September 28, 2013

'Trash FLASH': Mack, or Mock Up

'Trash FLASH'
Mack, or Mock Up
Oklahoma   9/28/2013

This Al Qaeda is one of the famous groups. Fore warned of by Former President George Bush Jr., Mack is a high rolling transgender crime group. Comprised of many well known members who transfers between goetia characters in an attempt to build a high rolling personality, hence the term 'Mock Up'.  They are 100% UK British long term transgenders. Colonies of these types generally originate from within prison systems where the convicts have all but taken over the prison center. Though the Isle of British Commoners had an established sector of transgenders, it wasn't until the Roman Emperor Claudius, so called, conquered the British Island that the transgenders were given a higher status of living and wealth. 

Presenting live elephants at a council of leaders, General Cloudius carried a mock up elephant around the island cities as a reminder of the strength of the imperial Roman Army. Claudius and Cloudius may very well be the same person...Cloudius being a more feminine looking male character.

It should be understood the 'Mock Up' (Mack) is a very developed crime organization and one that should be considered to be dangerous and a serious threat to the USA, its states, and private citizens.

Mock Up a full-sized structural model built to scale chiefly for study, testing, or display   

They travel backwards when they pass the buck from one 'Mack' member to another. Therefore, the list below will be in the order that 'Mack'  members travel.

MACK, or 'Mock Up'

