July 12, 2013

'Escalade': Vice

Oklahoma   7/12/2013

Ipos.  Most images found favorable
to the cluster 'Vice' will be one
of an Ipos. Maybe ego...Adam and Eve, or
perhaps because Ipos loves to be
shocked. Ipos will serve in prostitution
but only as a body shocker.
Vice is an Al Qaeda fraction made up of four Goetia demons . It's comprised of one president and three dukes(count).

Vice: Vepar(duke) ... Ipos(count/prince) ... Caim(president) ... Aim(duke).

Noted here: Demonomania is a mental health condition, Any one who transforms themselves by living only  off of the left side of the brain will in a matter of days will acquire the madness of demonamania.

Pseudomonarchia Daemonum
by Johann Wier
As we have learned, Caim is believed by novice to the result of Adam and Eve with their child Cain--eastern scholars confirm that it's the realm of Ipos was the delusional condition that both Adam and Eve developed after the abuse of, and, to the, Garden of Eden. Creating a pregnancy, Eve was to be known as 'pain in childbirth'. With Western Christians, Cain's killing Able created the black man and Cain, Adam's son (president) deposed Adam (the mere leader). This notation can not be proven, so the story is nothing by myth and dramatic folklore.

Another thing to remember is that the word 'prince' (Ipos) has evolved over time. In past history the word prince also meant primper, prancer, prostitute, prostate, etc. Such as with Prince David, later King David, when he arrived back from battle and dancing before a crowd in somewhat of a tribute to his victories. Lastly, the word 'count' in kingdom realms means 'countless', and the word 'prince' being a person is not allowed to have lower kingdom court members under their care, thus making the understanding of 'Count/Prince' has no who has little to no authority. A demon in Count will not have sexual intercourse until after they have murdered someone. Finally, most of today's upper-crust kingdoms were derived from dukes and counts. The reason is not exactly known, but it is believed to be a 'failed' attempt by the Eastern Religions to gain control over the countrysides, only to not clearly understand the sexual problem side; therefore, most lovers for the crown were killed either before a marriage consecration, or before a harem lover encounter.

In the character Aim the change in the letters 'E' and 'A' is because of old English...the 'a' and 'e' vowels were at one time joined together. As seen in the illustration and circled in red, it was pointed out to KAPB that the three primary characters in the demon Aim are grouped together to form the capital letter 'E'. It's said this is an indication to the letter 'E'. It should be remembered here that this images in the Goetia collection are drawn when the demon is at a distance,as well as, collectively, meaning over a number of years and then they were assembled to the Goatia images in books today. Therefore, within this image of Aim, it could be understood that the name itself may need to be pronounced with an 'A', while in the dark world of our subconsciousness it is seen as the letter 'E'...just another suggested thought.