January 16, 2013

'FLASH' Closing Characters: Food Stores

Closing Characters: Food Stores
Oklahoma  1/16/2013

Persons with severe schizophrenia will continually repeat the same actions over and over again; therefore, KAPB would be doing the same thing. So, this is the last post.  These final people are last new ones who have entered through our door. We hope the Plutonium posts will curtail their attempts to entrap our employees and we the KAPB owners. It has been an intrinsic journey. KAPB  hopes it will serve each of you will as it is a very complete order of events that took place to enslave members in our family. So, we took them all back. Blessing and have a spirit-filled life.

2014: 'Siegers' was recognized as the primary character who starts a take-over of food stores. Definition: link...

Here is the final list:

Professionals in Prison.  Many business professionals get sent to prison. Though they are incarcerated, in some matters, they can still practice their profession. That 'inside' practice may very well the same as their incarceration sentencing. Professions include: doctors, lawyers, machinist, accountants, chefs, teachers, and storekeepers.

Maggots.  Mags have a difficult time with living without some kind of pollution  They have to eat maggots or their life seems empty. Why they want to turn themselves into a garbage eating creature is little known in the professional world, but they do!

Emperor.  This person is most commonly known as a ruler. But, there is another definition for an emperor. He is a disciple for a dark lord, one in which he creates within himself using torture of his genitals. Most female are excluded from being an emperor. He gathers in all possible information concerning the ways both his own followers as well as ordinary people manage to invade or defend a person own personal properties, cultural ways, or gang related activities.  By using each method in a back and forth method, he will makes his viewers believe he is the sole person with the capabilities to rule unconditionally. This term is used literally as Empiricism...to gather, develop, and reenter building upon each re-entry.

Clerks. Mainly grocery store workers they are also in mercantile. They will pass information at the registers while placing items in among the purchased products that will help the clerks to invade homes and businesses.

Prisoner. This is the most active member in this list. They are both men and women and transgender in both sexes. They are professionals and laypersons. They work for a city, state or federal prison system in a term called' modern chain-gang' workers.  If caught in a gang related investigation  it could easily be a prisoner who is directing the professional activities during the entire questioning.

Psychiatrist/Physicist.  Not surprising, but most prisoners who are decreed in psychiatry believe they are physicist as well. They like Pygmies do very little in a typical crime scene. Even though, they will still be present and interact in what is going on.

Football Owner. It's questionable is the football owner is really the owner of the football team. It is more possible that a Greek tycoon is in reality the true owner of that sport, but person have been lead to believe that the owner is someone close to an Al Pacino look-a-like.

Sounds.  It's not difficult to understand this next set of persons. They will use whatever sound they have been taught to use. Sounds, the person, are just about everywhere, though at times the volume is not always at a level that the average person can hear. Sounds will even use a tinnitus sound in the ear to communicate to each other. Sounds develop a language that is close to English, or any language a sound lives under. Sounds are best known today with both the tinnitus and the vivid crackle of paper bags, plastic, and newspapers.

Chief. It's better is say "butcher, baker, Indian Chief" as this is the line of professions this character will follow. This chief was introduced into the American pre-colonial era from Europe and the Mediterranean. Very similar to football owner, chief is the ruler of whatever department he believes is in his jurisdiction.

Clerks. Again clerks are used as a conduit in this array of criminals who invade the home. Milk is a favorite among them, and they will batter persons who purchase milk then clerks are stressed.

Tamara. She is a member of a king's court. She is a naturopathic doctor.  Meaning, she has a degree to preform medical procedures using herbs, stones, and other plant fungus. As she doesn't have the formal studies in bio-engineering, so she doesn't have the knowledge to enable the finishing of plant structures; therefore, she can't preform surgery, which is fortunate as she is a witch. She was first introduced a Tamara of King David's Alquadan(temple). There she prepared raisin cakes for the alter of Baal. Loren is the group that best fits this person.

