July 29, 2012

'FLASH'- Pepperdine University

Pepperdine University
Oklahoma  7/29/12

The Malibu, California University called Pepperdine U has a serious virus in it's public alerts. KAPB has revived over 300 delays with in the last 3 days. 

The only clue is the author 'Leaven' who writes university level essay articles.
Delays, delays, delays...Leaven.

With U salt U get pepper. Shoosh (; /).

Kara's Primers!

July 25, 2012

'FLASH': Panda Garden Buffet

Panda Garden Buffet
Oklahoma  7/25/12

There are many question with the newest Chinese restaurant addition in the American food and entertainment industry. Many illegal activities and crooked FBI agents. Free food from grocery store assisted Food Bank donations with food bag precipitants and a bottle of booze. Secret detailed, confidential profile files with realistic backgrounds of private citizens who witnessed secret agents called 'allegedly stationed in Oklahoma'. Serious information there, guys!

'Panda Garden' has become the hot spot for crime in just a matter of months. Did ya'll really knock-out CiCi Pizza for that spot on a busy corner. Oh, the ineptness of  'misguided FBI agents'. Gives a person the creeps to dwell on the matter.

Beep-beep, get out of the way, pumper sticker.

Kara's Primers!

July 22, 2012

'Iconic': Matricide

Oklahoma  7/22/12

Matricide is the killing on one's mother. 

Aid of matricide
The year is 2012. Two thousand years ago the prelude to a religious order was staged in Istanbul, Turkey.
The theme surrounded the consequences of an amazon society of women. Neatly hidden in the darkness of social behaviors, the play rose to the attention of the middle eastern worshipers distributed throughout the region's multitude of collective religions. Each having their own design, all doing the same thing, killing women and children.

Today, with  legal deliberations both the mental health authorities and state legal system, the Roman Catholic Church has formally levied complaints in the United Nations and US Supreme Court. Matricide.

In the Book of Baruch, NABRE, a statute is the main concentration of the book itself. Guests wonder in and out of a sanctuary were the statute stands drying after a torrent of festivals that followed the final entombing of the sole character who is the embodiment of lost souls attributed to the cause for worship.

Result of matricide...sligh
Arising from the death bed of childbirth, the saints of Baruch follow the patterns lain as footprints in the dust of the fallen. Adorned with the favorite clothing and ornaments, faithful followers parade around the statute as solidarity priests sprinkle droplets of dew into the feet of the statute itself. The open doors are always open with night being the only form of retreat that sets the statue to rest until the following day's continued processional of on-lookers. No money is given only the clothes of children of whom no one could find.

What is this book to the Catholics? Why has that church gained so much popularity in the press as overt sex offenders? Who are the Catholics that they have the Holy Bible as their mentor of faith? Matricide, the killing on one's mother? 

Who'd you steal the bible from is better said then God will save the oppressed.

Something to think about...
June 2014 - 
Hindus Attempt To Violate First Amendment, Propose “Giant Monkey God” Statue On Oklahoma Capitol Grounds.link

Kara's Primers!

July 11, 2012

'Iconic : 'Dead Sea Scrolls

Dead Sea Scrolls
Oklahoma  7/11/12

Studying ancient history, especially paganism and their social structures, the Dead Sea Scrolls, link, is almost a must to read about short life colonies that started through a crime being committed. 

Though the tales written on parchment doesn't, for some reason, state the date of the writings, the fact that the type of paper the notes are written on dates the papers at about the time the Roman Army was occupying the Middle Eastern region. 

A trist to the God edifice is used perhaps because of the Hellenistic approach that was fashionable at the time of the orator biblical Paul...."for the sake of commerce and prosperity who and what God was the issue but that God was the household word all shared". Therefore, an exact name reference is not connected to the scrolls. Paul had become a favorite among the Greeks in the hopes to reconfirm a Roman populaces.

Both the new and old testament use similar terms such as, jackals, rabbits, and marmots, date the scrolls as pre-Christian literature. Varies Greek plays, and later dramas, used these three bush rats to symbolize the nature of 'the hidden criminal', suggesting that through God sins are forgiven by the mere cost of isolationism and precise devotion. The use of incense sticks and torches ringed the Greek amphitheater and scented torches was noticed to be a primary notable in the scrolls, again, suggesting a platitude between Roman settlements and the Roman officer's obligations to the Greek's art of literature.

