May 25, 2012

'Aliens': Beginning Body

'Aliens': On Us

 Beginning Body

Clearly, this little creature, which rose some five years ago on the left leg of a young girl, is a Trilobyte (trilobite).  While excavating a city dump, better known as state funded transitional housing, this painful bulb arose and sat peering out at everything and everywhere the girl went.  This bug has to be of an alien source as this creature became extinct thousands of years ago. Equally, it glows! While sitting in the parking lot at a local Walmart superstore the creature took on a strange glowing persona that remained well after the girl pulled away from the Walmart shopping center.

Labeled  as 'Alien' because of  a reference made by Europeans that such a creature would be associated with human anatomy recovery system. Thought to a questionable statement, the Euro agent was contacted by refused to comment about the little bugger.

In the image to the right, just a bit of the glowing is seen. Perhaps better pictures will follow as this story progresses.

Trilobites exist as fossils only today, having gone extinct at the end of the Permian period.

'Aliens': Dimple Eyes

'Aliens': On Us

Dimple Eyes

The embedded trilobyte continues to grow brighter with each series of changes the creature makes.

Trilobyte are also the first known species in the earth's creation according to natural science. This type of creative also is a part of a human's recovery system. During the mending of an open wound or lacerations (cuts to the skin), trilobytes are active in forming bacteria that the body must fight to gather enough plasma to form a covering or better known as a human scab. It is a real life story of Adam and Eve as humans fight off evil and the hopes to form the healing scabs. But, it can be a job...

Trilobytes are also known as Arthropodas ( They have a reputation among scientists as being active, moving around, living off of everything, and nesting itself within the many fossils that were later found crusted in the deep bed rock of this planet.

At Fossil, trilobytes are nothing new to that team of investigators, They made their living in diverse ways, some crawling, some swimming , and some living a planktonic existence. They were detritivores, predators, and scavengers, and evolved stealthy and defensive phenotypic characteristics in order to survive in an evolutionary arms race between predator and prey."(

'Aliens': Blue Eyes

'Aliens': On Us

Blue Eyes

This is another image of a mechanical trilobyte. Dubbed the 'Alien: On Us', this image is a close up with the center eyes and nose which are visible at this time. The subject is a mature female who has been living with the creature embedded in her leg for more years then she can remember.

The approximate time of the first sighting is in about May 2006. In the reports concerning this alien mass the female gives a detailed description of her experience as, "a form,  a mass bulb of blood that hanging just below the surface of the skin.  The area is deeply sensitive, at times simply impossible to touch or to press down on or around the area." The alien began to harden in 2007 following periodic episodes of  painful sensitivity that aided the creature to the impossibility to examine the bulb somewhat more thoroughly.

The Above photo is dated at April 2012. It was in this years that the strange shapes and color began to appear.

May 20, 2012

Criminal Stalkers: Tsimshian - Oklahoma

Alaskan Tsimshian Impersonator

License tag of stalker impersonator. This stalker victimizes the Alaskan Tsimshian native.
Photo taken in Norman, OK 2012.

Oklahoma is the cousin to many of the Alaskan Native populations. It is little surprise that impersonators would find it simple to learn mild behaviors. This type of American Indian stalker would also be able to get photos and images of Alaskan Native Americans from both newspaper and magazine articles.

May 18, 2012

ConMexican's Virgin Mary - Oklahoma

Connected to DeMonda (Pierre of Montesquieu), this girl is considered as the image seen of the Virgin Mother Mary. This Al Qaeda cell formed in Southern France during the Inquisitional Dark Ages. She is featured during the Festival of the Virgin Mary that takes place each year in the month of May. A highly sought for questioning by USA Special Force operations, 'Mary' is normally a spy that is influenced by organized crime figures. For the most part, Spanish mobsters. She claims the Roman Catholic Church as her educator. 'Mary' is also a favorite among Macedonian (Scottish) drug lords who's territory is great in the northern regions of the Middle East...having some attraction with the very little known third Jewish Pope who is always selected from Iran because she favors that Pope when her hair darkens. As the Greek Orthodox Church (second Pope) doesn't favor red hair, 'Mary', as queen and blessed holy mother for Greek followers, would not be present among the elite church personal until her red hair darkens to more of a brown shade.

ConMexican - Oklahoma

This questionable Al Qaeda moves drugs for DeMonda operations. A light complexion Hispanic who like to work in the area of south central USA. To remain an active drug dealer and any new possible drug connections, 'ConMexican' stay active within online sites tailored  towards the female ovaries, menstruation, and menopause. The appearance of a gigolo, 'ConMexican'  favor the ADF type of legal approach referred to as TANDUM in Germany. It is the alcohol and drug enforcement stereo-types that 'ConMexican' use as the solicitation for the entrance within an official police assignment.

The image to the right is a good example of a gigolo in 'ConMexican'

DeMonda - Oklahoma

DeMonda. This Al Qaeda member loves to cook. They prefer cupcakes and cookies. Usually overtaking a small bakery they will have a haberdashery much like a flee market, or a low-end key bazaar in operation as a part of the bakery business itself. The over-all bakery business generally is used as a theme store while the under-laying workers share in a vary of organized crimes adventures. Generally run by a 'wonk on girl', they will control computers, iPhones, and other electoral devices used for communication if at any time a customer appears suspicious to any of the persons who operate the bakery business. This type of bakery will use additive substances that can cause obesity, high-blood pressures, and palpitations. In a stage of Cocaine Willie (Willie Wonka) , when challenged will work as gigolos and keep clusters of workers much like as persons who are either midgets or dwarf.

May 17, 2012

Criminal Stalker: ROTC Recruit - Oklahoma

Criminal Stalker: ROTC Military Recruit - Oklahoma

(301) Norman, Oklahoma

This stalker enjoys a military lifestyle. Housing themselves in low-income complexes, they work as personal at university campus' while building a home-base living arrangement through the over-all general appearance of an army military personal,even thought, they are not qualified for military service due to a mental health issue of a public sex offender. They will show their genitals while entering  and exiting an automobile. If a military vehicle is available they will generally show all of their bottom area as opposed to just between the legs with no under-clothing on.

Image is an iPhone image...taken on site.

Criminal Stalkers: Cashier - Oklahoma

Criminal Stalkers: Grocery Stores Cashier - Oklahoma

Homeland Stores, Alameda St, Norman, Oklahoma.

This stalker works as a cashier at grocery stores. Generally they will work get themselves places in the business' office as an account, but she/he must not have a degree in that field.. As a high-end criminal confident, these familuars will money front and launder the ordinary low income persons into leasing homes in the price range of 1/4 million dollars +. This type of stalkers are always Sabine (marchosias) females in the third stage of lighter complexion. State resources, such as food cards (EPPI), Medicaid, Medicare, Energy Assistance, Food Assistance Programs, etc are widely available in the position a cashier within a grocery store business.