May 30, 2013

'Escalade': Granmoire` Plume, Set 3

Granmoire` Plume, Set 3
Oklahoma  5/30/2013

Inside the green box, upper left,  is what 'Plume' uses to identify them
selves. They also will use subliminal suggestions of
the female breast while pushing images of that tip
into the face, nose, and mouth.
Granmoire` PlumeAlloces, Andrealphus, and Berith

Within a few days after the Goetia clusters was completed and published KAPB was invaded by the royal crown of seen in the previous posts. After a few rounds of who's in and who's out the crown settled into a central character 'Katie'.

In remembering KAPB is traveling back to the possible first person who developed and instituted a capture for commodities belonging to the KAPB foundation members, we will continue to seek out the one person who aided the possible development of a life long 'living off of her' ideal.


Following the clusters, five Al Qaeda groups made up of 3-4 Goetia characters, came the 'Granmoire', another form of the work Grimoire.  'Granmoire`' consist of three sets of three members.

Remembering KAPB is moving back towards the beginning, Set 3, Plume, is the last set in the overall activity. The first group at KAPB is 'PLUME' (set 3)...and, lead by Katie(Alloces) the little high school girl!

May 29, 2013

'FLASH'; Queen, Again

Queen, Again
Oklahoma  5/30/2013

I was dutifully informed by the British Royal Crown that it was they who owned all information concerning 'Mermaids'. Likewise, I was to release any and all access to that  information. Sure...

Do hope you understand, mamam!

Marquis/Count RonovĂ©  

We see you!

These Denzil looking toilet toads love drunk tank latrines. Hoping to move out and into Subway Restaurants(submarine sandwich store) if it's possible. Catering to the Haagenti (Goetia)...or Mermaid, these daring 'Ronove' voyagers travel around in soup kitchens toilets disguised as toads(frogs), all the while, calling home using church funded money. As said, these royal Ronove and their Haagenti will work at Subway Restaurants if possible. Though working for the crown, they will work at any job related to the sea, fish, marine, and aquatic wildlife. Listed in the KPAB entries both 'Haagenti' and 'Mermaid', they were among the Goetia clusters that attacked the KAPB offices and School of Social Work, University of Oklahoma. 

Note: Goetia. Al Qaeda conduit. Also known as the Lesser Key of Solomon. Also known as Grimoire, with a possible link to Gremory the demon as the delusional beautiful Lao girl seen with the abuse of herbal potions.  continued....

'Groceries': The Escalade

The Escalade
Oklahoma  5/27/2013

After KAPB closed with the grocery store personal entries, the next of Al Qaeda groups the trampled our offices was the varies fractions in the cluster of 'Escalade'.

Below is the five Al Qaeda clusters that invaded as at the KAPB Bookwork as well as the School of Social Work, University of Oklahoma.

Goetia. Al Qaeda conduit. Also known as the Lesser Key of Solomon. Also known as Grimoire, with a possible link to Gremory the demon as the delusional beautiful Lao girl seen with the abuse of herbal potions.  It should be noted here that in working with the Key of Solomon a simple understanding is necessary to help avoid confusion and superstitions. Working with both sides of the brain, each side has its own confection...light and dark. Because of this each text(collection), Keys, Goetica, Grimoire, etc. will also have its own confection, confection here meaning appearance. Thus, Lesser Key/Lemegeton Key, Goetica/Goetia, Grimoire/Grimoire, etc. Why is this present? Hermetic Science explains "what is above must also be below". So, a natural existence on this planet must have both sides. A tree's branches will match the tree's it is with man. The changes are visible during the study of this science. Planetary? Possibly. 
The 'Goetia' clusters, in order, at KAPB are: GarbageKrullShunk,PusFlame. And, these groups are managed by Peril(Fung).

Thanks for Viewing!

'Iconic': King Tahong

King Tahong
Oklahoma   5/29/2013

Well it has happened  KAPB has gone full circle. King Tahong has entered the building...and, demanding to be the King again. Eight years later, 3000 characters, 168 posts, and a complete blog to edit...the fud returns!  View a Fud

 Are we truly living in a world where persons with no IQ can own satellites in space. Packed with the Cimejes in Haagenti, Tahong expects to return to living off the 'land grab' state. 