Bruce. This is the person who best suits this dark lord coven as a man-god figure. A hydra, he will have 5 separate character those of which are among the most famous gods worshiped today. He will act on behalf of: Allah, Buddha, Nepos(Jesus in Argon , Misha(India), and the Druid 'Creek'. Though he prefers to look like the person in this picture, he actually favors the mongols.

Clerks. If Bruce is disrupted the clerks will again begin to ring-up the groceries. Got any eggs!

Card Sharks. Justly called. He will deal you a double handed card trick. No doubt he cheated many a person to help the football owners get the necessary funding to build arenas and sport school. What a character! He always plays with a partner who is generally his wife, in one way or another, that means, a transgender.

Football Owner.  Al Pacino look-a-like who works for a Greek tycoon the true owner of that sport. "Walt" as his known in Oklahoma, works around at about everything including in produce departments of local grocery stores. Clerks favor him, so clerks will obey his orders whether or not they are his to give.
 Bruce. Again will return if the situation is not suitable for the coven.

Sounds.  Mostly schizophrenia, these person will talk and chatter using varies noises. Some become so nerve racking that it is only possible that they are on some kind of drug that dull the audio input to the brain. The sound of a crackling bag alone is considered dangerous and the construction material is under consideration to stop its manufacture.

Inqus.  Inquisition of the Dark Ages produced many a fend. There's no difference today. Torture and mayhem is about what they are used for. They will demand that each person who is party to the 'calling forth' will have to be in subject to the overall arena in play or the Inquas will flat kill the forfiter. The order is "don't call"!

Clerks. What them clerks do? Again the clerks were inside of KAPB.
Like Homeland Food Stores, Vons is also used for the business of invasion. With an 'Aisle 50' project running, the money rolls right out the door.

Emperor. ...But, there is another definition for an emperor. He is a disciple for a dark lord, one in which he creates within himself using torture of his genitals.... He will again be called to work out the problem, yet by now it is known that he too is a working boy.

Clerks. This is about there they are at at this time. They're sure some work-aholics.

Devil Worshipers. Inquas...same thing. After a few calling forth with a many a no-show, the tortures become open Devil Worshipers.
What the F.....!

Keystone Cops.  Drugs and booze has its effects. Yes, they were Keystone cops! Dumb little critters...they all sound like girls. Woo.

Clerks.  You getting the picture.  It's the clerks who did it.

Inquas / Devil Worshipers.  Because some wanted to try again for perhaps use the Chinese Time Warp technique, the clerks once again calls in the Inquas. Remember "They will demand that each person who is party to the 'calling forth' will have to be in subject to the overall arena in play or the Inquas will flat kill the forfiter. The order is "don't call"!" 

Well someone calls the Devil Worshipers only to find that they were already there. It's the time increments1l. Eric Brown is an alias...)that count in the underworld.

Kant. Kant's believe that art, inventions, technology, etc. in itself should be used to destroy itself. It was here that the second introduction was made. Somewhere among the notes posted is the first entry...it needs some discovery. Anyway, the emperor turns into a Kant believer.

Bruce. I wonder what he wants. His hydra is full.

Artful Dodger.  Push it off! I sure would. Yep, Bruce uses the techniques described in the Copperfield classic. Now there's a camp boy if I ever seen one.

 Trappist.  He looks like a Cone Head.  Though the monk order is isolated to live a life of isolation, this Trappist is out getting the beer done. The one at KAPB's got his beard done. Seems he has to shave the entire thing out as he has completed his vows, and can now go home to his family. Nazarite, you know! they like to build boxes, we females in the USA know which ones they like the most.

Minimalist. Fashionable today, minimalists like to keep things simple and uncluttered. So this was your beginning! That's all I had  with these guys running me around the country. Minimalism. Glad your gone.

Bruce. Go home now, Bruce. Your Dad could use your help both as company and financially. You have made a complete ass of yourself in believing you would conquer the School of Social Work and Anthony along with it. Sincerely, Kara.

