April 30, 2015

Aliens On Us: Alien Wall Visitor

Aliens On Us
Alien Wall Visitor
Winter 2014

In a small corner of the room an image can be seen of an alien. Though always there, it became must more noticable during the After Dog collections. Almost to the point of a direct communication with the being's
silhouette. Something, or someone, stopped the communica` and the scene reverted back to a single room and I standing alone with just the shadow on the wall...bummer!

Only the shapshot remains...

Art a Fact: Russian Zoroastrians

Art a Fact
Russian Zoroastrian
Spring 2015

Retrieved from Tumblr.com

Tracking Bruce: Video: Conn. teen puts cop in headlock


This Police One publication 95% of the articles have been initiated by the Ruceb (bruce). Conversations between the varies fractions of the roman church ( heresy, devotes, and agnostic being the three top concentrations) as heard in Oklahoma, the 'full scale' effort has fully developed. Because of the depth of the opium addictions the church is common for there is little resources that anyone could use to predict what will happen next, but funerals, weddings, births, riots, civil disorders, and hostage/slavery should be considered as the church beginning of any aggression seen in the months to come.

It is at this point the KAPB will begin it's finer posting publications at Plutonium in the efforts to track the three mentioned...Al Qaeda (Church) heresy, devote, and agnosticism.

Good luck to all who view...KAPB

April 27, 2015

Iconic: Greek Weather Knowledge

Greek Weather Knowledge
Spring 2015

Ancient Greeks and Their Weather Knowledge


The word “climate” stems from the Greek word “klima” meaning inclination and referring to the climate conditions created by the Sun’s angle. Moreover, ancient Greeks invented the term “meteorology,” the study of atmospheric disturbances. Aristotle is considered the founder of meteorology. He tried to explain the weather through the interaction of the four elements: earth, fire, air, and water. Aristotle’s student Theophrastus produced the first book on weather signs, listing observations used to forecast weather, many of which are still used to this day. -

Definition: Drogdrill

Spring 2015 Norman, OK

Drogdrill. After Dog. Sports. Converso. Combat technitions who prepare the betting, crowds, combat armaments, etc. in the ancient colosseum games...in respect, the term 'Drogdrill' is used today when a national appreciation is happening.  For the most part, 'Drogdrill' are in the Muslim branch. 'Drogdrill' literally means to create a grog from the dead of one who lose the game drill. The grog would then be drank by all who attend the games. Sometimes referred to as 'Dongqui' such as the natural herb used to regulate the female ovulation cycles. 'Drogdrill' appears only in After Dog 3. All other stages of this tech appears deformed to spectators.

Definition: Condice Cowboy

Condice Cowboys
Spring 2015 Norman, OK

Condice. After Dog. Cowboy. Homosept. Lesbian. Rodeo cowboys who have a nasty personality. Hateful, 'Condice' enjoy hilling off any sources that a victim would use to defend themselves before 'Condice' attacks. 'Condice' wlll rape men and boys to alter the color of the skin to a darker tone, and then claim ownership of any properties the victim may have. Using drugs, stakes, and sex toys to torture is the routine method of aggression. Rodeo calf riding, when the cowboy slides down the back end of the animal, is used to glamorize or extol the 'Condice'...if in a region that feels safe, or huge aggression, the cowboy will put his phallus into the calf's while it's running around the show pens. 'Condice' are the main vilians of whom the vintage musical 'Oklahoma' dramatize to the above mentioned crimes.

April 26, 2015

Tracking Bruce: Nepal Earthquake: Everest Survivor Describes 'Clinging to a Tree' During Violent Shaking - ABC News


Bruce had something to do with this...not sure just what it was, but this was discussed at about the time in which the police one article, "man has sex with tree" incident was plotted out.

April 25, 2015

Iconic:Sylvester II and the Succubus

Sylvester II and the Succubus
Spring 2015

Sylvester II, the Roman Ruler, or something called Pope, was the first Church authority is introduce what came to be termed 'a demon' as a part of his studies in

astronomy, folklore medicine, magic and a number of other sciences believed to aid in the worships of Christianity at that era.
His greatest notes, found only among the Byzantium chronicles, is that of the medical community of mental health
professionals and the delusions studied in that field. The 'Succubus' was charted as the delusional happening when the physical body is hurt, damaged, suffering and struggling for life.

