June 30, 2015

Art a Fact: Cotton Seed Statute

Art a Fact
Cotton Seed Statutes
Summer 2015

Cotton statutes are known as a 'Palameno'. As usual, the product (cotton fibers) is feed to a person until the substance is released through the pores and bloodstreams.

The photo here is one of man wearing a cotton soft statue head. Used in war, the top head and face was removed from a soft pillowy figure and adapted to be worn as a headdress in combat. This is another example of the duel head gear worn in the southern plains of ancient Persia, Turkey, and Greece.

June 29, 2015

Trash FLASH: The Panda Man Can

The Panda Man Can
Summer 2015

Who else would answer to the call for arms...Panda Garden!

Yeh. KAPB got passed to the Asian restaurant chain after posting the Endocrine article, 'Caesar's Golden Age...'

Healthy on Food Bank goodies, these, destined for world power, cookies are cracking open another fortune favorite.

Your Mother moved to China when she first saw ya.

Endocrine: Ceasar's Golden Age of Silver , pg 3

Ceasar's Golden Age of Silver, pg3
Summer 2015

Page 1
Page 2

Finally, the Age of Silver, or gold as believed at KAPB, attempts to located the silver market than Ceasar might have create a precious metal market with.

As the Roman Empire was directly connected with the Greek temples that developed the Zoroastrian (Jewish) religion, it would be a correct determination that the House of Saul is the coduit in this Roman caper of greed and murder.

Because the Balkan (Central Arabia) people are the patriarchs of modern Greece (ancient King Phillip of Macedonia) combined with biblical House of Judah's Caleb (also Central Arabia), these two notable family linage can be understood as the Silk Road merchants from that region's historical past as no one was ever permitted to travel through without permission, and, including, search and secures!

During the Great Exploration of Egypt, as reported by Great Britian, Arabia was the capital of the silver market, yet Saudi Arabia doesn't have a silver mineral thread under it's land...at all! That highly suggests a trade market with someone that dates back to 15 BC. Most silver sample sold from Arabia indicate a Mediterranean origin.

The one family that has the greatest similarities to Julius Ceasar is that of the royal family in the House of Saud. Saud being a derivative of Saul its a good assumption that the two are inter related, and this is where the ancient silver made in Rome was sold.

Other than the simple fact that police reports, hospital records, and patrons of sporting arenas, gym training and excerise businesses, as well as, nearby merchants all say they are ingesting, inhaling, and finding traces of silver power on themselves. All told, around the world the silver is still very high on the stock market lists. Perhaps it's time to UIT (urine testing) for silver nitrate compounds.

America loves the Arabian Nights tales, desert wonders and camel rides. So easy for them to fall prey to today's Egyptian gang violence, and Gay Rights stories of desert bands of thieves and bandits, such as, Prince of Persia. American violence has risen with a international court need for slave reparation from nations who practice this human traffic as well as in the human silver markets. Time to UIT.

Servilla of the Junii. Ancient Roman matriarch. Greek Goddess of powders.

June 28, 2015

Art of Fact: Fairy Costumes

Art of Fact
Fairy Costumes
Summer 2015

Included here are a few of the moat famous costumes warn by transgenders who pass through the stage of 'Fairy'.

In the first plate on the high color photo there are several embeds of different stages within costume...those can be interesting.

In the last two plates, modern fashion is better illustrated. Tulip dresses, coats, and floral designs abound in stage 'Fairy'.

Close to the coloring noticed in Circe floral arrangements, fairies like the dull color of the same flowers. This color hue had a high light decade within the American Victorian era seen mostly in the State of New York late 1800's to early 1900's.

More of the Fairy style fashion can be seen, and purchased, at the online store called The Victorian Trading Company.

June 27, 2015

Trash FLASH: A Smiling Demon

A Smiling Demon
Summer 2015

On the left side of the brain, some characters smile innocently. On the right side, some frown continuously. Why? The genetics of the physical person.

The image below is that of a 'Smiling Demon'. He may look familiar to viewers who live in the Chicago, Illinois area because there is where most of these DID's live. The greastest religious population of the smiling one, works and attends the Christian University. One famous priest online from there is Father Baron...his genre is in a pop culture lecture live blog type.

This is a great picture! Several ancient roman generals, politicians, and wealthy land owners were in this stage that has a great deal of fame within the religious world...thieves who would see heaven because they simply believed. Huh....

June 26, 2015

Iconic: Helmets of Asgard

Helmets of Asgard
Summer 2015

As a supplement to the Asgard and Malekith post, KAPB located a great image of an Asgardian helmet of sorts. The very rare helmet is from Denmark. It should also illustrate the depth of the Oden, Thor, Loki mythology because of the grandeur in the head piece...which is huge! Just what has kept the Norwegian God fable so famous is simply a wonder, but even, as we know, the stories still exist as Marvel Avengers. Good luck to them and long live Asgard!

