September 4, 2013

'FYI': A CalVisto Pirate Organization

A CalVisto Pirate Organization
Oklahoma   9/4/2013

'CalVisto' is the name of an Pirate organization who is operating in the homes and businesses of Eastern Empire descendants.

The word 'CalVisto' is an anagram, Like the clusters, groups, and packs, 'CalVisto' also has its preferred members.  The founding members compromise on the word, and it's generally comes from the primary family this type of cartel has selected to build up from. In the case of the 'CalVisto', the family name is Calisto/Calvetti, a superior wine producing family from the Eastern empire of Turkey. the inserted 'V' is most likely a meaning forwards the 'Vatican'.

This is the 'CalVisto' workforce:
  1. Nazi ... Nazarene Church, Asmodeus, or  A
  2. Pirates ... Mostly Siciline Pirates, but some Morgan
  3. Lawyers ... Darrow Associates, they are operating within the United Kingdom(UK)
  4. Dreamweaver ... Sioux Indians. The use of sleep derivation accompanied with visual and audio power suggestions during sleep
  5. Actors ... More like gossips, they tend to be over productive and the input on minimal
  6. Flies ... Zeus ('Al Jazeer') worshipers comprised mostly of Greek Orthodox Church members with "Lo Saturnalia" within the USA
  7. Vandals ... Apollo (Salbo Nig_er) worshipers comprised mostly of Roman Catholic Church members
  8. The 12 Disciples ... Opus De and Opus Den (DM) make up the two separate councils: whether or not they are functioning together is not known, but Open Den members would most likely look like kids to the average person. These two groups were formed during the Spanish Inquisition.
  9. Pralates ... Developed through of the medicine of Acupuncture, they work mostly as kids.
  10. Inquisitioners ... persons of whom are the survivors from the church's torture eliminations in eastern hemisphere. All can be identified in the PBS historical entitled Secret Files of the Inquisition.
  11. Familiars ... failed police officers who turned to living in the world of crime as police officers in familiars
  12. Town Criers ... mostly gangs such as 'Katie'