In the Succubus images, are two stages of the 'self healing' phenomenon witnessed by persons who are not in the left brain side. Both pictures are of a illustrated artifact from the Byzantine records.

When questioning patients, it became known that a type of faith healing, or self healing, served as the catalyst for their recovering...females called the image a 'Succubus', while men referred to it as an 'Incubus' even though the delusion was about the same in appearance...slightly male, slightly female.

Then the inflicted wounds are punctured, bleeding, deadly, etc., the Succubus turns a purplish color and appeards bloated. The eye will grow increasingly glow red and very little can be heard by the self induced injury delusion.

All together, the Succubus is the healing realm on the right side of the retractory brain...or, 'the healing Jesus' in us.

How did the Succubus end up as a demon having sex with females?  The consciences is that the Western Church made those changes. Copying everything the Byzantine did, the Succubus was also added, but with a sever sexual problem. Three Church leaders are responsible for this type of Church cleansing...Archbishop of Troy (shattered love), Archbishop of Attire (herbal), and Archbishop of Meade (fermentation, as with alcohol).

Definition: Golet

Spring 2015

Golet. Church. Developed from an Inquisition where individuals who confessed and converted were released and sent home either after imprisonment, and, or tortured half to death. The mindset so severely damaged, this schizophrenic loves to torture while having sex. The tortured can either be the sex partner at the time or torture devices used on another while indulging in sexual intercourse. 'Golet' are only stable in mannerisms, fewer tortures, if they remain in some form of custody. Many of the women who survived the Early American Witchcraft trials are today believed to have been released after they showed signs of brain damages into the sociopathic behaviors of a 'Golet'.

Trash FLASH: Earth's Elements, a comment on Gaupe

Earth's Element, a comment to 'Gaupe'
Spring 2015 Norman, OK

Recently an addition was made to Definitions called 'Gaupe'. It's important to note a few reminders about the four Earth elements so, for KAPB, those posts are better understood with some explanation

KAPB was taught to see entries in the bible as purposeful for modern day studies of the behaviors of the, so-called, mankind. Therefore, all mysticism must be put away in studies into those realms. With that KAPB would like to clearify 'Earth, Wind, and Fire' with 'Water' being the fourth element.

'Earth' is the creation for mankind, with the 'Winds' separating the Earth from the atmosphere; thus aiding in the planet's continued recovery. As long as there's an Earth there will be Winds. Today the winds, via, tornadoes, cyclones, hurricanes, etc. have increasingly grown to astronomical proportions. Sometimes with total destruction to land, sea, and air. To remove physical cludder, over population, and otherwise destructive waste material the Earth's winds can have no mercy. The larger the Wind becomes the more merciless the destruction prove to be. Therefore, Earth and Wind will remain together until the Winds finally remove all there is of the Earth.

'Fire' and 'Water' equally are the same. Both are mankind in need for creativity. Both destroy and both renew. Char from burnt is the number one mineral source for plant renewal. Water is the life source.

Fire was a promise of man's destruction as said by Jesus. Water was the destruction of mankind as said by God. Water, via, the Great Flood, was used first...demagoguery, believed to be the 12th rule proclamation or commandment of law. Fire, via, mankind's discord of self, serves as the 11th rule or commandment of law as mankind evolves into gluttony, called the pleasure principles. A total of 12 retractories of human nature. Fire and Water are symbols of mankind's destruction and Earth and Wind are the renewals, thus, until all are subdued by the 'gatherings' assembled by the winds through the Great Power as it was in the beginnings of Earth. Void again becomes void.

Witnessing the creations of human's nature is the tool to calculate using the Hermetic temple and triangle theory. The absolute viewing of the 'mist-like' matter created by the Circe/Lucifer phenomenon should be a marker for those who viewed it to calculate the 'fire' principle in connection with the chronological happenings recorded in the Holy Bible, one of three sources to chart religious status...Vesta and Koran being the other two collections assembled for this very purpose.

