November 26, 2013

'Iconic': India's Blue Boy

India's Blue Boy
Oklahoma   11/26/2013

Greece, Rome and their British province has taken turns altering the population of India for thousands of years. The 66th demon of the Goetia characters is Cimajes. He the favorite demon/god who has lived in among the Indian people for several thousand centuries, or so it is said. India was a nation of Cretan individuals who lived only for infections and the lust for the making of any type of infections. It was Israel who finally was able to create a friendship and citizen swap with the Indian people as modern nations began to communicate openly with each other. Israel is reportedly the country of medical genius it is little wonder, like father like son, the two would become as a nation undivided.

So, as a lover of diseases 'Blue Boy' is perhaps the least known Indian citizen outside of India itself. But 'Blue Boy' has a secret. He likes to serve kings by supplying the realms with young, and old males to live as a harem concubine...that is, prostitute!

Known as the Infatata, 'Blue Boy' himself becomes the deliverer of the bad news when foreign nations want to expel the concubine harems. Because Indians like to study, they are a favorite to excel the ranks and obtain very good positions in foreign national governments making international connections very simple. Normally it is the lighter blue complexioned boys who are served to this type of an assignment. It should be noted here that an Infatata consists of three Indo groups: Intra (India), Indo (Islanders), and Infra (Irish). Or, the triad of Disease, Voodoo, and Fire.

This image is a very good likeness of the Ancient Roman general named 'Marcellus'. He lived in India for 30 years and served as the royal informer for the Indian government while under the rule of Spain. Marcellus was favorite in India because of a lust to eat dogs, a practice still used today in times of starvation. The consumption of dog flesh is one of the leading cause of Syphilis.

Though all forms of disease are favored by India, syphilis has proven to be the greatest for entertainment purposed. Transmitted through group orgies with harem protos, syphilis is considered to be a god given odor that included or excludes either boy or girl, in some cases, from the Indian communities themselves.

Therefore, it should be no surprise that the demon Pakuku is also considered a friend in India. Both the color blue, as with Pakuku, and the viral odors are deemed holy with both.

 Finally, in the fifth season of Ancient Aliens, Albert Eisenstein, it detailed the scientific life of this Hebrew scientist. the episode also tells a fascinating story about how neurologist used his preserved brain for world experimentation on the genius formations. Weird!

What is interesting here is that the herb named 'Rubex' was never reported as a primary substance found in the severed slices of his brain. And that the brain had a second life, one that showed malnutrition which can sometimes be seen as genius formations by researchers in varies countries around the world.

It is believed by scholars in Eastern studies that the Indian Blue Boy in the entertainment industry, or Bollywood, named Robert Clue was both a Jew from Israel who was to live in India until he recovered from a viral disease, as well as, an Indian by visual terms...he turned himself blue with the use of heroin. Clue lived in India because Israel found him to be in need of isolation as written in their religious laws. Interesting!

It was after this publication that Edith Flagg, the grandmother of Josh Flagg (Million Dollar Listing:LA, Bravo TV), told us at KAPB that the Albert Eisenstein theories with time and space were more of a covert program to isolate the blue boy Infatata then any other science project. India's blue boys love the concepts of relativity; so, with the combination of Magik (Hermetic) and its sub-study Physik, Eisenstein was able to get the Infatata to re-group and make a forced reorganization in their efforts to isolate the home-bound Hebrews, as some European Jews are called in the United States. Good Job! We live in Alaska, come visit us up there some day. - Collections in Trust.