June 29, 2012

FLASH: Housewife's Kid

Housewife of New Jersey: A Kid
Oklahoma 6/24/12
jersey kid

Through the miss-use of both cable networks and iPhone services, the kids of Jersey Housewives are holding 'down the fort'. Pool side fun at small apartments complexes turns into cable use for malice and threats.
With the common apartment rental agreements, just across the road, these dandy goody-two-shoes girls, and boys, make spot recorded segments of the reality show that gets aired weeks later. Coupling with Roman Catholic friars, this kid actress bullies other residents, in both complexes, to contributing to the Housewives of New Jersey through the  religious donation system and tithes church funding.

Kara's Primers!

her apartment across the road 

June 24, 2012

FLASH: Housewife Caroline

Housewife of New Jersey: Caroline 
Oklahoma  6/24/12

Contact radio! Does the need for money turn females into crazy hooters? It damn sure does at the Jersey Housewives set. Caroline, while using the Internet, enters homes and businesses. Threats with malice turned into a real who done it in Oklahoma. What's her Side?

Dutifully Noted:
Several months after this post, Caroline of the Housewives cast did say something about what she was doing on the internet. It seems she was instructed to follow through with rumors of espionage from the state of Oklahoma by persons claiming "to be judges". Her misleads landed her directly in the path of judges who were
investigating the murders later published by the local press. Caroline claims the rumor information was given to her by the FBI.

FLASH: Housewife Melissa

New Jersey Housewives
Oklahoma  6/24/12


 Because of all the ruckus around the discovery of illegal abortion houses, child prostitition, etc., the mob sent out, from every corner of the mass media, one kind of prostitute or another. This Blank-mm prostitute rode around with her gray-silver car ready for the heat to begin? This is her. Melissa on ...'House Wives of New Jersey! Wow! House Wives is faked!

A possible American Sioux Indian,
"The Sioux are known for their distinguished looks. Their hair is very black and it is worn long. Like other Native American tribes, they also have high cheekbones and large noses." Sioux Indian Tribe
this Jersey Housewife became more trouble then a band of Comanches looking for a railroad worker.

Get it together girl!

June 23, 2012

Definitions: Dulge

Oklahoma  6/23/12

In all reality, 'Dulge' is the labor force, or the 'white 'nig_er', or 'white trash'. As repeat offenders of petty crimes, these criminals are the least important towards the immediate infra-structure of a prison's crime system. As the 'Dulge' Al Qaeda are the sit-and-watch members. Most criminologist agree that 'Dulge' are nobility, or members of some European royal family who were dumped into the American prison system. The criminologist also believe that the 'Dulge' are used a breeders to develop a look-alike Blank-mm and Der Poinge. 

Today, the Illuminati, Blank-mm, Der Poinge, and Dulge are the four Al Qaeda prison systems groups used around the world.

Definitions: Der Poinge

Der Poinge
Oklahoma  6/22/12

 'Der Poinge', pronounced as a pogo jumping spring toy a child rides on.

Prison inmates:  The third in line for convict considerations among the four major Al Qaeda prison system inmate groups. 'DerPoinge' are the transients inmates. Moving from state to state while working crop farms the Al Qaeda considers 'Der Poinge' to be a type of  De Triviaire soldier.  The De Triviaire are convicts who are from the general indigenous populations. When they use the 'De Triviaire' it is they who go first as the workers/soldiers in criminal confidence, street gang violence, and war time battles...all in all, 'Der Poinge' are the disposable troops.

'Der Poinge' are primary grouped as females.  When a legal law enforcement becomes an issue, these convicts are considered escaped, but the prison system will have 'Der Poinge' recorded as 'private citizens' when they are not needed in action. Hired out as social workers in action, their work place is never in the business world, but always as trivial.

De Triviaire are literaly the Christians who follow the leadership established by the Western Churches. As the East and Western Empires split into two seperate thories, the western churches referred to followers of both East and Western Jesus concepts as the lesser interest or 'De Triviaire'.