Thank you, and God's Speed. KAPB

Definition: Gaupe

Spring 2015 Norman, Oklahoma

Gaupe. Al-Qaeda. Circe. Female. A phenomenon was recorded during the Greek collections of man gods. Circe was given the reputation of invisibility, or having a transparency included in this belief was several other god types...Circe became the favorite. Recently bserved in Norman, OK was a mist-like thing shaped in an vertical, elongated ovalS that seperately traveled in straight lines. Varies colors of 'fire'(red, orange, burnt orange, yellow, and white) was viewed. Aound each color a black circle of a transparent mist-like matter was also noticed. From an iron-rod, lattace gate door, several times it was viewed a new fire color w/ the black outer lining. The red mist stood at the gate when first seen, while the other colors mention above separately moved along the sidewalks after the red color was no longer visible. It is believed the miracle of Guadalupe (Catholic) mountains was something to this nature. Circe as the child (or the 'out of adult' child) with Paulo (Lucifer), the two would make the duo mentioned several times in the biblical collection concerning the nature of the clear, invisible, or transparent presence of supernatural beings...sorceress, and the discorded fear phenomenon. If 'Gaupe' is a possible cluster in the famed 'earth, wind, and fire' it isn't yet known. The fourth element is 'Water'. The New Testament book of Acts suggests a mist-like presence during a journey of Paul. There the mist stood as a covering as darkness around a fire as he and his crew approached the flames...only a child could be seen. Paul didn't move until the mist was gone. The connection of 'adult child' suggests 'pedophile arrangement' and one used to preserve the persona of the 'adult child' for the mystical worship practiced by both Paulo and Circe followeres. Therefore, the eastern Easter Festival of Fire would be a pronounce of 'fire' with Circe(Easter) and the child transfiguration from adult transgender into a childlike body as a coming age. This Circe phenomenon of 'misty fire' also explains the catholic school theories of life renewal in last days revelations with a misty presence viewed as clouds (water) and believed to be angels with a Jesus among them. First Christian angels images were those of children.

April 21, 2015

Iconic: Chimps in Jail

Chimps in Jail
Spring 2015

A retired lab chimpanzee at Chimp Haven, a sanctuary in Louisiana. An animal-rights group is currently seeking to have two chimps on Long Island sent to a sanctuary in Florida.



"Very little is said about the issue of marijuana as having side effects that can cause deformations in the human DNA which causes chimp like misfeatures...but, it does.  The Animal Rights and Human Rights can inevitably become an issue for those who miss use questionable, yet legal, drugs." -  JESSE McKINLEY

Please notice the fingers on the right hand, left facing the viewer. Very much like a human fingers. Notice also the two middle fingers...hargull. KAPB has a post about the Hargull Goetia. Interesting are the US Civil War photos of both Frederick Douglas (American Civil War Freedom Fighter) and those that are in the information pool about F. Douglas. Notice again the two middle fingers are very simular to the Hargull type fingernails in the photo above. .

Point...was marijuana being used on American Negroes in the pre Civil War era? Historians are desperately trying to tell the US Americans something very important.

Is the result of long term marijuana injections disabling to the brain in that mental signals, words, or social behaviors are still possible after the parent has long sense decreased? If it is, which is said to be true, then is it possible to traffic Negros and their generations to create a second slave nation in the USA?  With the continued support to legalize marijuana, many states now do, is it possible that a second (arian) nation has been developed years ahead of this herb's advent to public sales...

Something to think about....

Trash FLASH: UNHCR: Weekend shipwreck deadliest ever in Mediterranean | Daily Mail Online


They will have more sharks then the Gulf of Mexico (USA) if the shipwrecks continue in the region. We though Alaska, USA had it bad with giant squids grabbing helicopter tourist, but over turning cruise ships is way over the edge of reality. Say hello to Venice for me, my plane is under booked... (;.)

Art a Fact: Fake Maps in Theology

Art a Fact
Fake Maps in Theology
Spring 2015

30 fake maps that explain the world

 April 16, 2015

The World, published in an edition of Ptolemy's "Geographia," Bernardo Sylvanus, 1511.(Courtesy of the Osher Map Library, University of Southern Maine)

The map above is still used by the Church as the Collection 'd Cofi. Though no surprise it's still should serve as a warning to those who believe the Church is infallible. Not only are they infallible, but they also lie a lot. And I (Kara) mean a lot! 


Tracking Bruce: Fla. man high on 'flakka' fights cop, has sex with tree


This is what Bruce said would be his defence for crimes he has committed. The guy in the picture looks a lot Bruce, and he wore his hair in dreads locks for a favorite Halloween party a number of years ago, the picture of him and Anthony (partner) still sits on the cabinet with the CD collections.

