June 15, 2012

'Vehicles': AQ 'Lamprey

'Vehicles: Al Qaeda, Lamprey
Oklahoma  6/15/12

Lamprey (red) - Dormice (black) - Drug (white)

The Al Qaeda consists primary of the three colors most known by the 1900's German Nazi regime. But, the red, white, black colors are the three colors that are the primary threats in the Goetia characters, such as the Asmodeus demon. Another DID character is Bifrons, and another is Bune. These and the others make up the Nazi party as well as any other group that uses these three colors.

The first cluster of Nazi was within the Eastern Emperors or Eastern Church. Why it worked out this way is never really said, but Julius Nepos (474–75 A.D) who was sent by Constantinople to lead the Western Empire. It was through Nepos to Roman Emperor Valens that the entire regime used by the Goetia Nazi today. The, sometimes, fourth color, used when needed, is yellow (gold).

This post will do 'The Lamprey' or 'Quaker'(Quince, Quint, Quintius), and 'Red' is the color that this branch uses. It should be noted that the 'Lamprey' is a man-eating eel and favor among the island Roman Emporers were large pools could be filtered with sea water but the lampreys wouldn't be able to leave and swim away.

The first image is of a green SUV is the style that a leader would drive. The molding around the bottom will appear golden in be sunlight. This style was made famous by Augustus Caesar during his ride in the sport arenas of ancient Rome.

This red car is used by a person who is a 'stool pigeon'. This style of car is always used for a person who is coming into the Lamprey branch if that person had taken money, money orders, bonds, etc. Most of these lamprey red soldiers were law enforcement in one way or another. Called a 'Triviaire' (of a lesser kind), the color of red with the auto's style denotes that person entry and permanent task throughout their life. No other color or style is ever allowed by this type of 'stool pigeon'. The color of 'Red"  make up the majority of the Lampreys, as only the select or elite are allowed to have a hierarchy color such as the green w/ silver trim.

The dull, or flat, gray color car is the prostitute in the Lampreys. Persons working as prostitute can only drive this type and color of vehicle. Most leaders come from this color of car. Running through the different stages of prostitute, some person enter into the stage called prince, king, or emperor.

There are several other colors used to announce a Lamprey's status, the three here are the main body of members.

So, where do old leaders go when their time is ripe for the picking? They go into a ...Jaguar!

With gray and white pin-strips if you work for the betadine school of the sport. Word has it that this sitting third string players is: one, a possible female, and two, works, off and on, as a male, first string, basketball player. This Vishnu of Norman likes to show his strength by con-games on former child proto (prostitute) who were passed through the state's child services as having been 'cleaned up'; meaning, as children in state custody who were given the proper medical attention for the condition of proto (mother to child, or a sexually transmitted STD). Seems that the children never went through the medical procedures, and green skinned (SUV) god has taken them into his new red color Jaguar and did the dirty with them.

Bantering around private residences, Vishnu Kode uses different type of imaging of hand reaching out of the cosmos much as in the manner of God while with Moses as written about in the Holy Bible's Old Testament. Eastern's will love that, Kiddo. No, dude you can't have my iPhone.

Any new red letter word for this new god? No, it's still 'Butt'.