Shortly after these closing characters were published, KAPB offices and the School of Social Work, University of Oklahoma began to collect and publish the next set of persons who invaded our business offices. We were not surprised, but you sure will be...Goetia: Linked here

These few remaining images are examples of the persons listed above.
They are either exact look-alikes or very close to that person.

Good luck, thanks to all who have visited this long, and Blessing to you.

if you are interested, the English primer "The Story of a Mother and Her Daughters" also talks about this invasion. The Trappist is one of the persons found at the old Rugby Club House at sits very near the football stadium  Thanks for viewing.

Thanks for Viewing...

January 15, 2013

'FLASH': Leahin-In

Oklahoma  1/15/2013

Leahin-in can also be known as Theresa the Mar. This band of thieves is in the upper crust neighborhoods, but they are still somewhat of a dirge for lack of a better term as they live in a personal pestilent condition.

Each of these images in the right illustration is typically a Mar. At the link 'Book f Ruth' is a good explanation of what the Holy Bible would consider a Mar. The Book of Ruth and the Book of Amos are two good resources in religion for what to expect inside that personal type of culture.

Without saying, this band of persons are examples of those who would have had set-up a typical invasion of private homes and businesses. They generally work as professors, but they in reality never finished a degree program at a university, they, like the Illuminati, came by their positions through prison gang operations.

The far right man is call a "Code". He, like the others pictured, will work inside a prostitution operation that is coupled in with a college's professional workforce. The man in the movie poster is one who would be called a professional sport team owner, yet the team ownership is better understood to be someone of a Greek nationality. Disaronno is a good choice to think about when searching for an example. Here in Oklahoma sports owner uses the name of "Walt". The girls will be situated in something of a college of education, and they closely resemble the 'Theresa Nutter' post because they also add abusive herbal medicines to their daily lifestyle thus causing some DNA disruptions.

The name Leahin-in is pronounced with the last -in as somewhat silent, or back on the tongue.

January 14, 2013

'FLASH': Cone Heads

Cone Heads
Oklahoma  1/15/2013

The next series of invaders starts with 'Cone Heads'.

These will do very little if they have been formally informed of possible legal consequences Cone Heads will give the situation with their 'Boss' while standing on their own personal morals of not getting involved.

Following them will be the basketball coaches(Calegio). Basketball is perhaps the evolution from the 'Talls' among the trivial Roman Legionnaire of ancient Rome. They too will gather some information, but they pass that info onto the next invader, Bruce.

Next to invade is the Greeks. In the illustration, at the bottom is a collection of the Dark Age Barbarians who plundered the European, Middle East, Mediterranean, and Africa. At the very bottom is a clip of a Mongol in the stage of 'Tang'.  The Greek like to use each of the different barbarian's type but blended with a 'Tang'. So the voice sounds like a Viking, Hun, Goth, Mongol, etc. while their voice also sounds like the individual 'Tang'. The blended are called the "Greek Hordes".

'Tang like to use an image to disguise himself. His favorite is 'Bruce'. 'Bruce' looks very, very much like the priest named Fr. Robert Barron. "Tangs' are violent and they hate women, especially mothers. He has fun with the biblical character Magog, and will rob in the name of it. They also like to work as weight lifters, so they can be found in gymnasiums and teaching at universities athletic departments.

Who will next invader the offices of KAPB is yet to be known. We'll keep you posted...

January 13, 2013

'Iconic': Pygmy

Oklahoma  1/13/2013

Pygmy.  Sometimes called "Turnips". Pygmies are the most neglected groups among the drug inducted addicts. They haven't survived in the United States, and the only colony found in the world is still in Africa.  Most American kids who inject the compound called "Whooze" make their way to an African colony through a church missionary group that is sponsored by the USA's religious funds. Whether or not this is good is debatable.