Bruce uses the tree incident as a possible defence, but from the sounds of his speech, it didn't travel very far. When referring of him as a 'flake', he stopped and began a series of questioning connected with a report of him doing this same as the article...same location, Florida.

Art of Fact: Cimejes in Egypt?

Art of Fact
Cimejes in Egypt?
Spring 2015


A picture released by Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities on April 14, 2015 shows a carved basalt block, a piece that belongs to the bottom part of a chapel belonging to King Nectanebo 1
The enlarged section shows just why this is more likely to be an artifact from the Arabian delta and the ancient cairo located there as the bird's face is that of a Ganesha, or the elephant god. Because the Egyptians don't like the Goetia Cimejes, and never have, there is no way that demon could have lived among that ancient culture or even considered as something to be immortalized. India, which is in the northernly direction of the delta, is the way Cimejes believe one should travel if they are to arrive into heaven. Today, India is one hundred percent Cimejes. The only river mentioned in India's Vesta (historial record) is the Ganges, not the Nile. 

Iconic: Ruceb-Bruce, Lucifer, Paulo

Ruceb: Bruce, Lucifer, and Paulo
Spring 2015 Norman, Oklahoma

An earlier post about the ,Christian celebration of Easter, the 'Fire Festival' practiced in the middle east had a very good picture of Lucifer, the famed evil of the holy scriptures. In the Hermetic Studies, where KAPB choose to study, Lucifer is a hellion, but a sociopathic wonder who has survived for thousands of years.

The first person is a Bruce; second, Lucifer, ; and, third is Paulo. It is believed that Paulo is the one who runs the entire operation. Both Bruce and Lucifer seem to sit back much more then necessary in matters that would indicate they having some say, as well as being a strong leader who's out to rule the entire world as Christianity has always taught...Christianity is more bunk then reality when confronted with the real-time characters described in the bible stories. One of the two is very much wrong, we choose Christianity's rendering as the fables and the biblical records as correct and much misused by religious fractions, occults, and habitats, such as Christians, Jews,  and Muslims.

Just a thought to think on...r

A PoliceOne.com article from karasapb12@gmail.com

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K-9 dies in vehicle fire on way to Md. prison complex


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Officials investigate after Md. man dies in custody


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April 19, 2015

Art a Fact: Chinese Statute Fondled

Art a Fact
Chinese Statute Fondled
Spring 2015

Cop a feel! Statue of Chinese ancient ruler's wife is damaged... because tourists keep fondling her BREAST 
Chris Pleasance for MailOnline
13:49 17 Apr 2015, updated 14:53 17 Apr 2015

An ancient statue of the wife of China's first ruler is damaged - after tourists kept rubbing the woman's exposed breast.

Officials have complained the bronze sculpture of Yu The Great's wife has been worn down and discolored by sightseers constantly fondling the artwork, reports The People's Daily.

The statue, which stands in a gardens in Wuhan, the capital city of central China’s Hubei Province, is to honour Yu The Great, who founded China's first dynasty in 2070 BC.

April 16, 2015

Art a Fact: The Elongated Kenyans

Art a Fact
Spring 2015

Another example of an elongated skull. Scholars say that these very early Earth settlers were among the first to have taken part in the ancient lavatories that help to adapt extraterrestrials to a new world... Earth's environments. It is felt that the elongated person were of a higher IQ and therefore able to survive for thousands of years because they were able to find the resources needed to adjust with the way in which their physiology was forming to Earth's surfaces. The elongated populations still exist and thrive in Central Africa.

Ancient Tools Discovered In Kenya Could Change The Way We Look At The History Of Human Evolution

Definition: DogGone

Winter 2014 Norman, OK

DogGone. After Dog. Mental Health. A type of gossip who likes to live on the rumor and innuendo for the sole purpose for what that talk is able to inflict as harm to a person. Deep embellishments to sway listeners for trials, news press, and currently the mass media, such as reality shows are all areas where 'DogGone' is used.

Definition: Mondoyce

Winter 2014 Norman, OK

Mondoyce. After Dog. Al Qaeda. Host. In this stage monks believe they should be a pedophile.