Man oh man, are a dunce! Be off with you, lame sh_t. We got no left over fish in a basket from the mission of love for ya. Skee daddle! 

"And, we'll mark down what 'O DaFisht' really is, and ya can go tell that on the mountain"

King Tahoung (india, o dafisht, {please note here that this person is the first to start this queue of persons})  $0.Sales.Org and Sales' Original Definitions

May 17, 2013

'Iconic': Marbas as Christ

Marbas as Christ
Oklahoma  7/15/2013

(Google Images: Marbas the demon)
There are several Goetia demons that believe they are Jesus Christ: Purson ,  Marbas, Paimon and Phenex. At  this post we will illustrate Marbas is the fifth character in the 72 separate personality disorders of the collections in demonomania.

It should be explained that the human aura is a key factor in understanding how the Goetia pictures are derived, or so time and history has passed down to us. In reality, from a distance of about 100 feet an outline of a "demon" can be faintly seen, and the seal, or tattoo, is visible somewhere on the arm, for the most part. There is where the early stages begin and the victim is classified as having a Dissociative Identity Disorder.

Most people enter into an identity disorder through 'fear'. The second reason is 'serious abuse'. With the third being 'drugs/alcohol, odd music, and primarily peer pressures'.

Marbas (Lesser Key of King Solomon [Goetia]) In demonology, Barbas is a demon described in the Ars Goetia. He is described as the Great President of Hell governing thirty-six legions of demons. He answers truly on hidden or secret things, causes and heals diseases, teaches mechanical arts, and changes men into other shapes. He is depicted as a great lion that, under the conjurer's request, changes shape into a man.The name Barbas also comes from the Latin "barba", beard, hellebore (a plant used in witchcraft, especially to invoke demons), and also a male name. Other spelling: Marbas.(

Marbas, is famous for hundred of thousands of human sacrifices. Where ever huge amounts of persons have been killed, Marbas is the culprit. The Peruvian culture, Genji Khun of the Asian Steppes, and the China's Yellow Emperor are a few examples of a Marbas demon an his works of human sacrificial slaughter.

"To Chinese, the Yellow Emperor is Adam, Abraham, and Yaweh rolled into one. The common ancestor of all Han, their original patriarch, and the locus of all ... "  
Read here...

This is Marbas in the final stage of a physical transformation is caused by the consummation of the human heart. The appearance of the christlike clothing that we've come to know disappears, but the disfigured flesh remains forever. Marbas at this stage is rarely seen in public though they do live in large chapels and cathedrals where they are aided by upper church authorities and clergy members.

'Iconic': Purson as the Christ

Purson as the Christ
Oklahoma   5/17/2013

figure 20
Sacred Texts Image

As intrinsic as it may seem, the image to the right is from the esoteric site entitled Sacred Texts. The picture itself is a seal of 'Purson'. Seals rise up through the skin when the holder travels to the left side of the brain and they are no longer able to defuse the physical enzymes of the body.

For those who a new to delusional imaging associated with defusing the brain, Purson is in the 20th realm of the brain, the behavior of persons traveling to this section will 'bark commands, demand possessions from others, and generally not offer much in the way of help or assistance. What is surprising, is most Christians believe the demon Purson is in the likeness of Jesus Christ.

To some the man in the image to the left looks sinister, while to others he looks gentle. Which ever way a person see this character, he is a demon from the clan of demonomania. The image to the right is the way a Purson looks today, or not holistic though he too works in the medical profession, generally as an attendant to a hospital orderly.

The cluster of Christs in demonomania basically is made up of four central Christs and a few principle workers. Paimon, Marbas, Phenex are the three other demons, while Familiars, Prostitutes, and hosts work for the, so called, crown. Below are a few of KAPB's posts illustrating the demonomania found at this publication business.


The link below is about demonomania and helps to illustrated the total 72 demons. Though the illustrations are outdated, the video does help to better understand this social indifference.
YouTube link.