Whatever the cause and reason, the Dead Sea Scrolls have become a popular item among Christian icon collectors. This type of symbolism is a well known fetish practiced by church intelligentsia, and the exploration of the scrolls is suggested to be a second string fascination for their pagan ritualism. Others are Shroud of Turin, Italy, Bones of the Magi, Germany, and Tooth of Buddha, Korea to name a few.

Kara's Primers!

'Iconic': Making a Prophet

Pathoes' Standing On My Head': Making of a Prophet
Oklahoma   7/2012

An interest story for those who viewed during the Occupy Movement of Wall Street. This movement came into focus soon after the US Supreme Court had to concede to the United Nations authority on the matter of slavery, and specialty the forced slavery on citizens in the State of Alaska. Businesses across US America were to immediately make the payment arrangements to those victims or the USA was libel for the yearly payments themselves.The Occupy Movement was the result of the UN's decision and the follow through arrangements by the USA.

Below is the beginning paragraph to the pagan website for the Catholic Church...

"Just gimme that old time religion. I mean really old time religion. Like Old Testament old time religion. I really do like the Old Testament prophets. I like them because they are obscure and subversive and eccentric, and anything or anyone who is obscure, subversive and eccentric is immediately in my good books.

Here is the reading from the prophet Hosea for today:"

Read more at link: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/standingonmyhead/2012/07/

Kara's Primers!

'FLASH' Mc Donald's

Mc Donald's
Oklahoma  7/11/12

Just today the day assistant manager (Saul) ordered field court personal to leave the Alameda location Mc Donald's Restaurant amid threats of food contamination obesity. The threats came after the a designer drug bust somewhere in the direct location of the restaurant's management staff. 

Busted for making the oriental  'human infant energy pills', Saul was also supposed to have been rested for contributing to a gomorrah pestilence (dog waste neglect).

Though the below visitor comments felt the restaurant needs new management, KAPB feels the above manager needs to be given the death penalty for the involvement of ritual murders of both infant children, as well as, 2nd and 3rd trimester pregnancies. The possibility that the infants and children used the play area of the local restaurant. Over the years, the restaurant failed to meet health department standards, though time and again reports from the state health assignment cleared the location for restaurant sales, thus, leaving the general public to only understand that the restaurant's management were just simply 'filth'.
With all due respect, the below customer response is of the Mc Donald's located near the area where the Al Qaeda fraction 'Saul' was discovered and, well, not formally, closed. 
People notice things.

One year ago...

A Google User - 7/11/11 
I brought my 3 y/o daughter to eat and play in the "Play Area' today at the McDonald located on Alameda. We ordered our food, and went into the "Play Area' where children play, and the place was a disaster!!! Every table was covered with old food, sticky with soda, ketchup, and other things I have no idea of what! I sat down after cleaning a table off myself(The lady at the counter gave me a spray bottle to use, how nice) and waited for almost 30 minutes, in this time no one came in to clean. I took Pictures, and Videos of the Play Area, and I've posted them to my Facebook and Twitter. I'm also posted them on here. This place needs to really look into they are letting run this store

A Google User - 4 months ago Score: 0 / 3 The pricing on the signs outside do NOT match the prices on the register, and the staff will get VERY rude with you if you attempt to get your items for the advertised price. Avoid at all costs.

A Google User - 10 months ago Score: 0 / 3 They normally mess up on my order, I always have to repeat myself twice, then the order is wrong, they forget to hand you drinks, never answer the phone when you want to talk to a manager nor return your calls. The food is normally cold, they ignore the beepers that tell them when to throw away food. And they almost over charge you. On top of all this, you have to wait 10 minutes for your food when you're the only person in the drive through. They need new management ASAP.

'FLASH': Penis Poop

Penis Poop
Oklahoma  7/11/12

Warning! Fecal pictures accompany this post.

The pictures below are of somebody's poop. The poop was a suggestion to the new property owners, via, state police investigation, that any type of law enforcement would not matter to the crime family that had tries to siese control of a private property apartment complex in Norman, Oklahoma.

