July 22, 2012

'Iconic': Matricide

Oklahoma  7/22/12

Matricide is the killing on one's mother. 

Aid of matricide
The year is 2012. Two thousand years ago the prelude to a religious order was staged in Istanbul, Turkey.
The theme surrounded the consequences of an amazon society of women. Neatly hidden in the darkness of social behaviors, the play rose to the attention of the middle eastern worshipers distributed throughout the region's multitude of collective religions. Each having their own design, all doing the same thing, killing women and children.

Today, with  legal deliberations both the mental health authorities and state legal system, the Roman Catholic Church has formally levied complaints in the United Nations and US Supreme Court. Matricide.

In the Book of Baruch, NABRE, a statute is the main concentration of the book itself. Guests wonder in and out of a sanctuary were the statute stands drying after a torrent of festivals that followed the final entombing of the sole character who is the embodiment of lost souls attributed to the cause for worship.

Result of matricide...sligh
Arising from the death bed of childbirth, the saints of Baruch follow the patterns lain as footprints in the dust of the fallen. Adorned with the favorite clothing and ornaments, faithful followers parade around the statute as solidarity priests sprinkle droplets of dew into the feet of the statute itself. The open doors are always open with night being the only form of retreat that sets the statue to rest until the following day's continued processional of on-lookers. No money is given only the clothes of children of whom no one could find.

What is this book to the Catholics? Why has that church gained so much popularity in the press as overt sex offenders? Who are the Catholics that they have the Holy Bible as their mentor of faith? Matricide, the killing on one's mother? 

Who'd you steal the bible from is better said then God will save the oppressed.

Something to think about...
June 2014 - 
Hindus Attempt To Violate First Amendment, Propose “Giant Monkey God” Statue On Oklahoma Capitol Grounds.link

Kara's Primers!