Definitions: Q - T

Definitions Entries: Q - T


Quiet. Sector Split Goetia, Duo. Al Qaeda. (France). If the cluster contains only two characters then that group is most likely called a is called a 'Quiet'. 'Quiet' is the name of the Goetia group that has only two characters in it. 'Sector Split Goetia' is the term used by law enforcement professionals who are generally more towards the quiet nature, or use an evasive nature to conceal themselves.  The members of 'Quiet' are the two that are generally mistaken as not involved with a developing Al Qaeda cell because of the way the legal system is used to evade questioning in a point-of-interest. Member count goes as this: Clusters(5), Granmoires`(3), and Clep(1)(only one character, thus, working alone).  If 'Quiet' is left out of being discovered and questioned then most likely a public awareness will never be considered as this monk type of character will recluse for a number of years. As the Al Qaeda again rebuilds another 'Quite' it is generally to levy against the legal authorities who were the among the break-down that cause the monks to hide; therefore, the group 'Quiet' should be thoroughly addressed at the time of the investigation rather then to wait until a direct criminal suggestion is formed because finding these Al Qaeda members may prove to be difficult.

Queen. Al Qaeda. Rome. Highly controlled and organized organization that robs professional casinos, card rooms, online gaming sites, and even private home gaming fun, such as UNO or Monopoly. Using the money to live high-on-the-hog, this mobsters cluster spend the money on islands around the world. 'Queen' will develop an island into a private resort if the island appears develpable...the mobsters will kill off the islander population if there is any, and no matter where the indigenous islander is at.

Quintusel. AL Qaeda. Portugal. (el, eldon,, eldorn, elbass). The 'Quintusel' group would be among the leading families or wealthy notability in this secondary Spanish nation. Following a rank and file authority, each branch suggested above will serve the greater in the line of branches. 'Quintusel' or sometimes referred to as 'Quinusel' is mainly connected with the Nazarene Church where those Christian pastors use that church as the gateway for Islamic (Muslims), from the middle eastern 'royality' harems, to begin a conversion into a Christian lifestyle of harem-ism. Thus, living on Christian charities resurces, such as, food, clothing, and medical emergency needs...'Quintusel' members are generally introduced to the idea that they are now the harem occupants (prostitute) rather them the harem customer. The 2011TLC-TV reality series, All-American Muslin is an example of this type of Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed (Antiochian Orthodox).

Bones that could belong to King Alfred the Great have been exhumed from a churchyard over fears that they might be stolen or vandalised
Image: UK Times
Raum. Another demonomania character in the Goetia. The illustration is one of King Alfred of Great Britain...he is an example of a person in 'Raum', "Historians agree that the king, who died in the year 899 after a distinguished 28-year reign, had a great impact on Britain today, safeguarding the English language and Christian religion."( web link). Whereas, 'Raum' the demon of the Lesser Key of Solomon he is depicted as, "Raum steals treasures out of kings' houses, carrying them where he wishes, and destroys cities and dignities of men (he is said to have great dispraise for dignities). Raum can also tell things past, present and future, reconcile friends and foes, and invoke love."(Deliriums Realm). Just where the two colide is not realy known as the excerpts above not connect. The dignities at King Alfred's time were the Vikings, or better understood as a second generation Lombards. 'Raum' will always follow just after the downfall of either a Marbas (Asian) ruler, or Purson (Roman) ruler. Another historical information source of  a 'Raum' dynasty is in Sutton Hoo, UK.

Republican Tea Party. (RTP). USA. Al Qaeda montra. Following a daring public attempt as a candidate for the USA Republican (tea) Party (2006), this group was forcibly surfaced as an organized crime. With the theft of the KAPB blog entry entitled 'Disciples In Creation', the Tea Party was fined by the International Court, UN for an attempt to stop the publication of this esoteric blog...the blog entry was a basic belief of Jesus Christ and his disciples were apart of the world creation. The three main persons believed to be connected with a transfer of money for the blog theft was Bank of America, Franklin Graham, and Campus Christians (university campus outreach). After creating a generalized public attention to themselves, the RTP quieted down upon the insistence from the mayor and the Norman, OK city law enforcement.

Rigault. France. Germany. Nazi. Rigauld. Famed by the WW2, this fraction is commonly known as Nazi. Their favorite community location is in shipping centers...'Rigault' dislikes the word 'mall' though they do associated themselves with that form of marketing,. Liking to cause great fights, and even, wars (Civil Muslim Wars [Templar Crusades]), 'Rigault' uses combat forces to steal most of their belongings while living house-to-house for the use of clothing, autos, employment, etc. These Al Qaeda are originally from France, or Gaul, but gained the greatest attention by the German aristocracy, thus the World War Tow connection. Wearing only the color of 'brown ''Rigault' uses varies names derived from the word 'brown', such as, Rown. Own, and Wnown. Currently the leading population for this Al Qaeda person in centered in Chicago, Illinois.