Definition: Crap

Winter 2014 Norman, OK

Crap. After Dog. Egyptian. Gang. Word used the the 'task master' of any Egyptian gang that runs Cimejes (feces)...the homosexual (homosept) is the favorite group to work with, but 'Craps' will control female to male Cimejes if the protrusions(girls) are in abundance. It was the 'Craps' who first coined the term 'Jew'.

Definition: Derrico

Winter 2015 Norman, OK.

Derrico. After Dog. Mexican. Derrick.
After Dog word for a has-been. A European word contrived by the French Arabian for the people of Italian regions. Generally meant for illegal immigrants who use female impersonation, transgenderism, to gain medical attentions or underground aid and abate.

Endocrine: Opioid and Enclosed Photo

Opioid and Enclosed Photo
Spring 2015 Norman, Ok

Study Examines Complications of Opioid Use During Pregnancy
Posted on Apr 15 2015 - 1:28pm bySharron Macfarlane


From a distance, this photo looks somewhat like a person bending over and into a sexual position. During several stages of opium, both addiction and recovery, persons will only use sexual photos, or drawings, to illustrate an intention towards anything related to opium.

Secondly, covering the upper half of the photo it's very noticeable that the the person's skin In the image resembles one large breast...another problem with opium use during pregnancy because children born within opium addiction, what ever the cause, have a great fear of large breasts.

The photo should be considered a suggestion as to the manner this topic will be handled, as well as, the life course of the unborn child.

Definition: KluwDong

Winter 2014

KluwDong. Worldwide. Jewish. Inquisition. 20th century version of the Dark Age roman called 'Yellow Jew'. KAPB has a picture post on this subject as it happened in Oklahoma. KlauwDong is another spelling variation.

Definition: Manmo, Mamo

Manmo, Mamo
Winter 2014

Manmo, Mamo. After Dog. Cathor. Closer to original terms for the Momalo crime cell that started in 1000, ce. an completing the compilation during World War 2. 'Manmo' is a transgender term meaning either 'mother' or 'Mary'. This is believed to have started when the church herbalist were able to alter the physical appearance of men to a female likeness...therewith, the term 'Mamo' became the conduit to an Arian Nation.

Definition: Whorehouse Church

Whorehouse Church
Winter 2014

Whorehouse Church. After Dog. Multiple God worship. Apollo, Aphrodite. Term used by street people who understand the hidden terms of church behaviors. This type of church will service those who are very deep into the beast, or Christianity, as in the Islamic worlds...there, Cimejes, the Christian is known as the beast, great beast, or monster, such as lizard. 'Living in the Light' means 'out side the tent(harem)', 'Soul' means 'devine character', Sacrifice means 'offer an organ', etc. Most legal arrest in occult ritualism are at this level of church followers though most churches have some form of Light, Soul, Sacrifice creed where an offering is embellished with wine and bread consumption.

Definition: After Dog Trinity

After Dog Trinity
Winter 2014

After Dog Trinity. Al Qaeda. Myrdor, Sacrifice. As the word sugggests, sacrifice is the key element in this 'short blast' cluster group. Generally, a last chance to create a cell or simply die out in sacrificial obedience turns these After Dogs into placid, simply language, offerings of 'if you don't need, then don't drag me around'. To say, and over-the-hill in an over-the-hill environment (has-been sports school).

Art a Fact: Carthaginian Goddess Tanit

Art a Fact
Carthaginian goddess TanitSpring 2015

One side of the coin shows an image of the Carthaginian goddess Tanit,  suggesting links between the south west and the Mediterranean


Endocrine: Pregnant Women Prescribed Opioids Put Babies at risk of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome | Times Gazette


According to researchers, pregnant women who have been on prescription Opioids during pregnancy stand a higher risk of exposing their babies to the ‘neonatal abstinence syndrome’.  This is a drug withdrawal syndrome that is linked to use of illicit drugs during pregnancy.

Some 259 million prescriptions were handed out in 2012 for opioid pain relievers in U.S. alone. According to a recent study, hydrocone and similar opioid pain relievers tend to be commonly prescribed for pregnant women. Consequently, there is a higher risk of the babies suffering from neonatal abstinence syndrome. Researchers from Vanderbilt University, Nashville conducted this study which is published in Paediatrics journal.

