May 25, 2012

'Aliens': Dimple Eyes

'Aliens': On Us

Dimple Eyes

The embedded trilobyte continues to grow brighter with each series of changes the creature makes.

Trilobyte are also the first known species in the earth's creation according to natural science. This type of creative also is a part of a human's recovery system. During the mending of an open wound or lacerations (cuts to the skin), trilobytes are active in forming bacteria that the body must fight to gather enough plasma to form a covering or better known as a human scab. It is a real life story of Adam and Eve as humans fight off evil and the hopes to form the healing scabs. But, it can be a job...

Trilobytes are also known as Arthropodas ( They have a reputation among scientists as being active, moving around, living off of everything, and nesting itself within the many fossils that were later found crusted in the deep bed rock of this planet.

At Fossil, trilobytes are nothing new to that team of investigators, They made their living in diverse ways, some crawling, some swimming , and some living a planktonic existence. They were detritivores, predators, and scavengers, and evolved stealthy and defensive phenotypic characteristics in order to survive in an evolutionary arms race between predator and prey."(