Rod Parsley. Opus Dul. American. Christian Evangelism. Alias for Senator Mark Webber. Webber is seated a US government sub-committee that influences the US legislature on children issues, and a child's placement and activity inside of national organized crime sub-cultures. With the use of the 'add-on' to an active house or senate bill, Webber, Parsley, works to achieve valuable funding for agreeable instructors and classes, school room/building improvement, and relocation of gay students if necessary to balance the classroom, such as with the American Negro crisis in the 1960's. His 'add-on' policies help kids from varies criminal backgrounds such as prostitution, drugs sales, organized street gangs, etc. The establishment of US federal funding was made possible by the former federal judge K. Copeland, possible Kennith Copeland, also preaches in American Christian TV networks in evangelism R. Parsley is fetishes with voyeurism.

Row. Al Qaeda. USA. Whorehouse. The famous 'Row houses' in major US cities are primary from the lower income crime businesses that became the foremost financial resource over the 'Row' developments. New York, Washington, D.C. and  Louisiana are the three largest cities where the 'Row' was first under-the-table legalized as far back as 1800's. From those whorehouse sections of town the 'row' culture sub-divided into Rowo (Owor, male) and Rowa (Awor, female). With so-called US civil rights two other 'row' have been added: Rowt (Twor, transgender) and Crow (worc, child).

Rummel, Jerad  Al Qaeda. Sands of the Desert. Natural Path. MD. Jerad Rommel is perhaps a questionable person. A transgender, Jerad poses as Theresa Natale of Vancouver, WA. She, Jerad, claims to be in the Al Queada group 'Sands of the Desert'(goetia Beleth), and that her father is the infamous Commander Erwin Rommel or entitled 'The Desert Fox'. The Jerad here claims that both she and the 'Desert Fox'  work for the country of Greece. Briefly, Greece is interested in the vineyard owned by the Calisto/Caliveti family--a very high profile wine producer from Turkey with grape plantations in the USA, Alaska and Russia...these plantations were sold in 2013 due to the family last testament conditions. Also, the Jerhad here claims Mario(?) of Greece offered her 40 billion dollars to infiltrate the Calisto vineyards production in the hopes to secure a place in this somewhat famous wine producing family. The Calisto family was able to prove a family lineage connection to Turkey with the final court decision, thus, making that family as outside the Eastern Roman Empire's religious control...thus, the reason for the Greek infiltration. Albeit, she made her way in with other Calisto family members and was able to place herself as one of the daughters of a grandson by way of the youngest son of the vineyard founder. The Calisto family arrived in the USA in the first years of 1900's. Under the direction of a D-Governor Williams of Florida, Jerad came into the Natale family, as a second marriage name of the wife survivor, through legal side-stepping claiming herself as a special service member from the White House...apparently, a bomb had been placed in the atrium.The 'Jerad', believed also as a female counterpart of 'Jean' Natale family placement took place in mid 1960's. Jerad believing K  Asungh was a new owner of the Calisto vineyard attempted to complete a vineyard final take-over by use of slavery terms used by most converso movements today. Secretly filing a claim in the US Supreme Court using US attorneys by declaring an ownership of the person Khera Asungh, survivor from the first marriage to the great-grandson of the vineyard founder, 'Jerad' transgendered into Canada while the attempting attorneys were imprisoned. With it the notion of a new legal slavery system in the USA, the two contacts at the US Supreme Court were exposed and were sentenced to death.  Jerad claimed the White House bomb was manufactured in Greece and put into place by Weatherford Oil Consultants. The group 'Sands of the Desert' supposedly is the only group entitled to carry the bomb lever to which sets off the bomb by way of voice association and or a system of 'signaling' through a respiratory detection system. It is reported that members of 'Jerad' must stand at the front gate of the White House, give a secret salute while using the 'beautiful'. The salute is one from the Nazi Occupied German of the 1900's. Finally, pulling this all together, William(Bill) Collier, professor University of Oklahoma Physical Science(sports) has been named as the main contact for 'Jerad'. 'Jerad' states that William Bill Collier is the  owner of Weatherford Oil, Symantec Endpoint Protection(the computer antivirus software promoter), and a prominent combo-contact sources in both fields here in the USA. This author feels William Bill) Collier is likely Jerad's natural father...whether Bill is Commander Rommel is unknown.