Researchers examined the records of a little over 112,000 pregnant women apart from examining data obtained from Tennessee’s Medicaid program for three years.

Kara Aghijlar

Endocrine: Raw food and paleo dieters 'at risk of a dangerous obsession with nutrition' | Daily Mail Online

American doctor Steven Bratman coined the term 'orthorexia nervosa' in 1997 some time after his experience in a commune in upstate New York. 

It was there he developed an unhealthy obsession with eating 'proper' food.


Kara Aghijlar

Save This for Me: Religion in Schools

Save This for Me
April 2015

If we don’t teach religion in schools, Americans will never understand the rest of the world

Students can give any response they want to the prompts, “Muslims are…” “Christians are…” et cetera. Responses are anonymous and students are encouraged to be as candid as they want. This data gives me a baseline for the religious literacy of my students and allows me to tailor my lessons to whatever information (or misinformation) they already know. Their responses are often wildly inaccurate. My students have responded that Hindus make a pilgrimage to Mecca, that Daoists worship Winnie the Pooh, and that Judaism is an odd sect within Christianity.


April 14, 2015

Definition: Dolace

Fall 2014 Norman, OK

Dolace. After Dog. Jews. Transgender.  'Dolace are Al Qaeda worshipers. Dolace' is the stage just before Cocoon(ref). Seeing a lattace work webbing forming around their eyes, they begin to learn to form a whole nest, or blanket, in which they will roll up into. 'Dolace' is written about many times in the Old Testament books in the Holy Bible.

Definition: House Fan

House Fan
Fall 2014

House Fan. After Dog. Al Qaeda. 'House Fans' are workers who idolize house nig_ers. 'House Fans' never become a member of the family in which they stalk; whereas, a House Nig_er most likely to. 'House Fans' will applaud whenever a House Nig_er is present, and speak to them if they are able to. If a person is darkened, and moves into 'House Fan' they will get nothing in settlement such as with divorce and land grabs.

Definition: Wednesday's Army

Wednesday's Army
Fall 2014 Norman, OK

Wednesday's Army. Al Qaeda. USA. Mormon. Lesser known Christian gang that has the mindset of the freeman...open range, transmortation (goetia swings), drugs, open sex, loot and sack employments. 'Wednesday's Army' have obsessions with 'top of mountains', 'desert oasis', 'oceans', 'forests', and 'large metropolis'. Living as house nig_ers, they will slowly try to take over homes and businesses.  'Wednesday's Army' started during the Augustinian chronicles...they were greatly associated with the fire brigades of Rome.

Trash FLASH: Zoroastrian House

Zoroastrian House
Spring 2015 Norman, OK

KAPB has posted a few articles about this house, but we have not added all the components, so here is yet another as the house (haunted) is ever present again, walking, talking, and entering into homes for the loot.

Zoroastrian is the legal name of the Jewish movements around the world. Based on Old Testament, there is little evidence of any type of ownership to those biblical texts, but only the journals and manuscripts written about the occult culture of human and sacrifice.

As a herbal remedies and saturation society, it can be expected scented candles, incenses, and perfumes are a major factor with this religious order...many believe that church candles is an indication of a Zoroastrian influence with that particular church.

In the post about the 'Shewolf', KAPB tells about the spacing at the alter. Just around the bend of Chalmette St it turns I to the Bull Run St. There is where this house is. The 'Rock' posts also offer information on this house.

If any reader is comparing the Cedars community with one they suspect is hiding an occult confidence, these pictures should help...

April 13, 2015

Art a Fact: SpaceShips in America

Art a Fact
StarShips in America
Spring 2015

Face it folks, America is heading towards the stars...better then burning to death down on planet Earth.  Besides, who said Jesus can't fix things while we're orbiting the moon!

Icarus Interstellar: Visions of Our Starship Future

Art a Fact: Turkey in the Bear

Art a Fact
Turkey Bears
Spring 2015


Hungry bears threaten Turkey's villages

In the mountains of Turkey’s Black Sea region, a favorite destination for trekkers and photographers, something is going on with the bears. These beasts, which normally forage on agricultural fields, orchards and beehives, have been marauding through cemeteries, digging up and devouring the bodies of the dead.


TRASH FLASH: Cross Transmitter

Cross of the Holy Transmission
Fall 2014

This building has the worst reputation. Posts before this one told of the horrifying murders by opium addicts, prostitutes and their pimps.

