July 17, 2013

'International': Porn: School and Church

Porn: School and Church
Oklahoma   7/17/2013

'Porn' consists of 5 separate areas which are divided into two different sections: School and Church

A chain of the five (5) areas begin with the grasping at the breast area of a 4-6 yr. old girl.  Starting at ;School' the chain ended with a State Government Clergy and the Prayer Practices. Each section, in turn, holds on to the next person in line in order to form a chain of six (6) individuals...the young girl victim is at the beginning of the chain and where the gasping of the young breast starts the action. See  Evan, Dave.

This is the list in the order they formed the chain...
School (Athletics sports)
School (Social Work)
Church (Catholic)
Church (Protestant)
Church (State House Clergy)

It is evident with State House Clergy, or state legislative, that the opening of something criminal was the purpose for this act of criminal sexual abuse on girls. Also see Al Dune (The embed link above at Prayer Practices details how prayers are applied)

Because the proper authorities were alerted and they intervened, at this point it is not understood what happened with either the victim or any of the five sex offenders. Because former Professor Pellebon ( Oklahoma professor resigns) was seen at the KPB offices several time...the last time was three days earlier to the discovery of the group 'Porn' on the KAPB premises. There is suggestive evidence that Social Work (Al Jazeer.) schools are a major contributor to child associated crimes in the State of Oklahoma.

Because Pellebon is a medical mongoloid, it suggests that high church authorities, also mongoloid, are deeply involved. Adding: The word 'pellebon' itself is the favorite word used by persons who inject the perennial flower of Hellebore  Hellebore is openly reported and known to cause Mongoloid.

This link was found missing during an up-grade of 2014.
Prayer Practices

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