June 24, 2015

Iconic: Asgard's Malekith in America, pt 3

Asgard's Malekith in America, pt 3
Summer 2015

Post 1
Post 2

In this third post, KAPB hopes to show the Malekith in America. We found it very interesting and at the same time rather deadly.

As most have learned, the Christian church is basically a transgender cult...though they will never say the truth to it, they do live in the female side, or the Hera, as well as the male persona.

Gathering from a country's young male populations, the church built a sub-culture that also became a part of America...eventhough, America was constructed to forsake the Church's creeds and cult constructions.

By the decade of 1890's, America was expanding to the mid western prairies and land for farming was the national quest. Believed to have been through the church, thousands of immigrants from the western regions of the easter hemisphere sailed and flooded into the grass lands to get themselves parcels of free land.

With them came thesub-cultures...transgenders, pediphiles, incest, etc. All of them not really farmers but freemen from the churches looking to get accusation land in exchange for freedom.

Those immigrants, as reported by histoy, were the worst farmers America had ever seen!  After turning the grass lands into a dust bowl, the immigrants moved off into California carrying with them only what would serve them the best.

Using the FDR (Franklin D. Roosevelt) government recovery programs for work, food, and medicine service, the failed farmers left leaving behind children, animals, and tons of bills for the dust bowl states to repay.

After a few years of the steady stream of immigrants into California, that state started to forbide entrance unless the travelers had enough money to keep themselves until they, again immigrants, could find a physical working and wage earning job...southern California was that location.

On the way, and through the Painted Desert of Utah, the stream of the Malekith stopped in nearby desert villages where a mountain monolith rose above the highway leading in and out of the desert. There the Malekith stopped and prayed for help, guidance, and cash. The Norse Malekith spacecrafts and the Utah monolith resemble each other very much. PBS.org and Ken Burns documented that the poor and improvished travelers spent months at that location fearing to travel again until the season seemed correct.

The Norse (Oden,Thor) spacecraft was the home for the leading Malekith for thousands of years. The monolith in Utah has been standing there for equally the same amount of time.

Whichever, the Great Plains survived the drought and dust storms, plagues, and bankruptcies to grow a strange new wild flower, the milk trestle sunflower. The flower the Malekith say is a sign of damnation.

KAPB found in America the Norse mythology of Thor's Malekith and The Dark Elve's Dark World. They traveled down Route 66 to California.

Iconic: Asgard's Malekith in America, pt 2

Asgard's Malekith in America, pt 2
Summer 2015

Part 1
Part 3

Hera the wife, as it's called, became the Malekith of mankind.  The God Oden explained that the Malekith were dark elves who were full of discontent and bitterness when believing their world died in a great battle for supremacy.

Malekith is the stage in homosept when he is returning to a male persona and struggles with his idenity. Everything in his remembered past is that of a girl person with male genitals and gay male lovers who deepened the feces bacteria and left the malekith to reform yet another world...do or die!

The mythology of Hera was that of jealousy ans suspensions. Testing the Earth, loving no one, and eating Earth children to display strenght of character.

The Malekith go through several stages to reach malehood again. Violence, pain, disfigurement, and finally warlike behaviors cause both Malekith to die in transition.

Hera easily could share the meeting of both 'hair' and 'her'. Hair because of the fact the Zeus' hair during this transition period braids itself...such as with dread locks. Her because that word must be used at all times, or a Zeus will erupt into violence.

As before mentioned, Malekith go through several stages. Below are illustrations of some of those stages.

Iconic: Asgard's Malekith in America, pt1

Asgard's Malekith in America, pt 1
Summer 2015

Part 2
Part 3

KAPB has posted a few times about the Norse mythology of Oden and Thor. The teachings of the Thor God set is seen as the last stages of the European/Greek societies of the Zeus and Hera by scholars who study the religious occults in the Easter Hemisphere. So what happened to those Gods when America was formed from the legends of Norway and Scandinavia? KAPB may have and answer.

 In a series of three parts, we hope to show where the legends exist in America. First, some refresh history about a very important God...Zeus!

Scholars suggest the Zeus God worship is the total collection, or file, of mankind from Earth beginning up till the founding of Rome, Italy, at which time the gods went into a different, and third, set of godlike creatures...Egypt, Greece, Rome.

It is through these three occults that transgenderism became the foundation head that created the ritual worships that structure today's religious temples.

Zeus and Hera are the same person. Hera is the feminine person of Zeus when indulgence of wine, herbs, and human endocrine enzines are mixed and or abused. The, as we know now, Homosept is a person who indulges in feces whether sexually or orally.