Sally. Opp. Al Qaeda. Amazon. Sally/Sally-O is the result of the female casting into a sub-position in cultures where god/religion is the primary resolution for all affairs. Much like Mordor and the male leader, 'Sally' is the female version when the extreme has begun for a female dominated society. 'Sally' starts within the god culture when females are used as a sole supporter for bands of males who work and live from the resources that a female is able to manage, and or. direct. 'Sally' is a non-performer, 'Sally-O' will preform within this type of occult sub-culture. Thus, 'Sally' may or may not know of male groups who live off of the resources the 'Sally' female works for, or, at. 'Sally-O' does know, and most times require that the males preform for the 'Sally-O', both sexually and financially. 'Sally/Sally-O' is the first stages of the  mythical Amazon Woman fables. The final stages of Amazon Woman is reported as natural re-proliferation within an all female colony, such as with the snakes in North American that are now pro-creating new generation among themselves. "Sally' sub-cultures also form in god-religions societies where the females have been denied religious rights or any personal contact with rituals in communication of a living God, that is, a God who is able to communicate back to a person.

Sarah Palin. Xu, Opus De. Former Governor of Alaska who ran as the Republican candidate against Barack Obama for the seat of US President during the 2006 elections. 'Palin' was aquised of child endangerment, drug associations, and prostitution during, and after, her bid for the US presidency.

Satan. This entry is the same as the 'Fung' entry. Because of its importance it has been entered here as well. -KAPB Fung(best word on addressing a Satan is to call them 'Peril').  Though this is not an Al Qaeda group or classified in demonomania, Fung is important. This creature is associated with filth, and believed to be the bi-product of human and animal rotten food, decayed carcass, and waste matter sediment. Historical records detail the eminence filth that was a primary attraction  in the Dark Age era. Known to still exist in two prominent cities, Rome and Paris, Fung. 'Fung', short for Fungal, is considered a jurassic nature. A metamorphosis developed literally out of the deliberate and abusive collections of these waste materials, 'Fung' is a living tissue creature. Today this type of collection is solely to create Fungals. 'Fung' lives inside human physiology, much as a Mar which is created through opium abuse. Most Europeans, Middle Eastern, and Greeks have fungal in their molecular structure. But, only a few, who are not classified as demonomanic, will develop a transfigured persona while they harbor a  jurassic 'Fung'. It is this type of schizophrenic that is a Satan. European, Middle Eastern, and Greek mental health behaviorist have developed this type of transfiguring schizophrenia in attempts for its isolated use. In the USA, the Catholic's Providence Hospitals founded by nuns is the major contributor in 'Fung' studies.

Sector Split Goetia. Al Qaeda two member group called 'Quiet'.'Quiet' is the name of the group that has only two characters in it. We are told the name for this special grouping is 'Sector Split Goetia' by professionals.  Members of 'Quiet'(same ref above) are the two who are generally missed when the developed Al Qaeda Clusters, Granmoires`, and Clep (only one character, thus, working alone).  If the 'Quiet' is left out of the discovery and public awareness is not addressed, Al Qaeda will again rebuilt another Goetia structure of criminals against the publisher; therefore, the group 'Quiet' should be addressed even though finding them may prove to be difficult for some. It should also be remembered that the language of the brain's left side will also be different. The term "Deeper InTune" is the way 'Sector Split' would be pronounced by those in this fraction.

Shaw, T.J.  Forge, Al Qaeda. Catholic Caribbean. Rum derived. Like other Al Qaeda fractions, this groups movements are also run by most US Governor office. Forge members are transgender men to women, they prefer to be homosexuals, and, especially, they hate women. This group is commonly known as 'privates'. Because of early Great Britain connections their best investments today are still in the UK. These pirates love to rob homes, and businesses during the Christmas season. Working as pickpockets, prostitutes, and child porn, Forge members will also impersonate a family member following a child kidnapping.  Hoping to gain some advantage within that family's estate, whether a large or small advantage is of little concern. Forge member also like to work in television, movies, and radio. Oldest working celebrity group today is the 'Bing' Crosby. Pictured here is Theresa of Mossyhead, Fla. a typical trivial member.