"First sign of recognition used by Christians to refer to Christ, it is formed by the superposition of the first two X and P capital letters of Christ's name in Greek: ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ called chrism, is found engraved on the sarcophagi of the third century. It is often accompanied by the Alpha and Omega (the beginning and the end).
Its dissemination to the Emperor Constantine, after his conversion to Christianity and his victory over Maxentius in 312, had placed this sign on the shields of his soldiers and the Labarum must be the standard, worn in front of his armed on which he was surrounded by a sign of victory crown. "  
Cite Retrieved: June 12, 2014. (KAPB can not be responsible for content alterations at this site.)

June 22, 2012

Definitions: Blank-mm

Definitions - Blank-mm

'Blank-mm' Al Qaeda is the next in order of authority among convicts, better said, prisoners. As with the Illuminati, 'Blank-mm' also prefer prison life. As more demands by incarceration prisoners is geared toward

fair treatment, 'Blank-mm' has created an outside connections that feeds the prison system. 'Blank-mm' are the children of the incarcerated; therefore the state child custody system is mostly likely the first place the 'Blank-mm' gang child will make and keep as an outside contact.

It is through this type of sub-culture, there being two groups, that the termed developed criminal, prostitutes, are created in this criminal field. The other prison child group was created through the means of child abandonment...children left inside of state child protective agencies; and thereby, raised by the state authorities only.

Living from one state or federal financial organization these, termed by parents,  'hookers' make an income from the privileges affordable with those state monies. Stealing, rifting, and con-jobs on other professional criminals is the primary target for a 'Black-mm'. All-the-while, this slight-of-hand con game trickery is also considered a 'game changer' for these 'Little Baghdad' thieves. Most 'Blank-mm' have never been arrested...born within the prison system itself, raised by the parent mother or father until three years old, and then sent into social programs were the incarcerated parent can still provide support, thus, allowing for a prisoner's personal child visitations privileges while still incarcerated inside these huge organized penal colonies.

'Blank-mm' push their profession on to the lives of police officers, judges, and attorneys by using the techniques acquired during their prison's selective, child responsibilities. A 'Blank-mm's' rearing is generally broad based. Both types of professionals, criminal and state social authorities, are apart of a developed 'hooker' techniques, and those techniques are often used in a community's colloquial prostitution, thus, creating an allure of legitimacy for both other prison sub-groups, as well as, unsuspecting novices to this type of organized ganging. 'Blank-mm' will try to persuade and pursue everybody who might somehow fit the system and to the refueling the prison money lords.

This particular sub-culture are cowards. They will tell the legal authorities whatever a proper agent may need to know about gang-life, style, and any incarcerated gang members. 'Blank-mm' use murder as a means to gain control, but a this child/adult cultist will convince another person to commit the crime, all-the-while, including themselves to the murder only while engaging with their particular gang members. 

Prison father's often refer to these child as 'Shooting Blanks'.

June 15, 2012

'Vehicles': AQ 'Lamprey

'Vehicles: Al Qaeda, Lamprey
Oklahoma  6/15/12

Lamprey (red) - Dormice (black) - Drug (white)

The Al Qaeda consists primary of the three colors most known by the 1900's German Nazi regime. But, the red, white, black colors are the three colors that are the primary threats in the Goetia characters, such as the Asmodeus demon. Another DID character is Bifrons, and another is Bune. These and the others make up the Nazi party as well as any other group that uses these three colors.

The first cluster of Nazi was within the Eastern Emperors or Eastern Church. Why it worked out this way is never really said, but Julius Nepos (474–75 A.D) who was sent by Constantinople to lead the Western Empire. It was through Nepos to Roman Emperor Valens that the entire regime used by the Goetia Nazi today. The, sometimes, fourth color, used when needed, is yellow (gold).

This post will do 'The Lamprey' or 'Quaker'(Quince, Quint, Quintius), and 'Red' is the color that this branch uses. It should be noted that the 'Lamprey' is a man-eating eel and favor among the island Roman Emporers were large pools could be filtered with sea water but the lampreys wouldn't be able to leave and swim away.

