May 3, 2015

Cross and Crescent, Crusaders, Pt 1

Cross and Crescent, Pt 1
Spring 2015 Norman, Oklahoma

After viewing, and studying, the Histoty Channel video entitled, The Crusaders, The Cross and the Crescent, something came to the forefront as both interesting and important. With the aid of snapshots from the video, KAPB hopes to enlighten and inform the viewers of this blog.

The Crusades of 1000-1300 ADE was titled a turning point in Christian history. Jews and Muslims for the first time had to share the middle eastern regions with an unknown god and it's people. Forcing and forging the epic journeys across a totality impossible mountianious, desert, and low plains terrtian, the stories of the Crusades has been repeated by the nations of the world. One thing wasn't mentioned, or it was simply left for the believers to tuck away and rediscover when the time was right. That one thing is that the Christian vagabonds were one and the same Goetia...Vine`. Much more interesting is the fact that these set of three, were changed into goats! And the generation of their offspring still roam the mountain regions of Iran, Iraq, and Turkey...and perhaps beyond those borders.

Part 1 shows the three crusaders who formed the Christian Crusades that robbed, looted, murdered and ate the Jews and Muslims during those epic years.

Godfrey, Baldwin, and Chip are the three stages in Goetia Vine` that was used, as usual, for conquest...they are also used to overpower government and socities if the Crusaders are commissioned to do so. Vine` has two levels that all stages use, king and count. Counts are generally blonde headed on top with a reddish color growing on the lower part of the head.

They are followed by King, who's hair turns darker and doesn't have blonde but white spots in it, and as well as the beard, back, and legs. Counts will stay blonde only on top of the head.

What motivated the Muslim nations to use herbal warfare by simply be because of the reputation the Jews and Christians have of harem, animals, and prostitution. The Muslims have their own harems and the Greeks have the first known called a Suza.

The pictures above of the Counts are featured to illustration a few of the physical characterists and the way in which the hair is colored. The next images are the goats that are still used today to hamper the efforts of any further Christian crusade into the Middle East.

The beasts have the same hair coloring as does Godfrey. Oddly, Baldwin goats share the same coloring as the king has...Baldwin is not in the level of king. Evenso, history has this Goetia troop entitled 'Baldwin'.

In Part 2, the Hashassins are shown. Some information is added along with a few illustrations.

Part 2...