The photos below were taken Cox Communicates was able to stop the illegal use of their Wi-Fi...gangsters were building prepaid iPhone companies by surging private netgear connections, and selling the outputs to unsuspecting people.

KAPB had to get a picture of the Wi-Fi connection area...


OU Tech Makes Apps for in the Home
Spring 2015


Don't read the local news as some students have purchased more then an over priced class of credits. This foundling group are interested in house women to get app zapped.

Entering into the home this gang of Europeans march around the home dictating how and what to do...do dishes, kick a kid's toy, shut up, etc..

Press releases are app-arently getting more in the bank or the suttle butt for the boys.
Art a Fact
Milky Way in America
Spring 2015


A stunning shot of the Milky Way rising over Rocky Mountain National Park’s Longs Peak. At 14,259 feet, Longs Peak towers above all other summits in Rocky Mountain. The flat-topped monarch is seen from almost anywhere in the park. Photo by Pat Gaines (www.sharetheexperiece.org).

Iconic: Orthodox Fire Festival

Orthodox Fire Festival
Spring 2015


Christians and Muslims gather together to celebrate the spring with a fire festival. Photos Re from the article by '. National Post.'


April 11, 2015

Trash FLASH: 93.3 FM Gay Radio Oklahoma

93.3 FM Gay Radio
Late Spring 2015

If the radio channel 93.3 FM isn't a part of your listening routine, then something was missed. One song after another of gay love. Every thing from accidental and collision love, and underage encounters under the supervision of the police.

Scheduled for play a day through in the development of the gay liberation...get drunk, screw a boy, sober up, and demand the boy show the girls who's who.

No kidding! Everything from transgenders singing the blues to gay therapy tunes derailing the ominous gay loverums.

Ouch. Back the 60's oldies, or, yes, they'll be knocking at your door...three times.

Tracking Bruce: Man kills Census Bureau guard, leads DC police on pursuit


This crime type was detailed after biblical discussion about king David taking  census...a census is illegal to do according to the old testament laws. It is believed by scholars that David died because of that census...it which, as the bible reads, several lookalikes of David were viewed; therewith, one of the Davids was chosen and that David thereby was proclaimed alive and well. It was that last one who got the legacy of king David according to the judo/christo catechism, as its taught today among them.

This type of set up to kill by the Ruceb family is still very active at KAPB. Several different state and federal offices have put a foot drag on the compiling being conducted daily by Bruce. Whenever one of his cons fail, fuzz is blown on the anus during toilet activities, and once again a new set up begins. Bruce arranged this for the church, but it's still Bruce who must operate it...typical maneuver.

Kara Aghijlar
KAPB author

April 10, 2015

Save This for Me: Easter Monday tradition of whipping girls into health? No thanks | World news | The Guardian


Can't remember just where this is mentioned in the bible, but it's in there somewhere. Jews have such a demand for slavery that it's no wonder this type of tradition still lingers on. I can remember being threatened with a water dousing when I was in elementary school, but on the following morning of that threat nothing happened...Hum.

Kara Aghijlar
KAPB author

'Endocrine' is KAPB's newest file type...Welcome Readers!

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As you can see, KAPB is adding a new type...'Endocrine' is the title.

We want to try and follow some of the diseases and physical conditions that are a direct, or indirect, result of cannibalism and alcohol/drugs.

This area will be gathered mainly through the news resources; therefore, the supply will be limited to public awareness articles. The only exception is the intext links, if there is any.

Thanks for viewing...

April 9, 2015

Art a Fact: Kailash Temple

Art a Fact
Kailash Temple in India

This amazing Indian temple was carved directly out of the mountain's rock wall, or sometimes called a rock bed.

Scholars say this temple is the site where the disciple Thomas gave his first speech on the Zoroastrian messianic beliefs. Thomas is credited for the Catholic mass, costumes, and the Book of Revelation, New Testament.

Some of the landscaping and sculptures directly quote New Testament, and both the Book of Revelation and Apostle Thomas directly incorporate a high end demon as the Lucifer, where no other book in the bible does so.

Because of the Lucifer referencing, the Revelation book may one day be removed from the biblical collection altogether as the book is more a special edition for the growth of the Catholic Church then the study of mankind and God.