The first image is of a green SUV is the style that a leader would drive. The molding around the bottom will appear golden in be sunlight. This style was made famous by Augustus Caesar during his ride in the sport arenas of ancient Rome.

This red car is used by a person who is a 'stool pigeon'. This style of car is always used for a person who is coming into the Lamprey branch if that person had taken money, money orders, bonds, etc. Most of these lamprey red soldiers were law enforcement in one way or another. Called a 'Triviaire' (of a lesser kind), the color of red with the auto's style denotes that person entry and permanent task throughout their life. No other color or style is ever allowed by this type of 'stool pigeon'. The color of 'Red"  make up the majority of the Lampreys, as only the select or elite are allowed to have a hierarchy color such as the green w/ silver trim.

The dull, or flat, gray color car is the prostitute in the Lampreys. Persons working as prostitute can only drive this type and color of vehicle. Most leaders come from this color of car. Running through the different stages of prostitute, some person enter into the stage called prince, king, or emperor.

There are several other colors used to announce a Lamprey's status, the three here are the main body of members.

So, where do old leaders go when their time is ripe for the picking? They go into a ...Jaguar!

With gray and white pin-strips if you work for the betadine school of the sport. Word has it that this sitting third string players is: one, a possible female, and two, works, off and on, as a male, first string, basketball player. This Vishnu of Norman likes to show his strength by con-games on former child proto (prostitute) who were passed through the state's child services as having been 'cleaned up'; meaning, as children in state custody who were given the proper medical attention for the condition of proto (mother to child, or a sexually transmitted STD). Seems that the children never went through the medical procedures, and green skinned (SUV) god has taken them into his new red color Jaguar and did the dirty with them.

Bantering around private residences, Vishnu Kode uses different type of imaging of hand reaching out of the cosmos much as in the manner of God while with Moses as written about in the Holy Bible's Old Testament. Eastern's will love that, Kiddo. No, dude you can't have my iPhone.

Any new red letter word for this new god? No, it's still 'Butt'.

June 14, 2012

Criminal Stalker: Kody K

Criminal Stalker
Okla  6/14/12

Stephanus assassinated
Emperor Domitian
YouTube clip

Regretfully this man has again pursued his stance on stalking. His involvement with his church's belief in body's midriff exposure has turned his behavior into a crime.

Believed to be a drug dealer, or better said 'mule', he and his female lover are back on the prowl for females who are outside their Quaker belief guidelines. Once 'resolved', as shown below, Kody K is out for blood again.

Update: 5/7/2014, Things quieted down after the victim moved away from the building and into another complex in the same apartment arrangement. Slowly the continued trespassing and criminal behaviors subsided until very little is heard from this stalker. This stalker is more then likely a female who in reality is a team member on the male university first string basketball team.

Kara's Primers!

June 12, 2012

Iconic: Ramos Standard

'Iconic' : Torture Device 'Ramos'
Okla 6/12/12

The Ramos Standard

In the photo to the right is an example of a Ramose.  Just beneath the right end of the awning is a perfect example of a Ramus standard. Viewing the standard from a side view the scarp can be seen. In the same picturesque scene are placed a few butterflies hanging on a cabinet TV case. Ornamental plants and bushes that appear just after a body is buried will grow up from the burial spot.

In the blue box is a Ramos.
Included will be swimming pools. The lawn chairs will have the slats that run up and down rather then back and forth. All of this is to set a stage for the murder of children.

Emperor Tiberius of ancient Rome, the uncle of Augustus Caesar, reigned shortly after the death of Augustus. Under the Tiberian rule children became the quiet issue to the development of the Holy Roman Empire.

On small islands located in the Mediterranean Sea, boys were made into 'minnows', that is, harem children who served the royalty as sexual conduits. As minnows, the boys are made the entertainment, all the while, filtering through the captive boys for possible survivors of the brutal torture of drowning. They were torture forced by means of underwater copulation to create a nation of Suza, a harem of the preferred.

With this criminal behavior, the surviving boys would be passed on to different levels within the royal family ranks until all the survivors were made into king, queens, dukes, and earls. Each serving the future Holy Roman Empire, and, later, the Roman Church.

