May 25, 2012

'Aliens': Beginning Body

'Aliens': On Us

 Beginning Body

Clearly, this little creature, which rose some five years ago on the left leg of a young girl, is a Trilobyte (trilobite).  While excavating a city dump, better known as state funded transitional housing, this painful bulb arose and sat peering out at everything and everywhere the girl went.  This bug has to be of an alien source as this creature became extinct thousands of years ago. Equally, it glows! While sitting in the parking lot at a local Walmart superstore the creature took on a strange glowing persona that remained well after the girl pulled away from the Walmart shopping center.

Labeled  as 'Alien' because of  a reference made by Europeans that such a creature would be associated with human anatomy recovery system. Thought to a questionable statement, the Euro agent was contacted by refused to comment about the little bugger.

In the image to the right, just a bit of the glowing is seen. Perhaps better pictures will follow as this story progresses.

Trilobites exist as fossils only today, having gone extinct at the end of the Permian period.