April 6, 2015

Trash FLASH: Ruceb, Bruce, and Paula

Ruceb, Bruce, and Paula
Spring 2015 Norman, OK

Ancient Aliens (History Channel) and KAPB has crossed paths a number of times...beginning to think KAPB might owe Ancient A some money. Anyway, in an episode on Nazi war machines, a few pictures are introduced that are a part of the WW2 world history collection of that war. The pictures mentioned above are some Christians who were considered important to the Nazi regime. Learning that Adolf Hitler demanded morning prayers from the Holy Bible, an interest in the photos was directed towards the strip of photos photographed from a Ruceb family wall plaque...KAPB post is under the name of 'Katie'.

KAPB is posting the snapshots from the Ancient A series and the photo of 'Paula'.

Connected...maybe. From all evidence here in Norman, OK, the WW2 pictures and the pictures from the Bruce family collection, the two have a connection. One conversation with the father, ('Katie',) made before this blog or anywhere else but state, the father did have connections with the reich, and during a first meeting with the father a contact was made with nazis about home properties from contributions in the nazi party effort.

So it should be Considered that the family mentioned here and the Ancient A photos are within the same branch of villainy.