April 16, 2016

Endocrine: The Endangered Pangolin

The Endangered Pangolin
April 2016

The Pangolin is a type of anteater. It has scales covering its body that sometimes flare out making a fan type of defence for itself. The Chinese use the Pangolin liver for medicinal purposes, while fashion parades like to use the fan tail spread to decorate floats and create banners.

All of which has caused the Pangolin to be added to the international endangered species list.

The common information about the Pangolin is that it's created through sepsis when it is hosted in the body of a lesbian.

Without treatment, the sepsis virus mixed with the mole' virus, which lesbian's carry, will turn the bovine streams into Pangolin microbes.

Sepsis is the number one bacteria that has the least amount of public attention...other then to cover your mouth when you cough.

Finally, the end-of-the-earth for a Pangolin is India. There they live in zoos and eat ant all day long
while waiting for another flare up in the Godzilla fame.

April 12, 2016

Iconic:Egyptian Table Shrine

Egyptian Table Shrine
April 2016

Table shrines are popular! Holiday candles on alters, or fire mantels, church candles with Mary's head, or even icon symbols with a small bowl just beheath the feet.

This Egyptian table shine is so typical of worshipers. Labeled as 'portable', the box has a statute of Seth inside of it. Seth was the God of 'storms and chaos'. Praying to Seth almost guaranteed a safe and unhampered journey.

Endocrine:Rainbow Angel Painting

Rainbow Angel Painting

Plutonium has a four part series on sepsis. The theme of the article is the rainbow of colors the sepsis disease creates.

The image posted here is about when both medical and colonial studies had the hide what those studies were attempting to do.
That is, studying the long term effects of varies disease.

Artist from around the world painted central characters, themes (sexual, mental, physical), plots, etc. of as many diseases as possible. Coding them in colors, scholars could easily select a painting to study that concentration. Pastel Rainbow - Sepsis, Black/White - Verenarel Disease, Black, Red, Green, Yellow - Sepsis (long term) are a few of the color patterns used in those eras of medical research suppression.