The Ramos Standard derived from the Andrealphus demon of ancient Egypt. The Andrealphus reign took place as the last sovereignty of the ancient era.

'Iconic': The Scarp

'Iconic' : Torture Device 'Scarp'
Okla  6/12/12

The Scarp

photo #1
Again, in this darkening photo is the replica of the torture device called a 'scarp'. Used mainly on the back to peel flesh off the bones of prisoners. This type of torture device was used on Jesus at the time of his crucifixion. This scarp was designed to cast a shadow into the end of the repliica. In doing so, the demon man god Ramos can be seen. Ramos who is better known as Asmodeus in the Goetia Characters.

The below image is an enlargement of photo #1.
photo #2

Iconic: Torture Device

Iconic: Torture Device 'Wheel'
Okla 6/12/12

The  Wheel

photo #1
This image is slowly darkening, but the 'wheel' can still be faintly seen. This type of torture device was first used in the church Inquisition, Dark Ages. 'The Wheel' is what is device is called. The wheel  is also the device used in Mexico, less then 600 miles south of where is photo was taken. This wooden wheel was found at a home pool site where children are believed to be used for sex trafficking and prostitution.

This enlargement of the photo #1 shows the wheel as they look in Oklahoma. This pool site is inside a housing development commonly called a Golan Height. This Golan Height was built by stolen funds from the Department of Human Services (DHS) in the State of Oklahoma.

Iconic: Ramus

Iconic: Ramus
Okla  6/12/12


In the first image the head of a bull, or sometimes called human horse, can be seen in the shower curtain. Bull horses are created through the delivery of horse semen into the blood stream of a male athletic. College athletics are the young men who are normally chosen because of the muscular forms necessary for a strong development into a horse like appearance. These 'Bulls' are most famous for the bulls used in alter sacrifices in ancient Greece, Rome, and Israel. Most notible is the eyes of the bull and the way the eye lids appear. This type of characture is heavily illustrated in ancient art as the vehicle for a godlike, or god delivered person...as upon a horse, etc.

In image #2, just past the brown pointer is a cluster of while with the reddish color inlays of an Asmodeus wearing a crown.

Finally, in image #3, Ramus is carrying the two dogs. Moving downward a faint outline of an 'alien' can be seen.  It is written that extra-terrestrials believe that they brought the Marchosus (DID) twin dogs to earth in a metal chariot...thus starting the Roman Empire. It is in the HIV stage of Alien that patients see space vehicles and believe Anna is their queen. It is in this stage the the alien's shin is speckled giving rise to the notion that the Sabine women are the founders of the Holy Roman Empire. In the far-graound of image #3 the appearance of a high rise structure can be seen. It is this that Christian's believer is the true church.

June 9, 2012

TorTureD: The Nipple

TorTureD : The Nipple
Okla 6/9/12

Image #1.  Dimarkus

In disagreement with the state supreme court, Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) personal began an electrical assault on the female breast nipple who is pictured in the photos.

There are four separate images of DEA personal who had featured their personal image on the breast nipple while the agents continually shocking the isolated girl.  The apartment complex where the nipple shock assaults happened had been, and still is, carried by the state official in an investigation for organized crimes of child sacrificial murders, child prostitution, abortion, immigrant murders, and drugs manufacturing. The premises are continuing to investigation allegations of police officer murders, cultural abductions (Oklahoma Tribal Indian), property fraud, and European slave pirvateering.

Image One: Dimarkus is a demon found in the Asmodeus realm. He is normally connected with drugs and will use females to carry the substance rather then he himself. Most girls are killed before they are aware that they are being used to mule the drugs for Dimarkus.

Image #2. Dimarkus
Image Two: Again, this is Dimarkus. He has created a 'horned' like appearance moving upward from the center of the nipple while leaving the body of the nipple a reddish color. The surrounding blue hue is perhaps because of the continual shocking.

