May 17, 2013

'Iconic': Purson as the Christ

Purson as the Christ
Oklahoma   5/17/2013

figure 20
Sacred Texts Image

As intrinsic as it may seem, the image to the right is from the esoteric site entitled Sacred Texts. The picture itself is a seal of 'Purson'. Seals rise up through the skin when the holder travels to the left side of the brain and they are no longer able to defuse the physical enzymes of the body.

For those who a new to delusional imaging associated with defusing the brain, Purson is in the 20th realm of the brain, the behavior of persons traveling to this section will 'bark commands, demand possessions from others, and generally not offer much in the way of help or assistance. What is surprising, is most Christians believe the demon Purson is in the likeness of Jesus Christ.

To some the man in the image to the left looks sinister, while to others he looks gentle. Which ever way a person see this character, he is a demon from the clan of demonomania. The image to the right is the way a Purson looks today, or not holistic though he too works in the medical profession, generally as an attendant to a hospital orderly.

The cluster of Christs in demonomania basically is made up of four central Christs and a few principle workers. Paimon, Marbas, Phenex are the three other demons, while Familiars, Prostitutes, and hosts work for the, so called, crown. Below are a few of KAPB's posts illustrating the demonomania found at this publication business.


The link below is about demonomania and helps to illustrated the total 72 demons. Though the illustrations are outdated, the video does help to better understand this social indifference.
YouTube link.