The three girls pictures show both the tattooing caused by the use of the vegetable mixture. The red colored girl is wear the jewelry favored by pygmies with safety pins being the favorite hair dressing even in the beginning stages. The far right image with the line of kids in the first illustration is from the original film entitled, "The Jesus Film"...later the movie was changed into a biblical portrayal of the life of Jesus. The original version showed pygmies being terrorized by the film's contents(?).The while man is a common missionary type who devils in herbal remedies and folklore medicines...they also are considered to be paleontologist(dinosaur studies).

The bible perhaps mentions the Pygmy in the story of the Giants as residents who lived in a few surrounding villages that came after the 'great flood' story. Those residents were referred to as 'ants'(ants is also a termed use for the Ans o, that is, the oriental featured Italian).

In this second illustration are two images of folklore etchings by pygmies detailing their belief in both their existence among the other animals; and, in the larger, the pygmy in the Garden of Eden. The flowers the man is holding is the first blossoms from the okra, one of the four ingredients in the mash they call "Whooze".

"Whooze" is made from the raw juices of the carrot, snow pea, apple, and turnip. They are pressed and strained through small mesh colanders. They juice is then injected into the blood stream.

In the early stages Pygmies work as retrievers. Any profession that needs someone to constantly retrieve an object will most likely have an early stage pygmy doing that job, some unbeknownst.  In college sports, the ball boy and girls are pygmies.

Pygmies can be violent and favor children because they are vulnerable. Pygmy will also work to cause small dogs to be killed, why is unknown. In this last illustration, the flowers to the right are the flora that develops when a pygmy has died and the remains was not properly buried. this flora tundra is the result in that mistreatment. The left image is of a pygmy seahorse living on a type of sea corral. Some scholars believe they are other sea creatures may have evolved from the remains of pygmy bodies that were blown into the ocean during violent storms. Sea creatures living off of the decaying pygmy bodily remains will most likely caused the transformations.

As drunkenness, drug abuse, and sexual assaults became an active part in college/universities campuses and the sporting arenas gain in popularity, hundreds of kids are been introduced to the "Whooze" mixture, thus, making thousands of Pygmies. Pygmies will gradually decrease in size until they can no longer exist in today's world. Though some kids have made it to live in Africa, most of them end up in American homeless woodland camps until they die from exposure...they are simply to small and so they become the abandoned.

January 12, 2013

'Iconic' Ninja Leepers

Ninja Leepers
Oklahoma  1/12/2013

Ninja Leepers. Created from injecting vegetables, they are most likely seen in events were pyramids and juggernauts are performed. Sometimes called "Peas", leepers will station themselves around the produce sections of food markets.

The four vegetables ninja leepers will inject are the parsley herb, corn, okra, and peas. A mixture is made by straining the four through several small mesh colanders, and pressing the juice from the mash. It is then injected into the blood stream. The mix is not cooked either before or after the pressing is done.

Their favorites word is "Ben", And, the end result of the daily injections is pictured in the top image.

Ninjas will travel through many different stages before finally settling into the serpent like creature shown above. Watching closely the full length movie "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" it is possible to see the numerous changes the body will make use the "Ninja Mash". Below in the third illustration are three of the better known.

It should be noted that the female is the prominent component is the ninja family nucleus. Her story is told to her through delusions of different worlds that she believes exists through her karma.
Because the effects of the 'ninja mash' will also cause a sub-fear, the female will force their male counterpart to stand in the foremost so as to defend her realm of reason. 

Lastly, in the last illustration, Leepers will decapitate a female children and flaunt members of the dead child in one of the more serious stages in the development of the "staigeth", which is the word for the mystical calling into the underworld for strength and power. The top image in this last illustration is a graphic art of the child's head and hand fitted into a childlike coat that is being worn by and adult female.

The stage of 'staigeth'(bottom left) is seen by the female ninja only. As the male doesn't produce enough estrogen to form the delusion correctly, he is thereby eliminated from the mystic circle until the females return to awake in the present world....