Shirt. Al Qaeda. (Turkey). An upper crust Al Qaeda group that steals clothing designs from both textile students and established clothing designers. Groups suchs as Project Runway, Design on a Dime, and Home and Gardens are all geared towards products to supply the AQ 'Shirt'. Full view 

Shone, Daniel. Morg. A 'gun runners' the author mentioned in the autobiographical movie 'Warlords'(2006). It is believed D. Shone was the only member of this Vietnam era crime spree that truly survived the prostitute houses of Mexico that's illustrated in the movie. It is still believed that 'Shone'
is active in the USA, House, Ways and Means Committee because of information found in the Oklahoma State Archives that suggests that 'Daniel Shone' is supplying date to the licencing division of that US state. Questionable marriages had been discovered and that state's District Attorney has an open investigation (2014) on that illegal activity. Refer to Morg for more information...

Siege. Al Qaeda. American. Proto. 'Siege' is the group that stands in select departments or areas in food store. The areas are normally of the nationality of the 'Sieger', but when times are not profitable, 'Siegers' will be told to cover other departments of the store. 'Siegers', at this point, will generally ask to be moved into an area that best matches their nationality or the area the leader chooses is not close to their personality. 'Seigers' are professional prostitutes...they are in the area to find a sexual partner who favors or simply will eat food from that food source. Example: Mexican food/ Mexican 'Sieger', Asian food/ Asian 'Sieger', etc. 'Siegers' are the very first troops to be sent into a food store when that particular store is under attack by high-end thieves who are looking for food product flow for military outfitters. More info...

Sing.  Israel. Somewhat of a religious 'adoption' of a wealthy person who is not of the cult's colony. That person is then used for a financial or living means for the colony itself. Many times by the cult's future generations, or if a financial or living means arises, the wealthy adoptive who is generally unawares of this type of religious wealth conductivity will be classified as a 'slave'. Using legal ramifications as the reason for the religious secrecy.

Sistine Friars. Christian Al Qaeda. Monks. These monks are normally found living in abbeys that service a surrounding community. Normally afflicted with syphilis found some source or another, they isolated themselves away in cubby-hole type dens, usually round in nature. Learning music, they sing and play instruments. Several musical pop groups actually wore the Friar hair style when they introduced themselves on to the pop music scene...the Beatles and the Monkeys.

Skunk. Al Qaeda group with the Goetia Duke named Flauros(Haures) This cluster's leader is Jolie. It is also an Al Qaeda group of only three: Flauros, Leraje, and Aim. At KAPB, Aim is found to be a negro.

Gin Alcohol, Haagenti, In-gin...Have you read the message? Get into The Word with 1Word.
Click here ............ Click here

Slabo Nig_er. Greek. Converso. Believed that 'Slabo Nig_er' may have started during the era of the Greek Oracles...Apollo being the favorite god to conjure.  Sulfur and the particles from volcanic fall-out if inhaled will cause a mis-function in the brain. As the oracle sat directly over the sulfur pits while under the influence of the herb laurel (bay leaves), the condition of coprophiliaFull view...

Slave. Al Qaeda. Worldwide. This word, when used continually, causes a stop in the brain patterns causing a person's mind to be dulled by the constant hearing the vibrating sounds ('Amdusias') that the word 'slave' makes when continually pronounced. Full view...

Speed. This group uses speed in any form i.e. velocity, drugs, auto, boats,etc. AL Qaeda speed are robbers, and slavery is optimum for their success. Low, Illinois is the current home port, all though, Ol, Arabia is the home country. Though suggested by the White House, Wash, D.C., very little is reported in the American press about this group, even though 'Speed' is owned by NORMA, a national organization for home improvements whether because of natural disaster or simple urban recovery.

Stars. AL Qaeda group made up of girls (transgenders). Fake nails with flowers are used by this AL Qaeda section. acid is either launched or rubbed on the victim's face or hands to be used for observation or audio transmissions. 'Stars' are witches who like to rob, but they will also murder. favorites for this order are Dilot schizophrenic. Dilot will murder family members which as stars they are trying to rob in the efforts to live across-the-board of their many personalities. The nails pictured are the fake nails stars wear. Finally, 'Clep' is their first contact when in trouble or need major assistance.