The poop is most likely human waste that a gang member shaped into something like the shape of a penis. Usually it is a mixture of both human and dog poop from a cannibal who also eats dogs. quite a few cannibals ritually sacrifice dogs in order to consumed the animal's flesh. This type of individual will have syphilis.

The poop several days ago really resembled the shape of a man's penis. The fecal matter was very disturbing to see. Directed towards a Negro man who lives at the apartment complex, a legal concern quickly came into focus among the many other legal conduits.

Being informed that this type of behavior was common place by aggressiveness from a failing university, the concern for further attention was passed into public record has having happened to the Negro resident.

Remember when Christians were putting signs on the grass of, "No Sailors Allowed the Grass"; will, now it's, "Don't Crap on the Lawn Students". Hope it works for ya!

Kara's Primers!

July 8, 2012

'FLASH': House of Saul, Rome

House of Saul, Rome
Oklahoma  7/8/12

While piles of legal exchanges on varies criminal matters the Roman Catholics time and time again retreat to the safety of the rear public battle lines.

Though it may seem insignificant to most readers, as time goes on the reality that the RCC (Roman Catholic Church) is not as fully Christian as their clergy would have the world to believe. That puppet master organization has quiet a few similarities with the Zoroastrianism (Judaism) religions of the Middle East. In fact, the RCC is most likely the "House of Saul". Remembering that at the time of King David the Alquadan was split into five houses, Saul being the first mentioned in 2 Samuel 3: 9. The Mexican motiff describes the Alquadan as 'Alc(k)-o-halll. With the word 'dan' meaning davenport or portico.

With all the news of the many child sexual assaults, etc, the Catholic Church has been in the press resembling the King Saul like pedophile molesting of the later King David of Bethlehem. David later formed a marriage with Jonathan (Saul's son) while stilling sleeping in Saul bedroom and tending to Saul's physical and personal needs, both mental and sexual. Though King Saul did offer three of his daughters in marriage to David, which David accepted, Jonathan, as recorded in the Holy Bible, was still the favorite lover and spouse. With this type of multi-combo sexual activities, it should be understood this kingdom arrangement most likely created an incest family environment. 

 If this biblical truth is disturbing to some, remember that the United States offered to become a guardian of the Holy Texts. With it the citizens of the USA has permission to publish, cite, and proclaim that text in the First Amendment attachment to the Bill of Rights. If King Saul has questionable sexual behaviors and the RCC is following the creeds of that king, then the Roman Catholics are living la vida loca (music).

Noted: In June or 2014, the Protestant Church declares WAR on both the United States and President  Barack Obama...and, ultimately, on the American citizen population as well. Even though, the Protestant Church states itself away from the Catholic Church very few known that the two churches have the same founder or copyright holder...France via Emperor Constantine of Gaul.

Something to think about....

Kara's Primers!

July 7, 2012

'Aliens On Us': Bagged the Bugger

'Aliens On Us'
Bagged the Bugger
Oklahoma  7/7/12

With very little surprise to KAPB, the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) here in Oklahoma drove a nail into the heart of Christians when they announced that it was RCC who had put the creepy device into the leg of Kara Aghijlar, a KAPB editor.

In the form of a threat, RCC dove into the State of Oklahoma like a buzzard after dead pry. The issue of slavery was the main issue and thumb decompression alien leg bomb became the center of attention. Overt suggestions were then made by RCC to which, "this same method" was used in the bombing of the Federal Courthouse in Oklahoma City in 1998.

The alien bug device is located in the left leg's main artery. As the temperaments on both sides heated up, the alien leg device itself began to jostle leading authorities to believe the threats by the Roman Catholic Church were for real.

It is with the understanding that their statement would be posted on KAPB's Plutonium that the church's bishop backed off due to the no confidentiality clause by the Oklahoma State Authorities. The State of Oklahoma and Miss Aghijlar pressed legal charges.

Kara's Primers!

July 5, 2012

'FLASH': Cousins on TV

Cousins on TV
Oklahoma  7/5/12

Now here's a set of cousins! This brotherly duo are the kitchen modelers of the century as the termed 'stalkers' slides easily off their lips. Needing a place to put TV gropers, these two has an internet piracy to push kitchen cupboards out of their way and into the homes of any old viewer. Preferring the homes of law enforcement, both legal judges and certified police officers has a list at these dudes station. If the show must go on, it will be without the two of you. Rethink dudes!

