February 19, 2014

'The Cedars': Ptolemy and the Popes

'The Cedars': Ptolemy and the Popes

The Cedars Apartments became the center of attraction when the area became known as a ritual murder site. It was discovered that many middle school children, along with their parents and siblings, were either killed or forced into a ritual prostitution mecca.  After many legal rounds in the City of Norman, Oklahoma concerning the pagan ritualism, the true culprits began to emerge. The two links below are, with the grace of God, the last two deeply involved characters in what happened at ritualistic murders that has become to be known as, 'The Cedars'. 

Regretfully, in the early fall of 2014 the God felt hopes were dashed as the Taliban became the central focus at the scene of the crime.

Part One: Ptolemy
Part Two: The Popes

Following, will be the entries of KAPB's,  'The Submarine'.

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