March 25, 2014

'Aliens On Us': Light Bulb Boob

'Aliens On Us'
Light Bulb-ed Boob
Oklahoma   Spring, 2014

In an underground crypt in ancient Egypt the discovery of an image that resembles our modern day light bulb excited the archaeological world. The Dendera bulb is now the known source of lighting that was used to light the caves, caverns, and pyramids of ancient Egypt (video below). From ancient history to modern day technology, the light bulb has served it purpose, only to find that the incandescent glass tube has yet another work load to preform...or, does it?

Modern day light bulbs with the spiral coils, still used today, is one of the incandescent glass type. The coiling of these glass bulbs are the interest for this post. A filament type of thread was found in the breast cleavage area of a staff member.

Being held against a white surface, the coiling in this thread is the next image the coiling can be seen even better.

Just before discovering the fiber on the breast, a small luminous light could be seen in the cleavage area. With curiosity, the staff member checked inside her bra searching for the reason to the light source only to discover a small burn area and the thread pictured here.

Though a number of other coils had been previously noticed in the area, the small lighting wasn't seen.

Importantly, have these incandescent threads been on her breast all along? Though for sure an illegal practice, just what are these luminous coils for, and, moreover, who put them there.

Recently, a lot of suggestions on aggressive sexual assaults are becoming common place. With little regard shown toward the men, women, or children who has this type of torture device attached to the skin, perhaps a little private checking into the matter will render some clues. We'll have to see...and without our new 'Aliens': On Us!