Known throughout the world today as Homosexual, it's not known just how that twist in idenities got started, but Homosept are carriers of septicemic germs and most homosept refer to themselves as homosexuals who also carry this grem.

Traveling from male to female and back out and then back into female repeatedly, these carriers created the life style that today has influenced our generations.

The term Malekith is the word, or name, for one who travels back and forth from male to female by using the abuse mentioned above. In the next post KAPB hopes to illustrate the Dark Order Malekith.

June 23, 2015

Kurds keep up offensive against extremists in northern Syria

Excerpt from article...

"Washington against the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL in English and by its Arabic acronym, Daesh."

KAPB has several entries on Daesh in some form or another.

Why? Who is ISIS at KAPB?  We've had a few bad boys...and, now we have had ISIS...Shit!


Aliens On Us: Neck Tattoos

Aliens On Us
Neck Tattoos
Summer 2015

Finally a copy of the neck tattoo has been made. Hundreds of people reported seeing the tattoos but the person who they had report seeing it on never seen the marks...until today.

Testing the camera after a mobile reset, a picture was taken of Kara Aghijlar, the tattoo spoken of was captured. Below is a picture of it. Sorry for the darkness, but the photo was taken in a darkened room...summer heat.

On the arm inset is another area where the tattoo seems to have been extended, but only a faint tone can be seen. Either the tabs have been removed or the camera didn't capture that area today. Aliens! Now what is this tattoo for?

June 22, 2015

Iconic: Millions of mummified dog remains found in Egypt - The Times of India on Mobile


Excerpt from article...

"We hadn't expected that there would be so many animals, and it opens up a new series of questions." 

One question that experts can at least partially answer is why an Egyptian might have brought an animal, dead or alive, to such a place. 

A dog, especially, would be a good fit because it might then interact with Anubis, an ancient Egyptian God of the dead, depicted with the body of a man and head of a dog or, its close relative, a jackal. 

"The important thing was to provide a representation of the God with a fitting burial," Nicholson said. 

"It's not some sort of blood sacrifice. It's a religious act that's done for the best possible motive." 

The animal's owner would hope that, by doing this, "some good will come to you", the Wales-based Egyptologist said. 

"Maybe you're hoping that the animal will help someone in your family who has died recently (so that) Anubis will take care of that (relative)." 

Just as Egyptians' view of Anubis, and dogs, has been common knowledge for some time, so too have the dog catacombs of Anubis. This includes a map from 1897 that shows their location clearly marked. 

June 18, 2015

Iconic: Nebula of our Galaxy - Tumblr


This is a great link! The colors gat beautiful and the action tells a story all it's own. Very interesting.

June 17, 2015

Aliens On Us: Teen Girl Dies, Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Aliens On Us
Teen daughter dies after complications during a wisdom teeth extractionSummer 2015 (June)


A family is mourning the death of their teenage daughter who died after complications during a wisdom teeth extraction in Minnesota.

The family of Sydney Galleger announced on her CaringBridge website page that she died on Monday, roughly a week after she went in for a "simple, common" procedure to get her wisdom teeth removed.

In a June 9 journal, her mother wrote that everything had been going well until the very end, when Sydney's blood pressure shot up, her pulse dropped and she went into cardiac arrest.
Her mother, Diane, wrote that paramedics arrived quickly and were able to stabilize her so she could be transferred to the University of Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital.
The journal entries posted since that day detail Sydney's battle with seizures and doctors' attempts to stop the swelling in her brain. On Monday, Diane announced their daughter had passed away.
She thanked the community, friends and family for all their prayers and support.

June 15, 2015

Trash FLASH: bio synthesis limb of a rat - Tumblr


Like America doesn't have enough rats! Maybe Massachusetts can make some girl rats, that way human girls can stop getting their backsides scratched by the manger menace.

June 14, 2015

Endocrine: A deadly flesh-eating bacteria is causing panic on Florida beaches | State Column


That's because last year, Vibrio vulnificus caused 32 cases of infection in 2014, and about 85 percent of those cases happen in the summer and into the fall as beaches get ever more crowded based on statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as reported by Fox News.

This nasty little infection wreaks havoc on the body and can cause death. It is mostly caused by the consumption of raw shellfish and sometimes enters through open wounds in the water. Once inside, it causes things like vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, sepsis, and death.

Definition: The Praetoriian Patsy

The Praetorian Patsy
Summer 2015

Patsy. Jewish. Transgender. Nazi.
Praetorian guarrd workers. Male to female homosept. Those individuals whose prefer to work for the Christian Church. These workers are called 'Patsy' ( a foolish person who is easily tricked or cheated - Merrian Webster)

  • : a foolish person who is easilytricked or cheated

Trash FLASH,: Sport Talk Radio #14

Sport Talk Radio
Summer 2015

Norman, Oklahoma

There they are again!  Half of dozen husbands or more of Christian homosexuals gettin their goodies all from one real girl!

