March 31, 2014

'Aliens On Us': Mechanical Fly Wound

'Aliens On Us'
Mechanical Fly Wound
Oklahoma   Spring, 2014

Dated: Summer, 2002 Norman, Oklahoma (Summit Hill)
Technology has made a wonderful life for most of us. Nowadays, technology is used for just about everything, including the most ancient of religions. This image of a fly wound is relative to the multitude of flies that are worshiped in both Greece and India as religious zealots are using these mechanical devices more and more everyday.

In a housing development most would consider to be an upper-income living community lays an occult worship that is regarded as from one of the most ancient of worships...Zeus.

Zeus is the best known god as to being the center of the universe for most multi-god believers. Zeus is one in three...heaven, earth, and hell. As called the 'son' of man, Zeus is also Cronin (earth), and Hades (hell). Sacrifices of many different type of creatures were simply killed, left to rot, and burned as a symbol towards an offer as apart of a ritual offering.

Egypt is the parent to the Greek (child), and the Egyptians likewise offered creatures as ritual offerings. Thus why synbols and icons are interchangeable between these two ancient, as well as, present cultures.

'Alien's On Us': V Wound

'Alien's On Us'
V Wound
Oklahoma   Spring, 2014

Summer, 2000. Norman, Oklahoma (The Cedars)
Found among the archives this V shaped wound was discovered. The information is thus...Several V shaped wounds appeared in different areas of the body, but this picture is eerily similar to the alien bug that was implanted into the leg muscle of a KAPB member.

To the far right of the two images is wound has begun to heal, but the print of the left side shows the details of possible eyes and have a nose type of coloring unique to the alien bug written about in this section.

An electrical shocking with one eye and then the other eye and finally a heliport object dropped down onto the area that left behind the print of the  so called nose. 'Heliport' here is described as a light source of an unknown nature that spun similar to an hummingbird's flutter. The electrical charge was diffident as two, one after the other, sparks of electricity.

March 28, 2014

Supplemental - Pulse or Pills

Pulse here is the combination of herbs, grain, an nuts to make a mealette (omelette) for the treatment of , article: cancer.

Supplemental - Badass Con Carne

Note: Though the first image of dmitry does look like the mexican mafia leader, the image with dmitry and the countess wife closely resemble Adam and Mortisha from the TV series 'The Adam's Family'.

March 27, 2014

'Tracking Bruce': Fla. man high on Xanax fires shotgun at cruiser, arrested

'Tracking Bruce'
Oklahoma  2014

When a property of the auto waste materials was no longer present in officers who used the generic ginseng, an alert was sent out through the gangs in the city. Bruce told police officers here in Okla to be on the alert of persons getting  high on Ginseng...a follow-through by judges on the scene reported a leak in the patrolling officers were the 'alert' meaningfully was passed into, and for casual street talk, etc.    Note; Ginseng is the primary herb used to clean out carcinogen from the brain. It was noticed here in Okla that the smallest dosage worked the best with the use of only 60 tablets. 

March 25, 2014

'Aliens On Us': Light Bulb Boob

'Aliens On Us'
Light Bulb-ed Boob
Oklahoma   Spring, 2014

In an underground crypt in ancient Egypt the discovery of an image that resembles our modern day light bulb excited the archaeological world. The Dendera bulb is now the known source of lighting that was used to light the caves, caverns, and pyramids of ancient Egypt (video below). From ancient history to modern day technology, the light bulb has served it purpose, only to find that the incandescent glass tube has yet another work load to preform...or, does it?

Modern day light bulbs with the spiral coils, still used today, is one of the incandescent glass type. The coiling of these glass bulbs are the interest for this post. A filament type of thread was found in the breast cleavage area of a staff member.

Being held against a white surface, the coiling in this thread is the next image the coiling can be seen even better.

Just before discovering the fiber on the breast, a small luminous light could be seen in the cleavage area. With curiosity, the staff member checked inside her bra searching for the reason to the light source only to discover a small burn area and the thread pictured here.

Though a number of other coils had been previously noticed in the area, the small lighting wasn't seen.

Importantly, have these incandescent threads been on her breast all along? Though for sure an illegal practice, just what are these luminous coils for, and, moreover, who put them there.

Recently, a lot of suggestions on aggressive sexual assaults are becoming common place. With little regard shown toward the men, women, or children who has this type of torture device attached to the skin, perhaps a little private checking into the matter will render some clues. We'll have to see...and without our new 'Aliens': On Us!

March 24, 2014

'Aliens On Us': Face in a Bruise

'Aliens On Us'
Face in a Bruise
Oklahoma  Spring, 2014

The dark area at the bottom of this photo is the
shadow from the iphone.
After an eight day stay in a housing project where the water wells are damaged from an earth quake, this bruise appeared on the leg of a KAPB staff person. It's not quite known  where the hit on the leg happened, but something did make this blood mark happen.

The bruise seems to form the shape of a dog with a big red nose and droopy ears. The white area around the bruise is very noticeable, and in the next photo the white area appears to be in the shape of a heart.

The white heart is formed around the bruised area and become lighter when the area is moved for better
viewing. In the image to the left, the dog, or human, head shape is more noticeable with the red nose much more distinguishable.

Hemorrhages like to two in this post is common in areas that use wells as the primary water supply. But the shape and outside whiting sets it apart from an ordinary bruise, therefore, KAPB  has added it to their list of  'Aliens: On Us'

*These two photos are the result of the contaminated well water at Summit Lakes sub-division, Norman, Okla.

