July 4, 2012

'FLASH': Panda Garden

Panda Garden
Oklahoma  7/4/12

In an earlier post, the Asian buffet restaurant Panda Garden restaurant was reported as "fallen to an Al Qaeda cell named Ping". With police intervention and suggestions by the state to clear up any infractions, a post was make listing the restaurant as having been "resolved', a system KAPB used in the earlier stages of this blog's development. 

you do this?
Regretfully, the sluggish state legal system, due to the sovereign state turn-over,  placed a con-man in as the pro-counsel for the police department. Who? Bruce, aka Abu/Allah/Buda, plus a few other worldly gods figures. Thus, putting the Asian Food Giant back in business! Very Interesting... world zookeeper! Bye bye. 

Editing this post, the word zookeeper stands out! The university has been labeled as a paleontologist dream world. Panda, Fung, and Peoples? Oops, 4 more police stories under the belt. The mattress mama is no longer employing the girls of the hood. .... Very Interesting... world zookeeper! Bye bye.