Bad Act 13:13 ( bar the jesus)

Trash FLASH: Sonic Burger! Tumblr


Has anyone ever gone to a Sonic Burger in a sports college town? Relive it over and over again!

Endocrine: Faces of Codex Tumblr


This video has the faces of the Codex when supported by the herb called Codent. Between the two the human face pulls inward towards the center of the skull creating a cyclops look. Some scholars of ancient history say Codent created Codex delusions that are still in use today by the Christians.

June 8, 2015

Trash FLASH: CNN: What role did race play in how police handled Texas pool party chaos?


KAPB got this very same treatment when the photos of the 'Prelates' was taken. What a ruckess students of color are into. Police are called hundreds of times about socially unacceptable misconducts.

Those kids in Texas got someone to put a name a questionable paperwork...seems it's their turn now. Time bring out all levels sooner or later.

June 6, 2015

FYI: Hermetic Infrastructure

Hermetic Infrastructure
Summer 2015

The Hermetic Infrastructure is the ranking given according to the level of knowledge, wisdom, and practice that a person displays from the learned of the longevity studies of culture societies and the society's developments. The physiological, or the brain, reasoning is the religious files are what both KAPB and the focussed Plutonium blog are centered to.

Below is the ranking with some information about those titles.

Magi - astronomer, magician, wiseman and master of the works...Ironman. Names: Serio (sharp body features, even toned complexion); Michael (soft body features, medium toned complexion); Abrahm ( burly body features, darken toned complexion)

Frater - teacher, counselor, witness, and pilot. Body features vary with each step towards the rank of Magi. Most known are Frators who instruct in the public domains.

Novice - beginner, learner, curious and faithfulled. Little is seen in body featues. These changes occur during the education process.

Monk - recovering, fearful, faithful, and hopeful. This rank is the start of learning a Hermetic lifestyle after a near death experience from drugs, alcohol, prostitution and vices. Body features change during dependency withdraws and instructional meetings with Magi and Fraters.

Trash FLASH: Tracfone Airy-al Act

Tracfone Airy-al Act
Summer 2015

In and Out. Tracfone has a sweet deal on a cell phone service.

It's a bit of an Agustian deal...Nazi!
Their phone company and lite down on everything fiber. Thier Lifeline addition is, well, just about that...a line on every 'life'. They wont let a buyer opt out of this Florida based company, althewhile, suspending freebie service extentions such as the internet connections, down-loaded gaming, and the incoming/ outgoing text messaging of more then one page.

Spam, spam, spam!

June 5, 2015

Endocrine: Caesar's Silver: The Jewelry, pg2

Caesar's Silver: The Jewelry, pg 2
Summer 2015

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Page 3

The jewelry wore during Julius Caesar's reign was the result of multi gangs roaming the cities of Italy.

Every jewelry piece worn by the bearer was designed for whatever level in society the person had been placed. Every person, no matter their position, wore a silver necklace.

The Golden Age declared by Julius Caesar may be the topic that caused his death in 33 BC. With a booming international silver market, silver in the form of golden, bronze, iron, plate silver, and tin were the top jems, and human silver had equally as much value.
The forging of human silver, produced by drinking raw liquid silver, was the number one resource in the Italian silver industry.

Soldiers, merchants, towns people, shop keepers, etc. all carried, lugged, pushed, and pulled heavy trade loads to foster muscle mass while drinking only water laced with crude silver powders. In time the silver would protrude from the skin. It was then scraped, pulled, or severed from the flesh and then processed for the international markets.

Silver is perhaps the only material used in the so called Golden, Silver, Bronze, and Iron Ages because silver can be discolored by burning the metal to resemble gold, bronze, iron, etc. Though previously thought these ages were stages in human developments of luxury and toil, it is now believed that the Golden Age spoken of is the marketing of human brains in the international jem markets, and very possibility the central reason for Caesar's assassin even though he was reported to be the greastest Italian leader of them all.

Endocrine: Civil War Notes

Civil War Notes
Summer 2015

Art a Fact: Germany's Transgender

Art a Fact
Germany's Transgender
Summer 2015

Among the assembled Jews there was a select group of transgenders who didn't live up to the Nazi prodigal. The rumor is the guy couldn't make up something that looked better then what was being worn...he was axed!

This photo published on Tumblr.com is from a Dutch postcard dating post WW2.
This is the transgender in full make-up that was sent to, and executed in, the European prison camps.