State of Connecticut. O dafisht. Library system that is fully functioning by workers who are in the AlQaeda organization of O Dafisht, the East Indian organized crime group.

Stef. Al Qaeda. Roman. Clep.  Short for Stenfanos. This character is understood as the one and only person who would be considered to be Emperor Augustus. Any other person would have to be removed from any public audience awareness and considered to be a usurper if rebuked the orders of the Roman Senate. This consideration is still in effect in the country of Italy as well as the city of Rome. Note also that Stef may very well be a girl (female).

Stupa. Middle East. Religious icon and temple. Seen as the dome shape top on buildings, this bowl represents the extraterrestrial space crafts who started the Hindu/Buddhist faiths. Ashoka (Asoka) is named as the founder of the 'Stupa' temples after having an extraterrestrial encounter of fire and water. This is documented in East Indian Sanskrit. Ashoka is mentioned in the Holy Bible as one of the names associated with Moleck. Persons who see Moleck are normally cannibals who prefer childhood flesh as a sacrifice.

Syncrament. Greek. Oldest known form for the word and meaning of feces. Usually used to mean hospitals or surgical centers that concentrated on the human bowels and its waste materials. Words such as synagogue, syntax, and synchronize were all used in some form to express the bodily function related to the word 'syncrament'.


Tact Won. Al Qaeda. Jews for Jesus. Vatican upper-structure. Cardinals and Popes. Church affiliate group who practice Judaism but believe that a messiah can hear their requests in today's world. Full View...

Taliban. Al Qaeda. Converso. Jewish.  Every society has its criminals, so do the Jews. KAPB, after a long period of trespassers, firmly believes the Al Qaeda 'Taliban' are the Jewish division of the converso religious organization, sometimes called The Christian Collision. KAPB also feels the name 'Taliban' is derived from the faith word 'tassels' that is an obligation to wear by Jewish priests. The word Jihad is also believed to be related to the word Jew ('U') and Haddi (Hagar, Hadar)
the first wife of Abraham and mother of Abraham's first son Ishmael. It was in the year of 2014 that the 'Taliban' became very active in Norman, Oklahoma. With the Taliban were the Yellow Jews. Known as Inquisition Jews, yellow is the color of the hat that the Jews wore during hard times in the Inquisition ages.

Taliban 'Rowso'. Al Qaeda. Worldwide. When the Taliban is
 in question as to who will lead that pack of raiders they begin a circulating pattern through the presiding, or present member of the seven converso organizations. This can take place after a huge fall in the Taliban structure. The one Taliban member (or Converso) who is the favorite to win a success against the advancing militarist  will be given the post of Pope to the Roman (Western) Catholic Church. A 'Rowso' happened in Norman, Oklahoma, 2013 when the Taliban failed against the advancing US Army who coupled with Tinder Air Force Base in Moore, Oklahoma.

'The Cedars'. A KAPB collection of images and information about criminal characters who were attempting to conceal and undermine the murder cases located at an apartment complex in Norman, Okla. link

'The Submarine'. The KAPB collection of images and information abut the upper law enforcement agencies who tries to conceal and undermine the efforts of the legal authorities in Norman, Oklahoma. link
TomneversAck. sAck. (South of the Border Israel).  Another simple member of the house of Davis...David Hoserfelt. The Episcopal organization is the home base  with 'Bon' as his god. Bon is seen in very early stages of opium withdraw, but still, the use of the incense additives associated with the burning of opium. No known creed is available for TomneversAck, but he states Kene family in the ancient Gad mixture.

Ting. Al Qaeda group. Asian. The group 'Ting' is mostly likely an fraction within the fraction 'Ping'.... "This group of Asians are the most sought after among organized crime members. Mainly men, they work among the man-god worshipers around the world. Believed to be a descendant of the dinosaur Spinosaurus(earliest orgin-Egypt), 'Ting' will appear to flare outward much like the Spinosaurus when angry or seeking a victim....." Full view...

Tinsa. The preferred word by transgenders for a transgender. The word 'Tinsa' is most likely understood by transgenders because of the high amount of iron the transgender body manufactures in their life time...more then tripled the average human being.

