November 19, 2013

'Definitions': Moroick Moe String

Moroick Moe String
Oklahoma   11/19/2103

Moroick Moe.  Al Qaeda. Church. (pronounced with oi as long 'e'.)The word favored by the third string players of any high school, college, university, or professional athletic team if they school, pro-ball company, or sports club is failing.

In Norman Oklahoma, the University of Oklahoma's is coupling with California's Fresno State by making the school's icon the city gang's icon as the Bulldog is Fresno State and the Horse, or Pony, is now the official icon for the newly developing OU city gang.

Developing from the homeless shelter day tables, people were unaware of the violence developing inside the extremely small shelter situated right nest to the railway tracks. Only the shelter staff noticed gatherings and reported them to the authorities.

Downing the colors of gray, red, and white the school's players have been feeling the violence from a number of different directions but especially on the field of play. Deflecting the violence 'Pony' has offered the losing teams a peace offering of the entire city-wide as an arena to trespass, vandal, rob, and murder for organs. The new gang in Norman, OK is called 'Pony',  While using the OU iconic colors, players, coaches, cheerleaders, and some OUsport fan addresses have been offered as contacts to the other professional team who reside outside the State of Oklahoma.

Hopefully the attack and murder on the Bulldog fan will not spill over on to any OU fans.