Kara's Primers!

July 4, 2012

'FLASH: Katie Brown

The Katie Brown Gang

Group families are very important in the Al Qaeda movement. This girl in the first photo is a leader though 'Katie' poses as a child among this infamous clan of Anso. 
Normally schooled in some type of law enforcement, the members will know social behaviors and attitudes of the country in which they work in crime. This female (male) is given permission by her other gang members to traffic their activities. Generally, all activities are included as in consideration that's  directed towards the gang's personal wealth. 'Katie' would use child prostitution as her financial bases, and she is a proponent of herbs potions that help to induce gene recovery and restoration to a very youthful appearance. This girl leader is the courier from Danube, a Saudi Arabia, Middle East nation and back to the USA, North America. 'Katie' will use each of he husbands identities to travel back and forth between countries.

Though there are several different types of characters in this gang. collectively they are all about in the same stage. Only one, the boy, is a halphus goetia character. It is through this personality that the gang travels on into another area and away from a failed situation such as with the Cedars Apartments in Norman, Oklahoma.
The boy, Tyler
Using a array of different gang members, the boy usually can set up another crime concentration for 'Katie'. He also would work in child prostitution, as well as, sexually servicing the older gang members. The boy, Tyler may very well also be a husband to the younger girl 'Katie' as this Al Qaeda Christian group is a Sally-O.

Jame is her Name
Paul for One

The female to the right is most time an aunt or older sister of some kind. 'Jame is her name' is an older version of 'Katie'.

'Paul for One' doesn't like the name Paula. Therefore, and, of course, everyone learns that the name for her is Paula. Paul for One is the finance capital for the Katie Brown Gang. She can have up to four trillion dollars for use to establish a 'Katie' gang. Though she knows of the money, she selectively choose to mind-change her persona so as not to have any recalculation of that fact but chooses to simply give the aurora of a person of whom people simply would pay attention to so in that she is used for that simplicity.

Pawpa , or  Bruce
Best known as their man-god Allah/Buda/Abu, 'Pawpa' is the guardian of the gang. He will sometimes appear as an Hassassin, or assassin. Hassassian is generally the term used when drugs (marijuana) is used by the guardian person. Pawpa should also be considered as a husband to 'Katie'.

Finally, this senior is also a possible husband to he girl leader named 'Katie'. 'Pawpaw' would have been the mentor. Very likely a female, Pawpaw is a founding member if they are still active in the group. Loving Germany as his father country, Pawpaw is most likely connected with a Nazi fraction in one way of another. He works in child prostitution and drugs.

'Vehicles': Fung Equals Prostitute

Fung Equals Prostitute
Oklahoma  7/4/12

KAPB, in Iconic, noticed the use of three groups of prostitutes nested in among the church friars, the Lamprey, that is Red, was illustrated. KAPB also reported the feeling that Satan (Fung) was not inside the Goetia character, but a different order.
Later, evidence showed a strong possibility that the disease of Typhoid was the culprit for the fungal contamination that aid the development of church cardinals.

The car illustrated is one that a church cardinal would own. This is a high profile prostitute who will live with very little money. He likes to be called Allah, Abu, Buda (Ala). Working in the Lamprey, he roams 'around the world' selling dope, girls and the church..

Kara's Primers!

'FLASH': Panda Garden

Panda Garden
Oklahoma  7/4/12

In an earlier post, the Asian buffet restaurant Panda Garden restaurant was reported as "fallen to an Al Qaeda cell named Ping". With police intervention and suggestions by the state to clear up any infractions, a post was make listing the restaurant as having been "resolved', a system KAPB used in the earlier stages of this blog's development. 

you do this?
Regretfully, the sluggish state legal system, due to the sovereign state turn-over,  placed a con-man in as the pro-counsel for the police department. Who? Bruce, aka Abu/Allah/Buda, plus a few other worldly gods figures. Thus, putting the Asian Food Giant back in business! Very Interesting... world zookeeper! Bye bye. 

Editing this post, the word zookeeper stands out! The university has been labeled as a paleontologist dream world. Panda, Fung, and Peoples? Oops, 4 more police stories under the belt. The mattress mama is no longer employing the girls of the hood. .... Very Interesting... world zookeeper! Bye bye.