September 13, 2012

'Iconic': Witch's Lair and Mandu

Witch's Lair and Mandu
Oklahoma   9/13/12

The pictures with this post are of a common, sub-urban, farmer who grows herbs, etc. for herbal apothecaries. This apartment is known as a Witch's Lair. As the good luck pieces such as two dowel slatted wooden chairs and a wicker settee are normally somewhere close by. 

The way to know if it's truly a witch's lair is to get soil samples from around the outer yard of the lair house. There, in the soil, should be traces of the herb 'Mandu'...some may call the herb 'Mandrake', but really the two herbs are different. Mandu, a neurological stun gun to the central nervous system, is illegal herb and grown only in a nursery designed for natural medicines and their apothecaries. 

If the herb 'Mandu' is present in the soil then truly it is the home of a witch. Why? Witch's hate dogs! And, they want their lairs protected from any type of dog evidence, paw prints and dog hair, 
as well as the usual, urine and waste. Animals who play in the grass where Mandu is present will most likely be contaminated by this poison source and will die of affiliation. Mandu is a traveling herb. This dangerous herb will get into drinking water, swimming pools, and lawn sprinklers whether in use or hanging for months. 

Mandu turns to a caustic dye used to color a dark purple velvet used by royal family robes. 

This building resembles
the herb 'Mandu' while
in the growing stage of

Most King's and Queen's have died from wearing these robes while sweating profusely allowing for the dye to sink into their blood stream. Though kings and queens have always loved that witches live with them, the royalty never seems to restrict the growing of the herb nor its use. During the age of emperors, arsenic power was the cosmetic in popular use.

The traveling vines of the
Mandu herb is famous
in India and Afghan art.

KAPB. Greater is the knowledge of reading...and, reading well!