May 29, 2015

Endocrine:: Caesa"s Golden Age of Silver

Caesar's Golden Age of Silver, pg 1
Summer 2015

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Studying the effects on the endocrine system, interesting information on liq uid silver was introduced to us at KAPB. Information that deserves to be published.

The primary reason Julius Caesar was assassinated in 33 BC was to that fact that the Caesar's Golden Age was being developed in the minds of the Roman populations...brain matter to be precise. The golden hue silver called "Pristucet".

The Roman gangs worn super heavy silver gold necklace, arm bands, and belts that symbolise the rank and position of workers for the political system as well as the Roman street gangs. Silver was made with the brain matter of persons who were captured and lead into Rome authority that spread into the Roman Senate and the citizen's class.

All the while, Caesar in both his male and female persona used the herbal mixture of Feranson. This herb will resemble stages of silver poisoning with none of the damages. There's no withdraw symptoms, no after effects, and no physical damages left after the herb is out of the blood system. The name of Julius means Jewel (Jul), today an Al Qaeda central core sought after by international authories...Servilla means, one who is in service to the villas (villians).

The image with the collection of silver stage is where the Roman Senate was at when the senate finally killed the Caesar.

It did very little because of the Ceasar estate went to a newly adopted son, Julius' child trasfiguration named Augustus (Octavian of the Junii).