June 13, 2014

'Iconic': Stonehenge Mushrooms

Stonehenge Mushrooms
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

Mushrooms always come up where both human sediment and body parts have been thrown into the grass, soil, etc. With a lot of rain fall, like Norman, Oklahoma has had so far this year, mushrooms are for sure to arise within months of a large rainfall accumulation.

The next few images were taken at the Cedars Apartments in Norman, OK. The mushrooms in the images are all in the shape as the famous ancient monument called 'Stonehenge', located in the British Isles. Pushing up through the lawn, in a perfect circle, the toadstools, no pun intended, range in size with the larger ones at the eastern perimeter.

Notice the 'Casket Rock' just across the sidewalk. KAPB published a post in June 2, 2012 after some very strange activities began to take place at this tiny apartment complex.

Ultimately, this blog became the publication site for this extraterrestrials occurrence in Norman, OK. Extraterrestrials at Plutonium are persons within HIV/AIDS communities who are in stages that enjoy the work of inner space sciences, that is, interplanetary industries, or to pilot interplanetary travel. these types of industrues normally mine for minerals and ores on both Mars and Jupiter's moons. The word 'casket' is one of a few used in space travel...it's associated with the cargo holds, like "the Lockheed C-5 is among the largest military aircraft in the world", Wiki.

There are several other hinges located around the world. Some of them have a second circle in the center, or there about. Slightly visible is a possible second circle near the center. But, the next image has lines shooting outward towards the north.

Extending nearly the entire length of the lawn on the northern side, these two long lines are visible in the grass. In the image below a small inset was placed hoping to illustrated what was seen. At the far end of the image a black arrow was inserted to show the distance of these Norman, Oklahoma Nazca Lines.

uneatable mushrooms
The mushrooms are the usual kind that develop from, as stated above, the mishandling of human waste materials, or the improper burials of humans.

This cluster image is a close-up of the largest clump at the far southeastern side of the circle itself, with a second largest clump at the northern end.

man pod 
In the image to the right, the circle of mushrooms have arose just next to the sidewalk suggesting the circle may have been created after the concrete was pored, but that's not completely known.

The little man pod shape at the lower right corner is very famous in ancient art and monoliths. The mushroom shaped stones at Easter Island and the Sundra Islands are upright stone groupings suggesting something like this oddly shaped figure of a person. Some scholars say those island stones may just be that, ancient mushrooms that arose from the dead.

Was the Cedars Apartments in Norman, Oklahoma visited by extraterrestrials, probably! University towns are known to have space science taught at the institution campused in the city. What of the possible murders or rituals sacrifices? What attracted these fortune hunters to a small apartment complex? Lots of questions, no answers, but plenty of evidence.