Another group that is famous injects the 'Turnip' as its primary vegetable. KAPB sits and waits to hear from them as all the others have shown up....

January 11, 2013

'Iconic' The Lombard in Oklahoma

The Lombard in Oklahoma
Oklahoma  1/11/2013

The Lombard  

This is the next group of persons who fund their way into the KAPB business offices...little to say with no way out but down.

This group, perhaps the most famous among religious students and scholars, is better known as The Templar, or better said, The Crusaders. Though they became an increment part of the Roman Catholic Church  in reality the Crusaders are from Northern Europe such as Scandinavia. There is one very famous Lombard in America. Bill Murray. With his also famous sidekick, Woody Harrelson, the two make up the better part of The Lombard, that is, Crusader. The Crusaders are created through the misuse of an alcoholic beverage called "Mead".

"In the early Middle Ages, mead, rustic beers, and wild fruit wines became increasingly popular, especially among Celts, Anglo-Saxons, Germans, and Scandinavians. However, wines remained the beverage of preference in the Romance countries (what is now Italy, Spain and France)" Potsdam

The liquor causes the DNA is scatter thus producing a 'Hydra' of personalities...12 total.
The effects of 'Mead' are very similar as that of Disaronno, where Disaronno makes 6 personalities; and, on whiskey, once called wine, Lesbian/Homosexual sexual abuse will cause 5 personalities.

Here at the University of Oklahoma, the colors gray, white, and red of the Crusaders ,as seen in the first image, has become the colors of the university's sports division. That individual school voted to change to those three colors in the 2011. It should be said that the academic schools have not, as yet, changed over to this new color array.

Russell Crowe, in the movie "Robin Hood" portrays the 12 characters associated with the misuse of 'Mead'. And, the story of Nottingham is also a part of the delusions associated with the liquor abuse. In this second images are eight of the personalities Russell, the Crusader(The Templar), included are two of the females he travels through.

Here is a list of ten:

Little John (Robin's Second in Command, largest and strongest of the Merry Men) Mitch (or Much) the Miller's Son (Youngest of the Merry Men) 
Will Scarlet (Robin's Only Living relative, a cousin, nephew or brother in different versions) 
Will Stutely (One of Robin's officers) 
Father (or Friar Tuck (The Bands Holy Man, and Connoisseur
Alan-a-Dale (A Minstrel) 
Marian (Robin's Girlfriend/Wife)
David of Doncaster (An informer)
Arthur Abland (A poacher who Robin rescues)

Included are William Marsten and Eleanor of Aquitaine both members of King John's court. 

Book - full version of The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood

Lecture - Robin Hood the Myth

Children were often used to overthrow kingdoms that they were taken from as history shows numerous examples throughout the conquests of western Europe. It is believed that King John, pictured in the third image, is the reason for the Robin Hood myth. And, he's believed to be a child taken from the Middle East, raised by Russel as Eleanor of Aquitaine. The Crusader made many trips over a period of 300 years in attempts to settle that area for The Church and the Jews.  John is also one of the convert to the Western lifestyle and used to create a Roman deity in Ireland during the 1200's...others are Emperors Germanicus, Hadrian, and Clovis.

The intrinsic battles told in the story of 'Robin Hood' are in reality fantasies as the result of King John's desire to overthrow Rome's demand for children and the conflicts between he and the Templar.

King John is also the first to translate the bible, which was and still is rejected by Rome, they favoring the King James Version that was translated some years later(1611).

Today, the Lombard still are active for The Church. Working mainly in areas of sports, they usually are the owners, to say, of the 'sport school' itself. They use a tiny film covering the eye that sometimes appears as a bit of dark lint...the lint bobbles when the person blinks.

What Roman legionnaire military number the Templar was is currently unknown just now, but they like the modern legionnaire, are the descendants of those fallen Roman troops. Several others in America today are: American Legion, Scottish Rite, Masons, Knights of Columbus, Elks, Eagles, Moose, VFW, MIA, FBI, CIA, KGB.