November 25, 2013

'FYI': Alquadan - Opium Den

Alquadan - Opium Den
Oklahoma   11/25/2013

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After a brief visit with a Chinese official, KAPB was able to learn something about the word 'Alquadan'. The word is a derivative from the Chinese word Opium Den.

Below is a list of about how it occurred...

Opium Den...opin den...olpeen din...olpin din...olpa din...alpa dee...alka dee...alka dei...alka dan...Alqua dan.

With varies cultural changes without the centuries and cultures of ancient Middle East and Dark Age Europe, Alquadan with transformed from a pit of opium addicts to the lush palace of kings and queens, such like putting a parking lot on top of a cauldron to stop the bloodshed.

In the Spanish romance languages the letter 'Q' is generally pronounced as the letter K'. The word itself is also very similar to the slang term of an alcoholic ...Alkee, such as with Al kee holic or the holisitc practice of opium and alcohol mixture that was used for 'colic', thus an Alcoholic.