CIA .... Mainly with the introduction of illegal drugs in someway of another. At KAPB it was found that they transfer through varies members in this list who will pass to the Roman Catholic Church. 
Mock-Up Models .... These are high end, professional clothing models, such as with Reality TV show Project Runway. KAPB found very little activity with this member cell. 
Surreptitious .... As the word means (obtained, done, made, etc., by stealth; secret or unauthorized;clandestine) so this cell does inside of 'Mack'. Comprised mostly of the Goetia demon Astorah in the stage of Edward, as in Scissorhands, KAPB found that they too past the buck quite a bit so little is known to just what this cell actuality does.  
Opus Den  .... As written earlier, 'Opus Den' is basically a 12 member coven of midgets who resemble one of each of the 12 biblical disciples who Jesus of Nazareth mentioned. The disciple 'Peter', in 'Mack' is the disciple who is used. They used three things to keep active 1. Hannibal (favorite stage), 2. Vapors, mostly from the human bowel, 3. Disciple Peter look-a-like. 'Opus Den' will be seen while a victim, whom they are stalking, is outside of the victim's personal home. These midgets are rarely seen or heard inside of the victim's home...the midgets will instruct other 'Mack' member to keep in way from inside of a private place. 
Copeland, Kennith .... This is a connection that the CIA uses. The total conversation is generally not heard after Kennith is previously reported for criminal activity...such as, at KAPlutonium. He will announce his presence simply by broadcasting that enables all persons to hear hem talk. Kennith Copeland is a Protestant minister. 
Schizophrenics .... This cell is comprised mostly of Goetia characters who uses past events to illustration a connection to a stalking. They will generally just tell the conjurer, in this case, about anything the conjurer asks about the victim when such information is needed. KAPB feels there is a Hedonic connection here but we were not able to fully understand just what it was. 
Flies .... Within 'Mack', the person known as 'Clep' is used as the liaison for obtaining mechanical flies.  
Astorah .... This Goetia demon should be considered to be a primary figure as 'Astorah' will be instrumental in a few of the other cell listed here. 'Astorah' mimicked  apes, and gestures whenever he is the active cell. Little else is seen of heard after he is identified as in the victim's home. 
David .... Fashioned somewhat after the early Israelite David of Bethlehem (King David), this cell is comprised of concubines/prostitutes. With a genuine reading of that biblical story it would show  that David was used in King Saul's palace as a concubine for the king. 
Asian  .... 'Asian' was observed to be the Goetia character of Stolas. 'Asian' also was observed to work on the crime project during the daylight hours. Catting at the victim while luring (bait and switch) outsiders into the crime circle seemed to be what the 'Asian' did the most. 
Bune .... They are the 'spies' in the Al Qaeda 'Mock Up'(Mack) group. Using gossip as the means to draw attention to a victim, 'Bune' disparages a persons personal character while the financial status, security, and the victim's stability is the targeted project. 'Bune' should not be confused with the Paparazzi. 
Dreamweaver .... Sioux Indians. This cell works only during the nighttime hours. With an assortment of stages dreams, the victim will view caries movies, as well as, commercials that are set to derail, all inclusive,  the victim, "Mock Up' members, and bait/switch money targets. 'Dreamweaver' set up an assault to kill any of the derailed by striking the heart with a jolt of electric voltage. 'Dreamweaver' will chit-chat with whom ever asks questions whether or not the person asking the questions are a trained professional. Because of this, persons should be aware of casual conversions with intruders who start chatting at night during sleep time hours. Normally, bait/switch money targets are in some way connected with a high finance organization such as a university (Oklahoma), State and Federal Government Agencies, and high finance personal properties. 'Dreamweaver' are also refered to a 'Slag' workers, as when a project is not selling concepts these nighttime workers will begin to muddle around looking for places where there might be a slag-in-the-line. 'Dreamweaver' are most prominent in towns that have both a high profile university and an active casino. 
Gamblers .... This cell is comprised of High Stakes Poker players. Annette Obrestad (in Oklahoma) seems to be the primary poker player who is consistently present whenever poker is the issue. KAPB considers Obrestan to be a syphilis. She will collect odors from the stomach of dog's belch  and pass on the collections to whomever is used vapors to assault a victim, such as Opus Den listed above. It should be noted: Syphilis is a highly contagious disease spread primarily by sexual activity(WebMD), but syphilis is known also to be airborne in some stages of development. Collecting vapors could easily be just as dangerous as mechanical flies who can carry fibers, glue, and dangerous contaminants. This Al Qaeda High Stakes Poker cell is believed to have been the group who literally stole the entire Texas state financial structure by laundering the monies through these types of poker games. Others believed to be in 'Mock Up' are Daniel Negreanu, Eric Seagel, and Vanessa Selbst. 
Cheerleaders .... As usual these members are connected to schools that have a sport sponsored program...which most schools do. 'Cheerleaders' are the component that uses ornaments as a part of the 'Mock Up' membership. Jewelry, wall hangings, porch/balcony/lawn figures should all be considered. 
Behaviorist .... These members are all British. Much like in the movie classic Jurassic Park, these behaviorist are trying to develop an strain in the human persona that will create an animal behavior pattern upon which can be built a thread to begin an experimental study into and for a behavior control assemble over other humans. 
Vatican Concorde  .... They work mainly to carry-the-ball for the 'Mock Up' group. Because of the high profile of this membership, it should be considered that they will use any high-end arena to project themselves into public attention. Such as the cruise ship Concorda that crashed (2013) and was under water until Italy raised it up again in late 2013. Thee 'Vatican Concode' will also use insects as a display of their heavy advancement into other countries, states, etc. The flying spiders in north Texas is one such environmental happening that finely illustrates how the 'Vatican Concorde' would use natural resources. KAPB believes that the sinking and raising of the Concorda cruise ship is a public announcement that they, though amid public press scrutiny, will continue to apply pressure on the USA and Russia concerning select religious beliefs, such as slavery of humans. 
Roman Catholics .... Among the varies Al Qaeda 'Mock Up' member these cells were found to be communicating with priests fromtne local Catholic churches: Mexican CIA(a drug reinforcement agency), Clep ( a monk/friar of the Benedictine Order), Annette Oberstad (poker player), Bruce ( posted here as a Buer, but KAPB later listed him as a beginning Fung). 
AT&T  .... They are the internet and iPhone company used to service this Al Qaeda group. Using folklore additives, stories, and different folklore antidotes, AT&T move the members of 'Mock Up' through the different member cells. 
Paparazzi  .... As usual, this cell uses public imagery to derail person whether they are celebrity of not. KAPB knows the paparazzi as in the porn industry and KAPB believes the photos in the tabloids are mock-ups of photos taken inside the privacy of the home itself. Previous blog entries about the Paparazzi has a good detail about what KAPB has found the cell doing.

and, finally... 
Delores .... A Belgium word that means to 'spy'. This is the cell that KAPB first found opening up an operation on them soon after the Al Qaeda 'Duelin' post was published. After questioning 'Delores' the information collected was that 'Delores' was the European contact for the Al Qaeda cell called Bloab. KAPB is unaware of who 'Bloab' is as the crime group that was associated with this Belgium was 'Mack' (or, Mock-Up).