it becomes obvious that the demon 'Pakuku' had an important role in shaping the ancient world. Very possibility the god Rome used to built the Roman Empire and was carried into Christianity during the conquests, battles, and finally the establishments in the new worships that were Christ driven.

The Quote is from the online Louvre that offers some information about the demon 'Pakuku'...

A spirit invoked for protection
The inscription on the back of the wings describes the figure's personality: "I am Pazuzu, son of Hanpa, king of the evil spirits of the air which issues violently from mountains, causing much havoc." The demon Pazuzu was associated with ill winds, particularly the west wind which brought the plague. His terrifying, scowling face and his scaly body repel the forces of evil, which meant that in certain circumstances the figure was considered a protective spirit. Pazuzu, a demon from the hellish underworld, had the power of repelling other demons, and was thus invoked for beneficial ends, particularly to drive his wife Lamashtu back to the underworld. Lamashtu was a demoness who attacked men to infect them with various diseases.

November 19, 2013

'Definitions': Moroick Moe String

Moroick Moe String
Oklahoma   11/19/2103

Moroick Moe.  Al Qaeda. Church. (pronounced with oi as long 'e'.)The word favored by the third string players of any high school, college, university, or professional athletic team if they school, pro-ball company, or sports club is failing.

In Norman Oklahoma, the University of Oklahoma's is coupling with California's Fresno State by making the school's icon the city gang's icon as the Bulldog is Fresno State and the Horse, or Pony, is now the official icon for the newly developing OU city gang.

Developing from the homeless shelter day tables, people were unaware of the violence developing inside the extremely small shelter situated right nest to the railway tracks. Only the shelter staff noticed gatherings and reported them to the authorities.

Downing the colors of gray, red, and white the school's players have been feeling the violence from a number of different directions but especially on the field of play. Deflecting the violence 'Pony' has offered the losing teams a peace offering of the entire city-wide as an arena to trespass, vandal, rob, and murder for organs. The new gang in Norman, OK is called 'Pony',  While using the OU iconic colors, players, coaches, cheerleaders, and some OUsport fan addresses have been offered as contacts to the other professional team who reside outside the State of Oklahoma.

Hopefully the attack and murder on the Bulldog fan will not spill over on to any OU fans.

'FYI': Greek Triad: Zeus, Cronin, and Hades

Greek Triad: Zeus, Cronin, and Hades
Oklahoma   11/19/2013

Zeus, Cronin, and Hades

A bit of information about the human sacrificial Gods that made the Converso religion what it is today.

The Greek Triad: 
Below are the three names used for the Greek's God edifice has to the why's of mankind's passion.

Today Greek Orthodox members sometimes refer to the triad as the 'Heh'.
Most Yiddish words end with the Hebrew letter of 'Heh'

  • Zeus (heaven) - Animal, Father, and human sacrifice
  • Cronin (earth) - Child sacrifices
  • Hades (hell) - Woman, Mother, and girl sacrifice
The letter 'Heh'

'Iconic' Clairmont, Wilhelm, and Kaiser

Clairmont, Wilhelm, and Kaiser
Oklahoma   11/19/2013

The word 'Proto' has been a part of a the Plutonium posts within the last few months. As more and more groups, clusters, etc have been, so to say, outed, it has left a lot to be resolved about scattered few in the upper-crust groups and clusters. We found a few proto at KAPB that could easily be classificed as upper-crust prostitutes. Many of them have made quite a name for themselves over the many decades of America's history. KAPB made a small pictorial of three clusters of proto that have started up a march on the capitol. Though the images are of proto, we can't honestly say any one of the persons in the plates have the proto virus that is caused by the use and misuse of a personal sexual prostitution.

Clairmont. (Sex with a monkey.) Believing to be clairvoyant, Clairmont Proto are the bakers of the bunch...this time the baker is baking up world famous delicacies. The ribbons, mesh, layers, colors. and fixtures seen on the cake pictured here are all the designs loved by this proto. Mainly in toned complexion, the Asian seems to reign supreme among this sub-culture group. In the illustrations plate at the left are just a few of the complexions best known in the proto. All of them having their own personal reason for selecting to be a 'Clairmont' the reality is they are all pretty such born there.

Wilhelm. ( Sex with a large cat.). The 'Wilhelm' proto is the working class of the Kaiser Wilhelm group. 'Wilhelm' is considered to be separate from the Kaiser order, but 'Wilhelm' will have some form of a royal title such as: Sir, Mam, or Lad. Though they are genetically past the Kaiser proto group, they still will serve the royal families of Europe faithfully, as well as, financially. The illustration plate to the right is about the way a 'Wilhelm' should look to be considered as a 'Wilhelm'. The couple at the bottom of this plate are in the stage of a Marchosias Wilhelm. Though little is known about this stage, it is certain that they will roam around the world in search of fortune and pride.

Kaiser. (Sex with a dog.) 'Kaiser' is most famous for starting the First World War. A squabble over a female impersonator, all hell broke loose that fueled the two world wars and the Korean War that followed shortly after the close of World War II. Annie Oakley pictured on the bottom left of this plate is perhaps the best known kaiser proto in America. Loosing all her reputation during the First World War because of a cigar trick she preformed in the Wild West Show carnival, she was sent back to the bad-end of the prostitutes where she died soon after from a gun shot to her head. Even though trying the defense of  shooting off the cigar from the mouth of the bad-boy Kaiser Wilhelm, all in the audience felt little sympathy as she marched off the center ring to her death a few months later. 'Kaiser' is profoundly royal family, and Oakley  was left to the be royal influence as she was labeled 'The Queen of the Rodeo' by Kaiser Wilhelm himself when Oakley shot the cigar tip off his lite humor. There has been no other kaiser queen in American sense then.