Image #3. Boubob
Image three: Features the negro Boubob. He also is a DID in the realm of Asmodeus. Boubob is notable for his ears that protrude outward until very little is seen near the head. All of the ear cup
is standing straight outward. Boubob has orange hair and sometimes will have a red birthmark from the nose to the right cheek settling just under the lower eye lid. Boubob will deal drugs.

Image #4. Tiberius
Image Four:: Tiberius. Also a bright red, red head, Tiberius would have been the leader of this troop of drug dealers. Tiberius is greatly known for his perversion for young boys as Tiberius like for them to copulate him while the child is under water. The famed Roman emperor started the church movement for the alter boy. By way of, the novice alter boy with their teeth has to carry a phallus shaped wooden tool to the sacrament alter. Tiberius will sometimes look like Bing Crosby, though there is very little connection between the two men other then the Hollywood suggestions that Crosby was a pedophile.

Kara's Primers! Http://kaprimer.blog.com

June 7, 2012

Biblical History - A Cathor Bible

Biblical History
A Cathor Bible  (post date: 6/7/12)

This building took 4 yrs to complete. And as each new section is added, several months are in between each new construction stage. Nearing the end of the 4th year, the fencing has yet to be completed. As if 4/14/14 the fence still has not been finished.

This type of activity is commonly known as a 'Cathor Bible'. Each new section, here: the building project, that is added,  several months must be allowed for each monk to have some kind of input within the neighborhood in which the 'carthor' activity is being added...our's is this material construction of a single building apartment building. Some kind of bible verse or passage is used to seal each section for an individual monk. A typical Russian mob method of a neighborhood infiltration.

This mob group is called 'Did..Dm', a combination Yiddish plus an archaic Russian word. The greatest crime with 'Did..Dm' is generally murder of Sparta children who a generally used in human sacrifices. Male testicles is usually the reason for the sacrifice. Boys who are favored are indoctrinated into this French monks order who really has no love or associations with formal Christian organizations...loners as they are called.

And who were the final occupants to this date? Asmodeus and Eligos. Both are in snake and both are Thieves of Baghdad.

Kara's Primers!

June 6, 2012

'Alien': Protruding Hair - okla

'Alien': On Us

Protruding Hair

As the alien bug gradually moved around under the surface of the skin, one black hair was observed to protrude straight up into the air. There was varies interested persons who remarked about the hair, none seemed to what any part of the creature or say they had any type of connection to someone who knew about this very strange behavior. Interesting!

Interested in a KAPB Trilobyte piece of jewelry? Send us an Email and we'll send back the info on how to get your very own plastic trilobyte charm on a chain featuring one of the KAPB Alien bugs.

June 2, 2012

Criminal Stalkers: Gigolo - Oklahoma

Criminal Stalkers: University Gigolo - Oklahoma

University of Oklahoma, Main Campus, Norman, Oklahoma

Pictured here is a person who needs to be called AlBu (the L letter is silent). As the preferred sound common to the vocal sound a common catha-lic, the Albu is guttural and not normally spoken. Albu members of the Al Qaeda group known as 'House' because of the troubles with the sound of the word Albu itself. Albu travels around the world to sell drugs, a position acquired usually after an arrest for what ever reason while visiting Mexico. Moving around his DNA, Albu will enter into varies stages most commonly known around the world as Allah. Albu is also used by females, and it should be considered when have to consider any type of transactions with this type of criminal stalker. When the Albu body is made to gain extreme weights, that is, 'fattened-up', the religious figure known as Budda is obtained...hence the name AlBu. Working as a professional sex offender, he will use the name Bruce.But, they will pay attention to other names such as Mike, Herald, and Walter. Originally from Korea, they are a third generation Bedouin (Arabian) Taoist that is also seen in the French Catholic/Protestant: Chruch/Abbies where he favored as a sexual partner for the archbishops of the country of France involved with Church Organization.. AlBu is believed to have large amounts of money, but there is no evidence to that rumor. A designer gigolo, Albu will lives on the resources of younger men. Albu will normally solicits for younger men at University towns around the USA where there is a mixed gay community.