Art a Fact: Hubble Space Shot

Art a Fact
Hubble Space Shot

From a distance it looks like a man about to eat down a planet. Fun photos from space.

Definition: Scrept

Spring 2015 Norman, OK

Scrept. After Dog. Roman Catholic. 'Scrept' is the light complexion Cimejes. Favored to be the leading authorities in the church. 'Scrept' is closely connected to the 'Sept' as both are devoted to the male complex of authority. What the 'CR' represents is not yet known.

Tracking Bruce: Mass. police forced to pay ransom for encrypted data


This was a technique used during a quiet period...generally a bomb situation is unfolding. It is also used when Bruce is in a good position within, or somewhere about, an upper legal agency, such as CIA, Homeland Security, etc.. Though members of Bruce work in computer tech, they, for the most part, don't write the programs, they only copy strings that can be gotten hold of. Therefore, "he must have been on the phone" so to say.

Kara Aghijlar
KAPB author

April 8, 2015

Iconic: Eligos Rock

Eligos Snake Rock
Spring 2015 Norman, OK

Eligos is one of the demons in the Goetia. Referred to as a duke, this personality is generally even tempered and congenious. Why the assassin snake was used as a guardian is not yet known...past experience with Eligos doesn't indicate his need to being here, or any desires to. All the same, this snake figure is carved into the rock at the far end parking lot entrance.

Below are the photos...

Trash FLASH: 4F, Christians Crisstian

4F, Christians Crisstian
Late Spring 2015 Norman, OK

The term 4F is used mainly by the military when referring to persons who are not able to be employed by the US military. During the Civil War, two types of persons were classified as 4F, deserters and property owners. The CW property owners became the crucible to Christianity as we know today.

The term '4F' today stands for those early Christians, or better known by religious scholars as 'Crisstian'.  During anger fits of violence, 'Crisstian' will toss back the head, show the teeth, and pop out their eyes to indicate an anger of violence and cannibalisms.

The spray paintings of varies symbols that they use today are graffiti on the side of buildings, dumpsters, and government enclosure fencing. The most seen in Norman, OK of the 'Crisstian' graffiti are in the pictures below.

Definition: Homosept

Spring 2015 Norman, OK

Sept. After Dog. Homoseptic. Same sex relationship (male).  'Sept' is the shortened form of the word Homosept. The true word for male w/ male sex is called a 'Septic' (boohah).  How the term homosexual became the favorite is not yet known, but because church activities, as history details, shows a defiant converso behavior in matters such as this, no doubt the two individuals were switch around. El Saturation (for a day), or in the Al Qaeda core of Icon were each member has to have some form of identification with biblical history.

Below is a picture of the earliest known homosexual...dna found in mummies in both Mesoamerica and Egypt.

Definition: Molinmu

Spring 2015 Norman, OK

Molinmu. After Dog. French. Christians. Emperor Constantine the author of Christianity, was a follower of the 'Molinmu' religion. He incorporated both the western concepts of harem (whorehouse) in with the ideals of mother, child, and forgiveness to create the Catharsisic 'Molinmu' which later became the Catholic monolith known today.

April 6, 2015

Trash FLASH: Ruceb, Bruce, and Paula

Ruceb, Bruce, and Paula
Spring 2015 Norman, OK

Ancient Aliens (History Channel) and KAPB has crossed paths a number of times...beginning to think KAPB might owe Ancient A some money. Anyway, in an episode on Nazi war machines, a few pictures are introduced that are a part of the WW2 world history collection of that war. The pictures mentioned above are some Christians who were considered important to the Nazi regime. Learning that Adolf Hitler demanded morning prayers from the Holy Bible, an interest in the photos was directed towards the strip of photos photographed from a Ruceb family wall plaque...KAPB post is under the name of 'Katie'.

KAPB is posting the snapshots from the Ancient A series and the photo of 'Paula'.

Connected...maybe. From all evidence here in Norman, OK, the WW2 pictures and the pictures from the Bruce family collection, the two have a connection. One conversation with the father, ('Katie',) made before this blog or anywhere else but state, the father did have connections with the reich, and during a first meeting with the father a contact was made with nazis about home properties from contributions in the nazi party effort.

So it should be Considered that the family mentioned here and the Ancient A photos are within the same branch of villainy.