July 12, 2013

'Escalade': ARS

Oklahoma   7/12/2013

ARS...Andrealphus, Raum, and Shax.

This image depicts the total
concept to the study of Goetia
ARS. The woodcut also illust
-rates the faces that is the best
image of an about the
persons in the study of the ARS,
A ... Andrealphus. Forming an Al Qaeda cluster called 'ARS' may simply be an ego pattern rather than a true, or natural, collection of Goetia demons. Andrealphus is the last Goetia demon in the Egyptian monarchy that created a nation of historical markers, but there is no record of an 'ARS' cluster because of this mighty demon. A marquis doesn't need or like to kill before sexual intercourse, and was remarked in historical documents as powerful because an Andrealphus could over-come pagan lusts.

R ... Raum. This Goetia character loves marijuana. So much so, that in long term abuse of hemp, the demon will transform into a bird-like creature. It is believed that the god Anahita is the last stage before entering into the animal development most Goetia demons go into.

S ...Shax. Likewise, a marijuana smoker. Most scholars of demonomania say that the bird form is a delusion rather then a transformation due to marijuana abuse. The two birds in this cluster, Shax and Raum, differ so greatly that the possibility of the two being the same bird is impossible.