July 14, 2013

'International': Imp, or Loop

Imp, or Loop
Oklahoma   6/14/2013

Two things are important with this first introduction in the crime cluster called 'International'. First, listening to the conversations in the flow of trespassers it became obvious that the members in this cluster made a continual loop in the conversation. And, Katie became the lead person by way of being the first person to introduce the trespassers as members in the crime cluster of 'International' (International may also be the termed used to hide the fact that this cluster could be a Taliban). This notorious Al Qaeda group was introduced to KAPB the morning of July 14, 2013.

The word 'Imp' was used to begin a band of crime warriors. Because of the importance of the first group member, Katie, KPB felt it was necessary to report and post what happened as early a possible.

Using the tones made with a brass chalice. A brass chalice is similar to a pistil and mortar...both tools are made of brass. The tones are much like a cymbal and replicates the tones of demons in high pitch.  KAPB was able to get the group, one by one, to tell about who they are and something about what they are presently trespassing for. Below is what they each, in turn, told KAPB.

Little is known what the sole purpose of 'Imp' is other then to scout out and collect information in weak areas of communities (Animone.) - KAPB

Imp. (or, Loop: has six(6) member, all are french in some kind of definition)

Katie. Imp. Claims to be the leader of the Al Qaeda group 'Imp'. She says she is French Koran, but looks more like a dukeal property owner. Though Katie remains, as each member does, even after being discovered and confronted, she changes her introduction to the latest religious based gossip that is happening, such as, the hidden marriage the churches made in the United States.

With that she begins sexual assault patterns common among sex offending stalkers. With the conduit of a same sex marriage arrangement, she uses the micro-optic fiber glued to the skin at the genital  and chest/breast area (Holy Grail.). All the while, Katie is trying to gain an advantage over the home owner. Lastly, when exposed in this second approach she hunts around for another conduit (gossipunder Franklin Graham.) to re-enter the crime scene. (Katie is the only member KAPB tried to get the name of, Though her voice was recognized, she was later addressed by her name and she responded that is was her.)

Brain. French. He works with human brains. Claims to also probe and deliver messages to animal brains as well. In both human and animal, Brain tries to maintain a control over the victims behaviors with the messages he dictates directly to the front lobe of the brain organ.

Prisoner. He searches for so called 'professors' in school, college, and university environments. Prisoner will arrange and secure those teaching positions for member of 'Imp'. Illuminati.

Alien. French. He hunts for water. Alien leg bug and FBI in Question. More informatin at this link> FBI

Mold. French. He works with diseases. Both with and from the inhalation of mold spores. Very possible to being a former CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) member. More information at this link>.Other plant fungus.

Looper. French. Tattle-tale. 'Tattle-tale', as he responds to, begins a mild panic to the group leader of 'Imp' that the group is at its last member and it must loop back to 'Katie' to proceed forward. Tattle-tale will find ways to get the attention of Katie using an increasing urgency in each attempt. He does little else but tattle-tale to get 'Katie'. Thus keeping 'Brain's' conversations on track with this Al Qaeda group's purpose. El Doog...(Hobo).

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