'Iconic': Pro Sports

'Iconic': Pro Sports
NFL, NBA, and Baylor 

The 'Bear' is a favorite icon among the different types of professional sport leagues.Baylor, Chicago, Russian Olympics, and or course Champ Bear who loves playing sports and games. But a bear sitting less then a mile from the University of Oklahoma main campus can be somewhat of a question. OU's mascot is a horse! But horses at one time were believed to be bears!

The bear, in some middle-eastern countries is refereed to as the 'She Wolf', the mystic witch of Islamic lore. Though religious history shows that the Marchosas is in reality the fabled Islamic 'She Wolf', the earliest symbol for the pre-roman republic and served the ancient Roman army until the Shield of Pakuku was the favorite. Whatever way the bear is understood it served as the iconic symbol of slavery. And, the brown bear was the audience attraction at the ancient Roman Colosseum as the killing or freedom for the bear itself was the means to determine if any spectators would be sacrificed.

These iPhone images are slowly getting darker each year, but the faces in them are still somewhat visible. The further away the better the shape is seen. The image in the center is one of a cigar king written about in 'The Submarine, #3'.

'Iconic': Ancient Sacrifice

'Iconic' : Ancient Sacrifice
The ritual rock

As said before rocks are an intricate part in the biblical histories. Moses and the Ten Commandments, Abraham and the sacrifice of Issac, Gideon and the river rocks, and, of course, Peter the disciple rock. The rock pictured here is in the shape of one used by the ancient Persians, Assyrians, and even King Saul at his faithful battle just outside the temple areas of Jerusalem. In the picture below are are a few rocks used by the Peruvian, they also sacrificed humans for one reason or another. The main reason being an addiction to eating human flesh...cannibalism! The rock casket pictured to the right could likely resemble a rock that would serve for an adult sacrifice. The sloping pocket about at the heart area would be the place any human issue, whether blood, organ, etc. would collect into.

More information can be found at the Plutonium Places Gallery...#14 Peruvian Sac....

'Iconic' The Rock

'Iconic: The Rock - Okla
Al Qaeda 

Shortly after moving into a apartment complex that was richly landscaped with pine, popular, and purple Chinese elm trees, the many different shapes of boulders rocks became the focus of attention in the new living quarters. As rumors go so did the stories about the rocks scattered around the complex property.

Africa and the Congo: with an eerie
image of President Mohad on the
upper left area of the right rock.
Though the neighborhood has grown up to be completely different due to a change of economy, the original population at the apartments was primarily a Negro community.  Stencils, tattoos and pictures colored in black, red, and green were keenly shaped into look-a-likes of the continent of Africa. So of course the rumors of 'The Rocks' mounted one-on-one each time the embellishments needed more fuel.

Here, on the post, are just a few of 'The Rocks' shaped like Africa.

Though the rumors persisted, no evidence ever supported the sublucations, therefore, the rumors were held as nothing. Until... Continued at 'Iconic': The Rock...

African state of North Chad

Africa with the state of the
Congo at the lower of the

The Stone of the Chadian price. The image
of a Marchosas can be seen on the
front forward corner. The spray from the right side 'eye'
 to the left front side of the rock is common
among the Sabine founders of the Roman
culture we know today. 

Kara's Primers!

'Aliens': Sad Bleeding Eye

'Aliens': On Us

Sad Bleeding Eye

As the Alien Trilobyte began releasing some kind of fluid from the two ports in the center of the bulb, it became possible to remove the unknown substance by pulling the hardened mass free from the purple bulb that is embedded in the flesh.

 One part of the seemingly eye shaped outlet began to bleed; even so, the hardened fluid from the other side was also visible and pushing forward to the surface. It too was removed. Like the other eye, the second port bleed somewhat. The appearance of another port was beginning to take shape, but that third raising never became fully developed, or it simply was another outlet. Thus, KAPB refers to this new bump as 'the nose'. It's very evident that with all the activity the alien bug appears very sad at this point.

This photo was taken shorty after a trip to Walmart Store in the Alameda area. Norman 2012  (5/20/12)
Kara's Primers!