Article - 40 police photos of dapper criminals from the 1920s - Boing Boing

The similarity between the 1920 gangsters in Australia and the United States is remarkable...they are all just about there. A must see if working on a legal career, or simply working were criminals are abundant. The second link has a vimeo video that is great, but!!!

Article - 15 Year Old Student Commits Suicide One Week After Arrest For Streaking During Football Game | Techdirt

This public display of nudity may have its roots in the American Civil War. Just before a little known battle in the southern states, with only a scarf around his neck, one naked soldier rode out in front of the troops of both sides who were arranged for battle. The naked soldier made it to the end of the troop lines before he was shot down. The troop then saluted the dead rider with a drink from their flasks.
Ancient Aliens!

November 8, 2013

'Iconic': Pompey, Julius, Augustus

Pompey, Julius, Augustus
Oklahoma   11/8/2013

After much study it is believed that the three leading rulers of Ancient Rome were more of an anomaly (collection of events) them actually a single person. Within each anomaly there are central characters that were selected to serve a single purpose contributing to the over all single anomaly...meaning Pompey to Pompey, Julius to Julius, etc. What the intended purpose was and is believed was to build three separate sociopathic, demonic enclaves. For what purpose is unknown, but the demonic enclaves still exist today.

Pompey was the first ruler who established the Roman hierarchy. A favored  Roman general, posthumous and pleasant, he excelled from a common field-worker to the birth of Italy coupled with Greece the parent intended. Following the siblings of Ramos and Remus the great army of the parent Marchosias was born into public awareness. As an army of marching foot troops the Greek Spartans had moved into its next stage of mind-control. As considered, the two brothers siblings suckled the she-wolf and formed a Greek literate nation ruled under the earliest professor in the Goetia, the usher Marquis Naberius. Thus creating the anomaly of the brother/sister murder demon named 'MORE'.

Julius Caesar was the next general who gained acclaim and rose up the ranks trough both society and war...thus, naming himself 'The Father', or 'Pontifex Maximus'.  It is believed Julius also was married into the family of medical learners who served under the instructions of Apollo's Son Asclepius ( the Greek medical hero. And as with the typical behaviors of a religious father, Julius began an ethnic cleansing also called an a sepsis. It was through this one god (man-god) notion of the Roman monarchy that the demon 'Pakuku' was developed and maintained into this present day. Thus, in the anomaly of Julius the Roman era of a cleansing morality by the absolute father was the power guidance for the demon Pakuku to be set into place.

Lastly, Augustus Caesar. The friend of the Romans, he respected the rights of women and honored his mother even though raped by his mother's lover who was also the husband of Augustus's favorite lover, his sister. Augustus shared his fortune of land, money, and respect with his female counterpart in all his affairs until his death. Piety and good morals was the vogue for all women. If not followed to the script, Augustus would have them eaten by lamprey ells at the home of senators who adherently followed the rules of the Cesarean. Within that anomaly matricide was developed, cultivated, and cured into a fine, blood-red wine. And, the demon 'Sleff' became the icon for an angelic presence who fought for the Augustinian justice while the captured soul strove forward downing the presence of their heroine 'Sleff'.

Though little is known about this triad, it has formed the world of mankind as we know it today. Shape serving for at least four thousand years the Cesarean triad will never be taken down. It can only be made known of and then tempered into the schizophrenic molding it needs for control or mankind will become extinct.

Article - 10 Of The World's Most Bizarre Parades

Some pictures in this link may be offence to people. Though it's all in fun, on page 2 there is a picture of a huge phallus. Get them in a parade one way or another!  : )

November 5, 2013

'Iconic': Crimps

Oklahoma   11/5/2013

The multi characters that Belial (Dionysos/Marax) like to use. There are several types, but they all have the same horn characteristic to them. The horn is the bone cartridge that is hardening and pushing its way out of the skin and into the open air. After sometime, the horn is controllable such as with a finger. Therefore, the horn can be contracted and hidden whenever the Belial (Dionysos/Marax).

What's interesting here is the varies terms related to the word or character 'Crimp'. With the many variations are the meanings to each as the word comes from these demons and the words have been handed down trough the generations in some form of another.

Below in alphabetical order are the names that also denotes the action of the Belial 'Crimp'.

  • Brimp - loe to make people obest 
  • Dimp - has a dimpel on their nose
  • Emp (Imp) - are a little devilish in nature
  • Fimp - is like a screw-up or 'F'-up
  • Gimp - is disabled physically
  • Himp (Hemp) look and smoke Hemp continually
  • Jimp - Japanese for Crimp
  • Limp - has a leg disorder
  • Mimp (Mim) - Mime acts out without talking
  • Pimp - sells sex
  • Rimp - has rinkled skin and facial features
  • Simp - is a chump, gulligable, slow in thinnking
  • Vimp - prostitute
  • Wimp - cowardly
  • Yimp - Chinese for Crimp

November 1, 2013

'Iconic': Wezers

Oklahoma 11/1/2013

A favorite stance
The word most likely use to describe an adult Knight Templar is "Wezer'. In the alphabetical entries on the Knights Templar, it was written that these knights are in reality children who either had proto worker (prostitution) at birth or was raped, and, thereby, contracted the viral infection.

Whatever the case, it should be noted, a male who is raped or has sexual intercourse with an unknown prostitute, the DNA breakdown will begin and they will also go through the stage of Templar. It is only through the male child that the activities of the Knights Templar are considered to be adherent for this religious royalty.
A favorite stance
It should also be noted that: only the male child will get to a DNA adult stage and be known as a 'Wezer'. Adult males who contract the virus will not respond and will usually say they don't like the sound of the word 'Wezer' itself.
A favorite stance