January 12, 2013

'Iconic' Ninja Leepers

Ninja Leepers
Oklahoma  1/12/2013

Ninja Leepers. Created from injecting vegetables, they are most likely seen in events were pyramids and juggernauts are performed. Sometimes called "Peas", leepers will station themselves around the produce sections of food markets.

The four vegetables ninja leepers will inject are the parsley herb, corn, okra, and peas. A mixture is made by straining the four through several small mesh colanders, and pressing the juice from the mash. It is then injected into the blood stream. The mix is not cooked either before or after the pressing is done.

Their favorites word is "Ben", And, the end result of the daily injections is pictured in the top image.

Ninjas will travel through many different stages before finally settling into the serpent like creature shown above. Watching closely the full length movie "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" it is possible to see the numerous changes the body will make use the "Ninja Mash". Below in the third illustration are three of the better known.

It should be noted that the female is the prominent component is the ninja family nucleus. Her story is told to her through delusions of different worlds that she believes exists through her karma.
Because the effects of the 'ninja mash' will also cause a sub-fear, the female will force their male counterpart to stand in the foremost so as to defend her realm of reason. 

Lastly, in the last illustration, Leepers will decapitate a female children and flaunt members of the dead child in one of the more serious stages in the development of the "staigeth", which is the word for the mystical calling into the underworld for strength and power. The top image in this last illustration is a graphic art of the child's head and hand fitted into a childlike coat that is being worn by and adult female.

The stage of 'staigeth'(bottom left) is seen by the female ninja only. As the male doesn't produce enough estrogen to form the delusion correctly, he is thereby eliminated from the mystic circle until the females return to awake in the present world....

Another group that is famous injects the 'Turnip' as its primary vegetable. KAPB sits and waits to hear from them as all the others have shown up....