September 13, 2012

'Iconic': 7th Day Advent

7th Day Advent
Oklahoma  9/13/12

This nearly abandoned church was suddenly reopened with the use of parking lot.

What's strange here is the 'use of the parking lot'. For those who are knew to psychiatric, parking lots are normally to halt bad behavior (Molock). Once the property, any property, is cleared of criminal intentions, the standard next step is to built a parking lot on top, or with, the ritual site. Yet, KAPB found that not only did this church have the 'all-clear' record listed with the state law enforcement, but it was up for sale as property that was ready for reconstruction. Either the state lied ( they said they had not), or the psychiatric 'parking lot' is pure bullshi-.

Some history of the Adventist Church, from a layperson's perspective, would like to add some spice to the cake.
The Adventist became a union church during the first 'outing' of homosexuals in America. Many of the boys who wanted to remain in the church and still have their independence choose to form a new order within the Protestant Christian denominations. With the ideals of freedom and survival, the icon of 'Flames' was chosen as the new church's standard. As a must, any new order had to have a symbol from the founding generations of church chosen survivors.

The 'Flames' is a standard of freedom from heaven's portal. The ancient Greek god Prometheus is said to have stolen the source of fire, a flaming torch, from heaven and brought it to the earth for those who followed to share in the common wealth the the capture from the gods.
First used in battlements during the Roman Civil Wars, the icon of flames was a constant part of ritual sacrifices from then on. French Governor/Roman Emperor Constantine envisioned the Chi X in the clouds while walking through the troop formation with pans of burning sacrificial offerings. To have and advantage over the advancing army, thus showing a pagan resource to alter the moments of Constantine Apollo worship. Thereby, creating a fusion of Eastern Christianity and Western Apollo demography. It should be added: Constantine was successful with this theory but only after he slaughtered the entire Eastern Christian communities.

From the battlefields, or better said, the defeat of the battlefields, Romans soldiers began a pattern of Kodex (Codex) whereby anything Roman military was confidential! They started encrypting everything. Hidden deep inside the Codex, scholars began an attempt to decipher the codes, but with very little success.

The address numbers at this church is 1818. From the Codex, two number depict a legionnaire capture--'9' and '5'.  Encrypted, the 'ones' are the symbol for what to do., thus 1 and 8 with the bottom circle half removed would be a number '9'. The second 1 and 8 would have the bottom and reverse top half removed making the number '5'.  This type of hidden series is still practiced by Roman Legionnaire such as with the American Legion, Legionnaire America, and Catholic Legions of Freedom. To further signify a captured soul in Western Christian philosophy a signet ring  made of 'gravel' or any secondary mineral stone. The ring is generally made by the wearer.

Lastly, the final image posted here is of a girl who looks like a 'Cam'. In the photo, an image can be seen on the girl's face of a female who is a favorite among the Adventist. The rosy cheeks suggests a virgin who would serve as a sacrifice, and generally is used for that purpose. 'Cams' are also one stage in the parasitic development with blood consumption, as well as, odd-body (cannibal) blood transfusions: thus, the 'virgin' doesn't has a sexual intention.

KAPB. American English Language Primers!