August 27, 2016

KAPB's Plutonium. Where home isn't always what it is...

KAPB's Plutonium. Where home isn't always what it is...    Remember Me! Cross and Crescent, Pt 1

Every moment of the truth captured at the Cedars.

Cross and Crescent, Pt 1    Crusaders

After viewing, and studying, the Histoty Channel video entitled, The Crusaders, The Cross and the Crescent, something came to the forefront as both interesting and important....

Part 1 shows the three crusaders who formed the Christian Crusades that robbed, looted, murdered and ate the Jews and Muslims during those epic years.

Where did the Church go? Who are the American detectives? What's up in Washington? Read here at KAPB and what happened at the Cedars!

August 25, 2016

Endocrine: Apollo Statute

Apollo Statute
August 2016

Another statute illustrating the person known as Augustus, a ancient Roman emperor.

August 9, 2016

Endocrine: Multi Penis Statute - Pigeon

Multi Penis Statute - Pigeon
August 2016

On the portico of a European office building is the statutes of demons thought to be the example of left side confidence, that is, the Goetia Ars. One of the male statutes is a guy who injected semen of a pigeon. Because birds are the favorite of Jews, it's safe to say the office building is an all Jewish commerce.  The male in the rear of the two was also injected with pigeon semen, he is in a different stage of progress heading towards being a pigeon.