June 12, 2012

Iconic: Ramos Standard

'Iconic' : Torture Device 'Ramos'
Okla 6/12/12

The Ramos Standard

In the photo to the right is an example of a Ramose.  Just beneath the right end of the awning is a perfect example of a Ramus standard. Viewing the standard from a side view the scarp can be seen. In the same picturesque scene are placed a few butterflies hanging on a cabinet TV case. Ornamental plants and bushes that appear just after a body is buried will grow up from the burial spot.

In the blue box is a Ramos.
Included will be swimming pools. The lawn chairs will have the slats that run up and down rather then back and forth. All of this is to set a stage for the murder of children.

Emperor Tiberius of ancient Rome, the uncle of Augustus Caesar, reigned shortly after the death of Augustus. Under the Tiberian rule children became the quiet issue to the development of the Holy Roman Empire.

On small islands located in the Mediterranean Sea, boys were made into 'minnows', that is, harem children who served the royalty as sexual conduits. As minnows, the boys are made the entertainment, all the while, filtering through the captive boys for possible survivors of the brutal torture of drowning. They were torture forced by means of underwater copulation to create a nation of Suza, a harem of the preferred.

With this criminal behavior, the surviving boys would be passed on to different levels within the royal family ranks until all the survivors were made into king, queens, dukes, and earls. Each serving the future Holy Roman Empire, and, later, the Roman Church.

The Ramos Standard derived from the Andrealphus demon of ancient Egypt. The Andrealphus reign took place as the last sovereignty of the ancient era.