December 1, 2016

Endocrine:Self Procreation in HermeticsHermetics

Self Procreation in Hermetics
Dec 2016

Self Procreation in Hermetics, Pg 2
Self Procreation in Hermetics, Pg 3
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Mary's Self Procreation

 A few years ago, KAPB found an article about snakes and self procreation, including, females forming a fetus and giving birth to live baby snakes. With so many suggestions of snakes both in the Holy Bible, as well as, fabled stories, an interest in that natural occurrence started among KAPB members.

From Eve in the Garden comes the story of self procreation as she was the single female who was accused, by what fables suggest, a snake...and snakes are the first published in modern science as achieving this wonder.

Early in the creation of mankind one key component became necessary for the functioning of the flash...THC (Cannabinoids are chemicals related to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), marijuana’s main mind-altering ingredient. Other than THC, the marijuana plant contains more than 100 other cannabinoids.)
The reason THC is important is that it hypers genetic components that would otherwise lay dorment. Smoking marijuana increases the THC levels thus aiding in a cycle of excellerated genetics. Because females are the child carrying body in creationism, it is the female who naturally would form a fetus to enable self procreation. From the time of Eve, a natural evolution was aided to preserve mankind.

The first known instance was when Eve travel down from the garden where she met the people who lived in villages outside of the garden...the bible reads it as all females who were Eve's people. Historians suggest that a comparison people would be that of the Spartans, Greece.

The crucible of self procreation is New Testament Mary. Where was Mary if developing a fetus and birthing a child was possible. She had to had been among single females and living in a heavy THC environment...Temple. The Bible's New Testament Gospels suggest Mary was living in such a place. Mary said she was surrounded by sinners, waywardness, and corruptions. Thus, suggesting temple life and Mary as a possible vestal virgin. But, THC Marys are also somewhat of a tart. All the same, the traditional terms of 'Virgin' and 'Named Mary' is how a girl refers to herself when she discovies she pregnant without the aid of a husband.

So where dies this put self procreation in a modern world? Belgium.Occult historians point at Belgium as an example of a natural self procreation colony outside of a Godly creationism.

Hindu Cush marijuana was the THC used, and the Church, naturally, is their benefactors. Aiding also as to why Belgium is the financial capital of the Converso (Christianity).