January 15, 2013

'FLASH': Leahin-In

Oklahoma  1/15/2013

Leahin-in can also be known as Theresa the Mar. This band of thieves is in the upper crust neighborhoods, but they are still somewhat of a dirge for lack of a better term as they live in a personal pestilent condition.

Each of these images in the right illustration is typically a Mar. At the link 'Book f Ruth' is a good explanation of what the Holy Bible would consider a Mar. The Book of Ruth and the Book of Amos are two good resources in religion for what to expect inside that personal type of culture.

Without saying, this band of persons are examples of those who would have had set-up a typical invasion of private homes and businesses. They generally work as professors, but they in reality never finished a degree program at a university, they, like the Illuminati, came by their positions through prison gang operations.

The far right man is call a "Code". He, like the others pictured, will work inside a prostitution operation that is coupled in with a college's professional workforce. The man in the movie poster is one who would be called a professional sport team owner, yet the team ownership is better understood to be someone of a Greek nationality. Disaronno is a good choice to think about when searching for an example. Here in Oklahoma sports owner uses the name of "Walt". The girls will be situated in something of a college of education, and they closely resemble the 'Theresa Nutter' post because they also add abusive herbal medicines to their daily lifestyle thus causing some DNA disruptions.

The name Leahin-in is pronounced with the last -in as somewhat silent, or back on the tongue.