June 2, 2013

'Escalade': 'Granmoire` Jill, Set 1

'Granmoire` Jill, Set 1
Oklahoma  6/2/2013

Set 1: Asmodeus, Bifrons, and Caim.

The third and final 'Granmoire`' set among the KPAB offices is 'Jill'. Jill is very simple...it has a type of set suggests simplicity. As a dictation for obedience, and it's a simple as A,B,C.

In the image at this post is a very good likeness of just how 'Jill' and Jack looked when this granmoire` was collected. It seems they like the look when they go on a hurt to kill. Go figure....

It seems all three Goetia characters travel together. They work online casino sites and cheat like all hell. Jumping onto a playing table, this Granmoire` will cause the cards to play a digital software developed especially for cheating...mostly likely, developed especially for them.  'Jill' also uses familiars. And, both Bifrons and Caim believe that Astaroth is Asmodeus, but most scholars say that it is just the way 'Jill' wants it to be and no real evidence suggests anything else.

Again, remembering KAPB is moving backwards to get to the beginning of who set this monster takeover up, personal here learn that there is a special group of Goetia that should following this posting. One that is normally overlooked because they are very, very quite. After that group, we will again be in the odd side out...5, 3, (2), 1 assemblies.