Top Chef. El Don. (Spain). 2010 Reality TV show that features chefs from around the USA. The twist to this show is that the murderer is one or more of the features judges. The chefs are forced to compete for both good taste and overall presentation design of the specialty food allocated. With the preparation's winner to be murdered. The second twist is that the winner must be send to the show by a competing states; or, the winner will have to be a specially chosen schizophrenic with a high, publicly known social dysfunction ..such as 'Morgan'(0211, child porn charges). This reality show is designed to identify food chef killers.

Totem. Al Qaeda. USA. 'Totem' is another term used for the computer satellites imaging that has become popular for use in aiding trespassers to enter into homes, offices, and, in general, public and private properties. Resembling small pillars of light 'Totem' sat around a person they are stalking and view the home owners, etc.  activities. 'Totem/ is also on Former President GW Bush, Jr. watch list. 'Totem' members sound much like the Baghdad priates (Jews) who have just left that DNA stage but still use the resources, thus, the tempo and tones of voice are slowing becoming more like a slang tempo while talking.

'Tracking Bruce'.  A series of news reports related to varies illegal concise attempts by the Christian Cardinals of secular religions to gain financial support for Christendom. Each news clip at directed related to one or another avenue to build an organized crime finance capital while shuffling suspects during a murder investigation in Norman, Okla.

Trash. Al Qaeda, Christian Comverso. Americans are very familiar with the terms white trash, but it's doubtful if the majority of them know where the term originated from.

It's believed that the earliest known usage of the tern 'White Trash' comes from the harems of both the middle east and central Asia.
This is the list of who was in the harems and where those descendants might be today: TRASH: brown trash--Christians, yellow trash--Jews, black trash--multigods, white trash--Anso (Asian), pink trash--Hindu, and green trash--Muslim. A favorite game in ancient Egypt called 'Trash' was played with cards similar to today's deck of cards...'Trash' was the highest type of spade cards and the game is very similar to the game of Texas Hold'em that is said to have been nested in the New Testament books of the Holy Bible. IT was a female card player from Texas who pieced together the game while studying scripture. She introduced the game to the Texas Gaming Commission and the rest is history as both 'Trash' inside of the Texas Hold'em card game is the #1 card game in American casinos.

Triad.  Israel. Research and consulting group located in Tampa, Florida though its first location was the town of Mossy Head, FL. 'Triad' was named among the AL Qaeda sect by President George Bush. With real estate interests, senior housing, health care, finance, government, and general business and industry, triad group was known as Muslim converso to Judaism with special interest is in religion icons, Minyits, and the mental mind sets this schizophrenic enjoy. 'Traid' will use statuesque modelling for both political gains and fabulous decor, such as recorded in the Book of Baruch, (NABRE) taht has a detailed description of this type of crime.

May 11, 2013

'FLASH': Micky D's Simcha

Micky D's Simcha
Oklahoma 5/11/2013

Just when you think you've come out of the water...up jumps the shark!

Remember, the McDonald's Restaurant post Plutonium made back in July 2012(7/11/12)...well, the debate over who was right and who was wrong in the sexual allusions surrounding 'baby flesh energy pills' has come to its close.

Today the restaurant's shift manager pictured below pulled out her electrical gun and shot volts into the kotex(vagina)of a KAPB member. The question between two shift managers held up the final posting of the iphone picture that was taken at the time of a bathtub(first) invasion. Because the resolution was still in question as to who, of the two, was the culprit the picture wasn't released until today. The manager in the picture, herself knowing this image was to be posted continued to pour on the threats of obesity and criminal harassment. She a proponent of the 'Perwing', and from Belgium in political affiliation plans to stand her ground, in this case 'water'. Good Luck! Thanks for the viewers patience.

In 2014, and with another year of education, it was discovered that the church character here is 'Simcha'. One of the Jews who survived the Spain Inquisition and became a favor for the Catholic Church's collection of select personalities. Because the church has never reality let go the the Inquisitional tortures, 'Simcha' and her children (McD's and home) are the wee people with her. TV and Internet commercials and ads run with her as the lead. The Russian music group Pussy Cat Riot has McD's Simcha as a group member. The list of espionage attempts here in the USA has been lengthy. Wonder were it will go.... We do know that Belgium is the home port for this character.