March 11, 2014

'The Submarine': Submarine 'Q' and the God Anaboosh (Odin)

'The Submarine'
Submarine 'Q' and the God Anaboosh (Odin)
Oklahoma   Spring, 2014

  • Part 3: The Submarine 'Q' and the god Anaboosh (Odin) (Sheiph)

'Q' are used around the world to cultivate, carry,  and create opium poppy fields by the use of their personal body as the host garden. It is upon their death that the body of  a 'Q' is confiscated and loosely buried where the possibility of  a poppy field could flourish.

Briefly, 'Q' is an international spy organization that is home-based in the United Kingdom. Most audiences are familiar with the "Q' because of the many James Bond movies,'Q' (International Query Intelligence) is the organization that Bond works for. Following in the foot steps of such a renown individual would be difficult to do, so KAPB will make a list of the many features found out from the pass few weeks of being in 'The Submarine' with this spy mecca.

  • killed Senator Weir

Maltze Roulette: The novel entitled the Maltze Falcon illustrates the behavior of this dangerous game. Much like the famous Russian Roulette, the Maltze is played with only three (3) Goetia characters: Bael, Leraje, and Bar Jesus. The rules are the same, 'Q' runs around from one step or another inside one of the three Goetia, and if the victim doesn't know what to do or say 'Q' will take the advantage to kill the other player or players. Thus the spy game.

Personality: 'Q' is a multi-voiced personality. This type of character is called a hydra in the Goetia membership. 'Q's' are also a favorite to use whore houses to gain an income if they are deeply depressed. Though 'Q' would never even consider to have sex with a natural girl, he does believe he fits in with the Illuminati, such as with that Al Qaeda group listed at Plutonium. 'Q' is an Anso (Asian) Italian in Caucasian pink. Some 'Q's' will chose the Goetia character of Foras.

Patterns: His Hydra is also called his patterns. They vary from Steffen (concubine), Mae (prostitute), Mike (flem/flam man), Harry (virgin assault), Andy (loser or discovered by a woman), Agair (farmer), Jose (cigar czar), Older (when ravaged), Peppi (while under rat semen), etc.

Sharp feature with protruding cheer bones is classic
'Q' features. It is only in his older years that
he begins to gain weigh and fill in more.
Addictions: Hemp and urine, feces, and both rat and pig semen. 'Q' loves shamans, fornicators, and  he is voyeuristic.  It's suspected that the new OPhone (Odor Phone) is an investment favor. 'Q' will honk car horns, blow whistles, or clap his hands vigorously when uncovered. "Q' likes to be a bash sexual partner where he is the one being bashed.

Character: Mainly Daniel. A Praetorian guard from the ancient roman empire that didn't travel in the Russian steppes, but verier off into the now country of  Assyria. Daniel is also the name of the actor who currently portrays Bond in the UK spy series. Jordan and Yemen are 'Q's' next favorites. 'Q' hails from the ancient Roman gladiatorial games, and all 'Q's' will have some blood line to gladiator Spartacus. 'Q' is a Knight Templar, so it stands that he will also be a pedophile. In Nazi Germany, 'Q' was a member of the Gestapo.

Social Community: When working in the in field, 'Q' will most likely have swayed from unfortunate boy or girl into letting him sleep over, so to say. Victims are an essential part of 'Q's' legacy, and the unfortunate boy or girl are no different. But 'Q's' favorite community is one of his relatives, of whom he happily requests an over-night stay only to leave after he has acquired an apartment, home, etc at the very next door to his own biological relative. There 'Q' will use every utility his relative has and 'Q' will never let his relative know that is what he is doing, nor will he pay a single cent for the use of it. 'Q' will only move when he has another so called assignment. The greatest population of 'Q's' are in the country of Australia.

Gods: Odin is the primary god "Q' interacts with. 'Q' believes they are Odin (Anaboosh) and work both the CIA and FBI as Odin's two ravens. At they write that Odin's two ravens named Huginn and Munin are forever searching out anything that would be of concern to the authority of this Scandinavian god. Goetia favorites are Bael and Leraje.

Religion: 'Q' is considered to be a Jew under the term of Junked Elocated Warfarin. He is also in the cluster of drug lingo of Chink (opium), Junkie (herion), Crack (cocaine). Chink is used when they have completely over-thrown a community or city, Junk-E is the drug of choice, and Crack-en which is the method 'Q' used to gain control by the means of unleashing hordes of  both herbal and street drug gangs.
The movie Clash of the Titans is another feature film about the behavior of a 'Q'.

Thanks for viewing!

'Tracking Bruce' - Video: Okla. police arrest dispatcher for smoking pot on the job

'Tracking Bruce'
Oklahoma  2014

By the time Bruce gave the order to 'go smoke pot' he was already in the position in which he felt that he was secure with his position in the church authority and that he would be able to further control matters in the way that he would not be under-mined in any future efforts. As a Fung (typhoid) the mindset is normally very aggressive even though he still appears placid. 

Because marajune, a herbal combination used for glaucoma pressure, was the mixture that makes person stomach sick after long periods of use, Bruce seen this herb mix as the perfect combination and recommended it for all police officers who would work for the church. Bruce instructed his priests to give out the orders to alert that staff to begin smoking pot/marajune, for upper class workers, in an effort to establish a concise movement from the Oklahoma bombing of the federal court house in OKC.

This is the first news report of a incident inside the police department offices itself. And, second, marajune herbs are primary Juniper berry (Gin) and marigold (moon shine)

Supplemental - Ancient Roman sarcophagus worth $4 million stolen more than 30 years ago to be returned to Italy - NY Daily News

The interesting note here is the term 'sarcophagus' verse 'statute'.  This is the way in which the ancient romans buried their dead....the term 'statute' is used in the contents of this report.